En Irema, contamos con un equipo multidisciplinar que trabaja de manera integral para ofrecerte el mejor tratamiento de fertilidad. Desde las primeras consultas hasta la transferencia de embriones, nos aseguramos de que te sientas acompañada en todo momento. 🏥 … At Irema, we have a multidisciplinary team that works in a comprehensive way to offer you the best fertility treatment. From the first consultations to the embryo transfer, we make sure you feel accompanied at all times. 🏥 #ClinicaIrema #reproduccionasistida #fertilidad #clinicafertilidad #irema
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En #IVIRMAGlobal nos comprometemos a redefinir la forma de entender y tratar la infertilidad masculina. 👨🔬 Mediante la investigación, nuestros expertos se centran en abordar las causas subyacentes, desde la calidad del esperma hasta los trastornos genéticos, para ofrecer diagnósticos más precisos y tratamientos avanzados. 🌱 Reconocemos que la fertilidad masculina es un factor crucial en la reproducción asistida, y nuestro objetivo es garantizar que cada paciente reciba la atención personalizada que necesita en su camino hacia la paternidad. 👶 At #IVIRMAGlobal, we are committed to redefining the way we understand and treat male infertility. 👨🔬 Through pioneering research, our experts focus on addressing underlying causes, from sperm quality to genetic disorders, to provide more accurate diagnoses and advanced treatments. 🌱 We recognize that male fertility is a crucial factor in assisted reproduction, and our goal is to ensure that every patient receives the personalized care they need on their path to parenthood. 👶 https://ow.ly/jMnE30sGYVQ #IVIRMAGLOBAL #Fertility #AssistedReproduction #MaleFertility
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Behind every successful fertility journey is the expertise of an embryologist. From fertilization to embryo selection, these specialists play a vital role in creating life, nurturing hope, and making dreams of parenthood a reality. 🔬🦠 #Embryologist #ReproductiveMedicine #IVF #FertilityJourney
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La precisión y el cuidado en cada paso de nuestro trabajo son esenciales para alcanzar los mejores resultados en los tratamientos de fertilidad. ¡Cada detalle cuenta! 😉 ... Precision and care in every step of our work are essential to achieve the best results in fertility treatments. Every detail counts! 😉 #ClinicaIrema #reproduccionasistida #fertilidad #clinicafertilidad #irema
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🧩 Get ready to unscramble! Test your IVF equipment knowledge by unravelling the jumbled words in the puzzle. 🤓 Share your answers in the comments and see if you can solve them all! Stay tuned for the answers and deepen your understanding of fertility treatments. Visit this page again for such interesting posts. #shivaniivf #mindsetforsuccess #ShivaniScientific #cocreatingivfsuccess #ivfknowledge #ivfchallenge #ivfequipment #IVFTrivia
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Para evaluar el efecto intergeneracional adverso potencial de la metformina examinando la asociación entre el uso paterno de la metformina durante la espermatogénesis y las malformaciones congénitas mayores en los neonatos, Rotem RS et al analizaron los datos de más de 383 000 nacidos vivos relacionados con sus padres y madres, a través de las malformaciones congénitas mayores y las condiciones cardiometabólicas parentales usando los diagnósticos clínicos, la información de dispensación de medicación y los resultados de laboratorio. Encontraron que la prevalencia de morbilidad cardiometabólica era mayor entre los padres que usaron metformina durante la espermatogénesis, y sus parejas, y aunque el riesgo de malformaciones congénitas era alto para la exposición paterna a metformina, el riesgo ajustado no era significativo en monoterapia, pero era alto en politerapia (OR 1.36), un tratamiento más común en pacientes con diabetes mal controlada. Aunque los resultados de A1c para evaluar la gravedad de la diabetes estaban disponible solo para un subgrupo de pacientes, concluyeron que el uso paterno de metformina en monoteraìa no aumenta el riesgo de malformaciones congénitas mayores, y en politerapia podría explicarse por un peor perfil cardiometabólico subyacente #metformin #MCM #father
Paternal Use of Metformin During the Sperm Development Period Preceding Conception and Risk for Major Congenital Malformations in Newborns | Annals of Internal Medicine
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Our patient came to us with 2 miscarriages. When we tested both partners , high DFI was noted. DNA fragmentation index measures sperm’s DNA integrity which is crucial for successful fertilization and embryo development. https://lnkd.in/gyMp72gE Typically, a DFI score below 15% is considered healthy. Higher percentages may indicate potential fertility issues. Many times, DFI can be improved by treating the underlying cause. Sometimes , the cause is not known and anti oxidants may not help in improving the DFI. In such scenarios , ICSI ( along with TESA in very high DFI ) may help in giving better quality embryos and ongoing pregnancy rate. #abortion #miscarriage #highdfi
Dr Aradhya Achuri on Instagram: "Our patient came to us with 2 miscarriages. When we tested both partners , high DFI was noted. DNA fragmentation index measures sperm’s DNA integrity which is crucial for successful fertilization and embryo development. Typically, a DFI score below 15% is considered healthy. Higher percentages may indicate potential fertility issues. Many times, DFI can be improved
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"Dr. Mona Dahiya emphasizes observing changes in cervical mucus and basal body temperature as key ovulation signs for fertility tracking. Her insights guide family planning, optimizing the chances of successful conception." Book an Appointment with India’s Leading IVF Expert, 𝐃𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚. Visit any of our IVF Clinics in 𝐍𝐨𝐢𝐝𝐚, 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐡𝐢, 𝐆𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝 & 𝐆𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐨𝐧. #OvulationAwareness #DrMonaDahiyaInsights #FertilitySignals #CycleAwareness #OvulationKnowledge #ConceptionOptimization #DrDahiyaOvulationExpert #FertilityEducation #OvulationUnderstanding
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🤔 ¿A quién se le recomienda la #FertilizaciónInVitro? Este tratamiento es ideal para parejas que se enfrentan a algunos de estos problemas. 👇 📥 Agenda una consulta de fertilidad con nuestros especialistas para recibir un diagnóstico. - #AdvancedFertilityCenterCancun #AFCC #Fertility #FertilityClinics #FertilityClinicsinCancun #MedicalTourism #FertilityTreatmentsinCancun #FreezeyourEggs #Cryopreservation #FertilityPreservation AFCC 👨⚕️ | Fertility Treatments in Cancun, Quintana Roo. 🌐 https://lnkd.in/eSBYrYQf
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El tratamiento individualizado es el éxito de la medicina
👉 IVF is an option but it's NOT THE ONLY OPTION. Listen to this message from our fertility specialist Dr Ernesto Vazquez Hidalgo. 🔗 Visit repromed.ie #ivf #ivfspecialist #irishivf #ivfgotthis #fertilitydoctor #fertilitysupport #fertilityjourney
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Embryo Grading is a key step in the IVF process. Stay tuned to our #DoYouKnow series to learn more about fertility and gain valuable insights. #EmbryoGrading #IVFProcess #FertilityFacts #StayTuned #ValuableInsights #FertilityJourney #EggRetrieval #BlastocystTransfer #FertilityAwareness #IVFSuccess
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