Javni postopki
Javni postopki
Agencija uresničuje svojo zavezo preglednosti z objavo dokumentov, v katerih so opisani postopki agencije ECHA. Objava postopkov agenciji ECHA omogoča predstavitev njenih delovnih praks, javnosti pa zagotavlja vpogled v notranje delovanje in delovno okolje agencije. Z razvojem sistema bodo postopki dani na voljo v skladu z zavezo agencije glede odgovornosti in preglednosti.
Javni postopki
Regulatory processes
- Harmonisation of classification and labeling [PDF] [EN]
- PPORD assessment process [PDF] [EN]
- Dossier Processing [PDF] [EN]
- Inquiry Processing [PDF] [EN]
- Settling Data Sharing disputes [PDF] [EN]
- Dossier Evaluation [PDF] [EN]
- Substance Evaluation [PDF] [EN]
- Establishing updates of the Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) [PDF] [EN]
- Identification of Substances of Very High Concern [PDF] [EN]
- Prioritisation and Annex XIV recommendation [PDF] [EN]
- Handling applications for authorisation and review reports under REACH [PDF] [EN]
- Handling restriction proposals under REACH[PDF] [EN]
- Consultation procedure for guidance [PDF] [EN]
- Listing new substances under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants [PDF] [EN]
Management & Administration
- ECHA Procedure for Managing potential Conflicts of Interest [PDF] [EN]
- Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting [PDF] [EN]
- Management of the Relations with ECHA Stakeholders [PDF] [EN]
- External communications strategy [PDF] [EN]
- Management of the Fixed Assets of ECHA[PDF] [EN]
- Selection and recruitment of statutory staff [PDF] [EN]
- Video-surveillance at the ECHA premises [PDF] [EN]