🗞️ A sample of more than 3600 Ia supernovae could change how to measure the expansion history of the Universe! 🌌 Type Ia supernovae are dramatic explosions of white dwarf stars at the ends of their lives. They have played a key role in the study of dark energy, but their exact nature remains somewhat unknown. Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) and Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC participate in a collaboration that collected and analysed a dataset of 3628 type Ia supernovae, detected with the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The dataset is published alongside with an special issue in Astronomy and Astrophysics made of 21 publications. https://lnkd.in/dPH6rxXy
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Empleados en Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC)
On February 11th, Cristian Nery Viglione defended his PhD thesis "Probing gravity with weak lensing and clustering from mock galaxy surveys". Researcher Pablo Fosalba (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC), Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC) is his supervisor. Congratulations, Cristian! 🥳 👏
Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) ha compartido esto
✨ Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència ✨ 1/2 Ahir va ser un dia per posar en valor el paper de les dones en la ciència. Em fa molta il·lusió haver aparegut a l’article d’Espai Media juntament amb 10 dones catalanes que treballen en diferents àmbits STEM i en la seva promoció, com Núria Salán, Mireia Colina-Fatjó, Alba Badia Rifà, Maria J Marti, Joana Barbany i Freixa, Carlota Keimer, Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado, Laia López Llobet, Eli Tremps i la Mar Carretero Castrillo. Gràcies per donar-nos veu i visibilitat! 🚀 Aquest tipus d’iniciatives són essencials per seguir trencant barreres i demostrar que el talent no té gènere. 💡👩🔬 🔗 Podeu llegir l'article aquí: https://lnkd.in/dpY7vbr9 Gràcies, Espai Media, per aquesta iniciativa! 🌟 #donesreferents #lideratgefemeni #stem #visibilitat #innovacio
Dones, catalanes i científiques: 11 professionals en el Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència - espai mèdia
La investigadora predoctoral Clàudia S. va ser guardonada amb la menció especial a la categoria Aeroespacial dels Premis #DonaTIC 2024. Actualment i des del 2021, estudia l'evolució dels camps magnètics dels exoplanetes a llarg termini en el marc del projecte IMAGINE a l'ICE-CSIC, finançat pel Consell Europeu de Recerca (ERC). Les imatges de la gala d'entrega de premis ens donen una oportunitat més de conèixer referents femenins actuals a l'àmbit científic i tecnològic.
Avui, Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena a la Ciència, recordem el paper fonamental de les dones en l'àmbit #TIC! 👩💻 Des del Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya treballem per fer les TIC atractives per al talent femení del futur: 🟣 Despertant i inspirant vocacions tecnològiques entre les noies 🟣 Trencant estereotips de gènere i creant moviments d’esperit emprenedor entre les noies 🟣 Enfortint la confiança, acompanyant i apoderant les noies i les joves perquè emprenguin estudis postobligatoris TIC 🟣 Revisant i incorporant materials d’educació que promoguin la igualtat d’oportunitats Aprofitant la celebració del dia internacional, el portal Espai Mèdia ha escollit a la SPD Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado entre una de les onze dones catalanes de l’àmbit #TIC destacades del moment. 👏 🗣️ “És crucial incorporar la mirada de la dona en el desenvolupament tecnològic” Recupera l'entrevista 👉 https://lnkd.in/dm39TC_k ▶️ Nosaltres volem recuperar les millors imatges de la gala d'entrega de premis dels Premis #DonaTIC 2024 ⬇️
Today has been the third and final day of the ICE-CSIC 25th anniversary conference! 🎉 Among the conferences held today, ICE-CSIC members talked about nuclear and astroparticle physics, former LISA Pathfinder and LISA missions, gravitational waves, pulsars and transients, large-scale galaxy surveys like DESI or Euclid, supernovae, black holes and the low surface brightness Universe. Here’s to a bright future for astronomy and space sciences! 🚀 #25yearsICECSIC #space #sciences https://lnkd.in/d7hda-x8
A recap of the first day of our 25th anniversary conference! 🎉 🎉 We took a journey through the history of the institute back to its origins as a research group led by Jordi Isern at Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), the formation of Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC and the constitution of Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) as an institute ‘in formation’ in 1999 to end up at the present, the recent path taken and the seal of excellence María de Maeztu SOMM Alliance. At the end of the day, the ICE-CSIC María de Maeztu Best Paper by a Student Award 2024 and the ICE-CSIC María de Maeztu Best Paper by a Fellow Award 2024 were awarded to PhD researcher Simranpreet Kaur and postdoctoral researcher Claudia Gutiérrez, respectively. Congratulations! 👏👏 https://lnkd.in/dGxJMesw
Next week, Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) will celebrate its 25th anniversary! 🥳 The commemorative conference "Institute of Space Sciences: 25 Years of Discovery and Innovation" will take place on 3-5 February 2025 at the Residència d'Investigadors, in Barcelona. https://lnkd.in/dGxJMesw
ICE-CSIC celebrates its 25th anniversary with a commemorative conference
🗞️ Einstein Probe detects a puzzling X-ray explosion that could change the way gamma-ray bursts are explained. The burst had come from around 12.5 billion light-years away beginning its cosmic journey to us when the Universe was just 10 percent its current age. This was the first time astronomers detected soft X-rays for such a long duration from such an ancient explosion. The Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) and Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC are highly involved in the mission, as part of the scientific management team. https://lnkd.in/dSSXeFzV
Einstein Probe detects puzzling cosmic explosion
🔭 The NewAthena mission plans an ambitious X-ray observatory to study extreme phenomena in the universe applying multi-messenger astrophysics The European Space Agency - ESA mission is expected to be adopted in 2027 and launched around 2036-2037 NewAthena is composed by two advanced instruments: a detector capable of mapping large sky areas in search of X-ray sources and an integral field unit, which will provide key data on the composition of cosmic objects. Now, a study published in Nature Astronomy defines the main lines of an X-ray observatory designed to multiply the sensitivity and capabilities offered by current instruments. https://lnkd.in/dac6c53m
The NewAthena mission plans an ambitious multi-messenger X-ray observatory to study the cosmos
The CTAO is now officially a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)! 🔭 On 7 January 2025, the European Commission established the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) as an ERIC, furthering its mission to become the world’s largest and most powerful observatory for gamma-ray astronomy. The CTAO Spanish community, composed by the institutions CERES-UAB, CIEMAT, IAA-CSIC, IAC, ICCUB, ICE-CSIC, IFAE, IFT-UAM, IPARCOS-UCM, PIC, UAH and UJA, has contributed significantly to the construction and commissioning of the different observatory components, as well as to the software development and the definition of the project scientific goals. Since 2006, the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) has been involved in the technical part and in the preparation of its scientific exploitation. https://lnkd.in/dxeCNYW6
The CTAO Becomes a European Research Infrastructure Consortium