03 Sep 2024
 | 03 Sep 2024

A Data-Efficient Deep Transfer Learning Framework for Methane Super-Emitter Detection in Oil and Gas Fields Using Sentinel-2 Satellite

Shutao Zhao, Yuzhong Zhang, Shuang Zhao, Xinlu Wang, and Daniel J. Varon

Abstract. Efficiently detecting large methane point sources (super-emitters) in oil and gas fields is crucial for informing stakeholders for mitigation actions. Satellite measurements by multispectral instruments, such as Sentinel-2, offer global and frequent coverage. However, methane signals retrieved from satellite multispectral images are prone to surface and atmospheric artifacts that vary spatially and temporally, making it challenging to build a detection algorithm that applies everywhere. Hence, laborious manual inspection is often necessary, hindering widespread deployment of the technology. Here, we propose a novel deep-transfer-learning-based methane plume detection framework. It consists of two components: an adaptive artifact removal algorithm (low reflectance artifact detection, LRAD) to reduce artifacts in methane retrievals, and a deep subdomain adaptation network (DSAN) to detect methane plumes. To train the algorithm, we compile a dataset comprising 1627 Sentinel-2 images from 6 known methane super-emitters reported in the literatures. We evaluate the ability of the algorithm to discover new methane sources with a suite of transfer tasks, in which training and evaluation data come from different regions. Results show that the DSAN (average macro-F1 score 0.86) outperforms two convolutional neural networks (CNN), MethaNet (average macro-F1 score 0.7) and ResNet-50 (average macro-F1 score 0.77), in transfer tasks. The transfer-learning algorithm overcomes the issue of conventional CNNs that their performance degrades substantially in regions outside training data. We apply the algorithm trained with known sources to an unannotated region in the Algerian Hassi Messaoud oil field and reveal 34 anomalous emission events during a one-year period, which are attributed to 3 methane super-emitters associated with production and transmission infrastructure. These results demonstrate the potential of our deep-transfer-learning-based method towards efficient methane super-emitter discovery using Sentinel-2 across different oil and gas fields worldwide.

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Shutao Zhao, Yuzhong Zhang, Shuang Zhao, Xinlu Wang, and Daniel J. Varon

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2565', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Nov 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2565', Anonymous Referee #2, 03 Dec 2024
Shutao Zhao, Yuzhong Zhang, Shuang Zhao, Xinlu Wang, and Daniel J. Varon
Shutao Zhao, Yuzhong Zhang, Shuang Zhao, Xinlu Wang, and Daniel J. Varon


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Short summary
We target at the challenge of detecting methane super-emitters in oil and gas fields, which is critical for mitigating climate change. Traditional satellite-based detectors struggle due to interference from complex surfaces. We developed a novel method using deep-transfer-learning that improves detection efficiency and accuracy by reducing artifacts and adapting methane knowledge to different regions. Application revealed significant methane emissions, demonstrating the potential of our method.