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Programa de promoción y apoyo al emprendizaje en el ámbito universitario alavés, impulsado por la UPV/EHU en colaboración con BIC Araba.
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Avenida Miguel de Unamuno, 3
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava 01006, ES
INIZIA Araba Campus ha compartido esto
La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de hablar sobre mi experiencia como emprendedor en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. En concreto, al alumnado de 4.º de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Normalmente voy a las aulas universitarias a hablar de #marketing, en concreto de #shoppermarketing y #retail, pero desde INIZIA Araba Campus me pidieron si podía dar mi punto de vista sobre el mundo del #emprendimiento y accedí ;) El éxito emprendiendo depende de muchos factores (algunos difícilmente controlables), pero hay unos conceptos que para mi son imprescindibles tener claros: ¿Cuál tu diferenciación? ¿A quién te diriges? y ¿Cuál es tu propuesta de valor? Si no eres capaz de contestar estas tres preguntas de manera clara y concisa, más vale volver a la casilla de salida y recapacitar. Y sinceramente, creo que en Across The Shopper lo tenemos muy claro. Espero haber aportado mi granito de arena a los futuros empresarios alaveses! ¡Gracias Mireia Martínez Herrero Miguel Angel Peña Cerezo Amaia Calleja Izaskun Ruiz de Apodaca por pensar en mi!
💬 Desde INIZIA Araba Campus, acercamos el emprendimiento a las aulas. Ayer, el alumnado de 4.º de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la UPV/EHU, tuvo la oportunidad de charlar con Xavier Cros Benlliure, experto en el conocimiento del shopper y cofundador de Across The Shopper. Hemos podido conocerle mejor, descubrir lo que le llevó a emprender y hablar sobre los retos que se ha ido encontrando en el futuro. 🙌 Ha sido una sesión llena de inspiración, preguntas y ganas de aprender. ¡Gracias, Xavi, por compartir tu experiencia y motivar a las nuevas generaciones! _____________________________________________________________ 💬 INIZIA Araba Campus-etik, ekintzailetza gelara hurbiltzen dugu. Atzo, UPV/EHUko Ekonomia eta Enpresa Fakultateko 4. mailako ikasleek aukera izan zuten Xavier Cros Benlliure-rekin solasteko, shopper-en ezagutzan aditu eta Across The Shopper-en sortzailekidearekin. Hura hobeto ezagutzeko aukera izan genuen, ekitera bultzatu zuen hori ezagutu eta etorkizunean aurkitu dituen erronkei buruz hitz egiteko. 🙌 Inspirazioz, galderez eta ikasteko gogoz beteriko saioa izan da. Mila esker, Xavi, zure esperientzia partekatzeagatik eta belaunaldi berriak motibatzeagatik! #INIZIA #Emprendimiento #UPVEHU #INIZIAArabaCampus #xaviercross #acrosstheshopper
INIZIA Araba Campus ha compartido esto
Dreaming Big and Learning Even Bigger at CERN! 🔭 🪐 Last week, I had the incredible privilege of visiting CERN, the world-renowned European Organization for Nuclear Research, to participate in the 7th edition of the Design the Future Workshop. This unique experience allowed me to work on an innovative project alongside some of the brightest minds, and it has been nothing short of transformational. Over the course of this journey, I have not only learned extensively but also developed a wide range of skills—both technical and collaborative. The hands-on nature of this workshop gave me a rare chance to observe and experience how some of the world’s leading scientists and innovators work and solve problems. One of the most inspiring moments for me was attending thought-provoking talks, including one by Robert Cailliau, co-inventor of the World Wide Web. His insights into the creation of one of humanity’s most transformative tools were awe-inspiring and deeply motivating I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Laura Wirtavuori and Pablo Garcia Tello for their invaluable guidance and support throughout this journey. I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN, BIC Araba and INIZIA Araba Campus —organizations that have gone above and beyond to make this dream come true for me. A special thank you goes out to the researchers at CERN who took the time to share their expertise with us. Their generosity in transmitting even a small part of their immense knowledge is something I will cherish and carry with me. But perhaps what struck me the most was the power of the community. Working side by side with such a talented and passionate group of individuals—each of whom shares a profound curiosity about physics, science, and CERN’s mission—has been truly inspiring. Together, we shared ideas, challenges, and laughter, building connections that I’m confident will last a lifetime. This experience has shown me the power of collaboration, curiosity, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. I’m leaving CERN with new perspectives, lifelong memories, and a deep excitement for the future. Here’s to dreaming big and making it happen! 🚀✨ #CERN #Physics #Innovation #Collaboration #DesignTheFuture #Ideaquare
INIZIA Araba Campus ha compartido esto
🙋🏻♂️ 'Why did you decide to join this experience?' Iñigo Fernández Sánchez, double Bachelor's Degree in Business and Economics at the UPV/EHU answers our question. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN
⚙️ Alex Platero Uribarri, mechanical engineer student at UPV/EHU, remembers his most memorable moment at the CERN Workshop 2024. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN
🔬 Jorge Ordoyo Pascual, PhD pharmacy at UPV/EHU, nos explica por qué decidió apuntarse al CERN Workshop este año. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN
👋🏼 Haley Penny, PhD in Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings at UPV/EHU, shares the insights she has gained from this experience. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN
👨🏽💻 Azaitz Hierro Pastor, Physicist and Electronic Engineering Student at UPV/EHU, tells us why he decided to join this experience. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN
🏃🏼♂️ Unai Laso, PhD jarduera fisikoan eta kirol zientzietan UPV/EHUn, CERN Workshop 2024ren ikaskuntzarik handiena zein izan den azaltzen digu. UPV/EHU BIC Araba CERN IdeaSquare - the innovation space at CERN