Stock Research Report for Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd
Stock score of Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd moved down by 1 in a week on a 10 point scale (Source: Refinitiv). Get detailed report on Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Ltd by subscribing to ETPrime.
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Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Limited is an India-based sugar and ethanol manufacturing company. The Company's segments include Sugar, Distillery, Power, and Others. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing of sugar, industrial alcohol and producing power based on bagasse. Its sugar products are made in different sizes and assigned grades such as large, medium, and small. Its byproducts of sugar manufacturing include molasses, bagasse, fly ash and press mud. Its bio-compost/bio-manure products include Bajaj Bhu Mahashakti and Bhu Mahashakti (bio-compost). Its Bajaj Bhu Mahashakti product is manufactured by composting press mud received from cane juice filtration and spent wash received from distilleries. The Company has approximately 14 sugar factories, six distilleries and cogeneration facilities. Its subsidiaries include Bajaj Aviation Private Ltd., Bajaj Power Generation Private Ltd., Bajaj Hindusthan (Singapore) Pte Ltd., and others.