Speaking Tree
Flowing with the current
Makara Sankranti signals the Tamil New Year, featuring the cooking of newly harvested corn and joyous festivities. It is a day of heart expansion, embracing family, neighbors, the poor, and animals. Pongal is linked to agriculture, celebrating the first harvest offered to the Almighty, symbolizing the spirit of karm yog.
Matter of time
The concept of time is artificial, merely a tool to measure ongoing changes. Events around us create the perception of time. Whether studied metaphysically or experientially, change remains the only constant. The present moment is what truly matters, as the past is gone and the future is uncontrollable.
Satellite link-up
A satellite's journey in space parallels the soul's journey by shedding physical, astral, and causal bodies. As the spacecraft discards extra payloads, the soul discards earthly containers. The ultimate stage for satellites is orbiting a celestial body. Likewise, the soul aims to merge with the divine by freeing itself from all containers.
In search of moderation
Sophrosyne, embodying moderation, self-control, and balance, reflects in the tale of Daedalus and Icarus. Icarus' failure to heed his father's warnings led to a tragic fall, underscoring the necessity of understanding human limits and managing emotions like pride and overconfidence for true equilibrium.
Create space for joy
Reflect on the present moment's preciousness and the illusionary nature of future expectations. True happiness comes from the way you approach life. Embrace surprises and let go of rigid desires for true joy. Actively participate in life, creating moments filled with knowledge and joy. Greet each new day with enthusiasm, knowing you are the architect of your happiness.
Riding the high & low
Resilience, bolstered by meditation, is crucial for cricketers like Virat Kohli to manage career highs and lows. Preparing mentally and financially, embracing change, and focusing on effort over results can transform career challenges into growth opportunities.
Divinely contagious
Music, whether vocal or instrumental, acts as a tranquilliser, creating a serene and joyful demeanor in its practitioners and listeners. It is a divine force that enhances human characteristics, promotes a higher consciousness, and aligns individuals with the cosmos, as believed by renowned musicians and mystics.
Two halves of life
Carl Jung's concept of 'the two halves of life' explains that the first half is focused on building a healthy ego through achievements, while the second half involves inner reflection, letting go, and discovering deeper meaning, love, and wisdom. Meditation aids this process by enhancing self-awareness and internal healing.
Paradox of tolerance
Our ancient wisdom underscores the importance of tolerance rooted in the philosophy of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam', the profound realisation of the world as one interconnected family, which underscores the inherent unity that binds us all.
Profound metaphor
Maya in Vedanta symbolizes the dynamic interactions of nature influencing human behaviours, leading to distorted perceptions of reality. It advocates for self-awareness over sensory gratification, highlighting the impact of the 3 gunas shaping our personality. Understanding maya can help address modern-day challenges by realizing the true essence beyond material entanglements.
Why postpone happiness?
Many people make New Year resolutions but find it hard to stick to them due to busy lives. Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh's story highlights the importance of living in the present. Enjoying simple pleasures like a walk in the park or a picnic can bring moments of happiness that we often miss.
New Year Celebration
On New Year's Eve and Day, we honour time, life and creation, and thank the divine for what the past year has given to us. The past year has given many lessons, and New Year 's Eve is the time to reflect on these lessons.
Manifest your dreams
Manifestation reduces self-doubt, but it should not be forgotten that it is a means to achieve the goal, not a goal itself.
Respond to your NCBs
Reactivity is an automated defense mechanism that shields us from the pain of negative core beliefs. It manifests as underreaction, overreaction, or acting out, all rooted in repressed memories. By living in the present, we can learn to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively, better managing our emotions.
Humble and so simple
Political leaders often seek attention and validation for their achievements, but exceptions like former PM Manmohan Singh and other humble leaders show humility, simplicity, and wit. They remain confident without ego and expectations, making them unoffended and secure in their identity.
Others only mirror you
Reactions to others are reflections of how you perceive yourself. You are drawn to those who mirror your positive traits while disliking those who exhibit aspects you dislike in yourself. Viewing others as mirrors provides an opportunity for self-exploration and understanding your own self-worth.