Sabiedrībai atklātās procedūras
Sabiedrībai atklātās procedūras
Aģentūra apzinās savas saistības attiecībā uz pārredzamību, publicējot dokumentus, kuros aprakstītas ECHA procedūras. Procedūru publiskošana ļauj ECHA iepazīstināt ar savu darba praksi un sniedz sabiedrībai ieskatu Aģentūras iekšējos darbības procesos un darba vidē. Sistēmai pilnveidojoties, informācija par procedūrām būs pieejamas saskaņā ar Aģentūras saistībām attiecībā uz pārskatatbildību un pārredzamību.
Sabiedrībai atklātās procedūras
Regulatory processes
- Harmonisation of classification and labeling [PDF] [EN]
- PPORD assessment process [PDF] [EN]
- Dossier Processing [PDF] [EN]
- Inquiry Processing [PDF] [EN]
- Settling Data Sharing disputes [PDF] [EN]
- Dossier Evaluation [PDF] [EN]
- Substance Evaluation [PDF] [EN]
- Establishing updates of the Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) [PDF] [EN]
- Identification of Substances of Very High Concern [PDF] [EN]
- Prioritisation and Annex XIV recommendation [PDF] [EN]
- Handling applications for authorisation and review reports under REACH [PDF] [EN]
- Handling restriction proposals under REACH[PDF] [EN]
- Consultation procedure for guidance [PDF] [EN]
- Listing new substances under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants [PDF] [EN]
Management & Administration
- ECHA Procedure for Managing potential Conflicts of Interest [PDF] [EN]
- Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting [PDF] [EN]
- Management of the Relations with ECHA Stakeholders [PDF] [EN]
- External communications strategy [PDF] [EN]
- Management of the Fixed Assets of ECHA[PDF] [EN]
- Selection and recruitment of statutory staff [PDF] [EN]
- Video-surveillance at the ECHA premises [PDF] [EN]