Servicios de investigación

Bio-Based digital twins for resource efficiency and sustainability in the bio-based industry.

Sobre nosotros

Bio-Based Digital Twins (BBTWINS) aims to develop a digital platform for the optimisation of agri-food value chain processes and the supply of quality biomass for bioprocessing. The platform will be based on ‘digital twins’ technology – creating a real-time digital replica of physical processes in the agri-food industry. BBTWINS will also combine Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, the Internet of Things (IoT) and software analytics in this single platform. With 13 partners in 7 countries, the BBTWINS consortium will be focusing on meat and fruit production, integrating the value chain (from crop to final product) and will define the optimal pathway for each feedstock to maximise efficiency and minimise losses – without impacting quality. - SOCIACION PARA LA INVESTIGACION DESARROLLO E INNOVACION DELSECTOR AGROALIMENTARIO - AIDISA - CTIC-CITA (ES) - SOLTEC INGENIEROS -SOLTEC (ES) - PANOIMAGEN SL - PANOimagen (ES) - ZABALA INNOVATION CONSULTING, S.A. - ZIC (ES) - BLASZCZYK ANETA - ANGAZ (PL) - CLUSTER VIOOIKONOMIAS KAI PERIVALLONTOS DYTIKIS MAKEDONIAS - CluBE (GR) - STELVIOTECH UG (HAFTUNGSBESCHRANKT) - StelvioTech (DE) - PORCINO TERUEL SA - PORTESA (ES) - TEKNOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS VTT OY - VTT (FI) - AGROTIKOS SYNETAIRISMOS VELVENTOU H DIMITRA - DIMITRA (GR) - VLAAMSE INSTELLING VOOR TECHNOLOGISCH ONDERZOEK N.V. - VITO (BE) - CENTRO PARA A VALORIZACAO DE RESIDUOS ASSOCIACAO - CVR (PT) - REVOLVE MEDIA - RM (BE)

Servicios de investigación
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
La Rioja
Organización sin ánimo de lucro


Empleados en BBTWINS


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