Entidades de capital riesgo y capital privado

Sevilla, Sevilla 572 seguidores

Sobre nosotros

VIGA is a family office focused on investing in companies that need growth capital. We are not the investor for your exit, we are the investor who invests in your idea or in your company, that helps you with the management and with the necessary capital to grow to either remain with you in the long term run of the company or to look for an exit when we created significant value together that we can monetize. We invest alone or co-invest with partners who have experience working with us depending on the size of the investment and the risk that we want to take at every point in time. We also invest in companies directly created by us. On doing that we focus on Real Estate, renewable energy developments, education and solutions for seniors retreat.

Entidades de capital riesgo y capital privado
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Sevilla, Sevilla
De financiación privada
Renewable Energies, Education, Seniors, Real Estate, Private Equity, Family Office y Growth


Empleados en VIGA


  • VIGA ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Julia Trujillo Vallejo, gráfico

    Ingeniería de Organización Industrial

    El pasado 31 de agosto finalicé mis prácticas en VIGA y quiero expresar mi agradecimiento por estos seis meses tan beneficiosos para mi crecimiento tanto profesional como personal. Durante este tiempo, he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en diversas áreas clave, adquiriendo experiencia en la gestión y desarrollo de proyectos. Quiero también agradecer a todo el equipo por su apoyo y profesionalidad, que han hecho que esta experiencia sea aún más valiosa. Actualmente, sigo desarrollándome profesionalmente y estoy trabajando en mi Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG), centrado en la implantación del modelo de Industria 4.0 en el sector industrial. En concreto, estoy estudiando dos importantes fábricas ubicadas en Sevilla, lo que me permitirá seguir profundizando en este campo tan apasionante. On August 31st I finished my internship at VIGA and I would like to express my gratitude for these six months so beneficial for my professional and personal growth. During this time, I have had the opportunity to work in several key areas, gaining experience in project management and development. I would also like to thank the entire team for their support and professionalism, which have made this experience even more valuable. Currently, I continue to develop professionally and I am working on my Final Degree Project, focused on the implementation of the Industry 4.0 model in the industrial sector. Specifically, I am studying two important factories located in Seville, which will allow me to continue deepening in this exciting field.

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