I'm nowhere near where I want to be as a speaker yet – maybe I never will be.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot, and I wanted to share some of my observations. Many friends have asked me about public speaking and whether I think they could do it (which inspired me to write this post). I still remember my first ever presentation: just three people in the room, no boss watching, and yet I was shaking with fear, sweating, and my heart was racing like a machine gun. Honestly, I was terrible!
Since then, I’ve pushed myself into positions of discomfort because that’s what has shaped me as a speaker. For me, it’s about becoming 'comfortable with uncomfortableness' (is that even a word!?), it might sound odd, but it works.
If you’re thinking of giving public speaking a go, here’s some of my humble advice I’ve picked up along the way:
1. Passion;
You might not know your subject as deeply as some in the audience, but no one can match your passion. Passion is unique to you, and it shines through when you speak. People love seeing enthusiasm, so let it come through naturally.
2. Slow down;
Don’t rush. Speaking quickly doesn’t add conviction, and if it’s nerves driving it, take a moment to reset. Slowing down has been a game-changer for me. Take pauses, even for a few seconds. It helps you organise your thoughts, compose yourself, and gives the audience time to digest your message. Trust me, a deliberate pace makes all the difference.
3. Speak to give, not to take;
When you’re delivering a talk, focus on giving value. Don’t approach it with an ulterior motive. Audiences can tell if your intentions are elsewhere. Instead, focus on providing insight, sharing your expertise, and helping others. When you do this well, opportunities naturally follow.
There’s so much more I could share, but I’ll leave it here for now. Being part of the speaking circuit has been an incredible journey for me - I’ve travelled, met amazing people from different industries, and developed skills I never thought I’d have when preparing for talks and delivering them.
If you’re thinking about giving it a go, my advice is simple: go for it!
Thanks for reading 😊