Selfie of an early printer
Title pages are a late-15th-century invention. Books before print did not have them. After a hesitant start, with the book’s title and publisher placed at the end of the last page, title pages were placed in front and became more elaborate - pieces of art, really. This one from a 1522-print of sermons by Luther shows all sorts of scenes, from a farmer with a drink, to a wolf and a sheep in a fist fight. The most interesting is found in the lower left corner (blown up as well). Here the actual production of the very object that contains the title page is shown: a printing press operated by the printer, next to him the person holding the ink balls (or dabbers). It is a sneaky selfie made by an early printer, put on display for all to see who opened the book.
Pic: Washington, Folger Library, 218-463q (Martin Luther, published 1522). This is my source. Several followers pointed out the second person is holding ink balls, which I missed at first. Thanks!