Los datos son aplastantes, te invito a leerlos. La solución es la que entiendo cómo unica posible: 'Un modelo biopsicosocial , que nos brinda una lente ampliada de la salud con factores: sociales, psicosociales y biológicos.' Porque cualquier otra visión está sesgada. No es una cuestión de problema-solución. Es una cuestión de factores que entran en juego, búsqueda del bienestar, en defintiva comprensión de la multifactorialidad. Y por ello, es tan difícil que esa solución venga de una mente que no ha vivido en sus carnes esa problemática o que no empetice profundamente con ella. Porque se trata de hacer un avance profundo, en salto adelante cualitativo. No un parche. #femtech #saludmujer #emprendedora #female #health
The market for #female #health is greatly undervalued, yet its potential is enormous. Investing in this area isn't just a good idea – it's a necessity. I love how Halle Tecco, MPH, MBA articulates this insight and generously shares a wealth of resources for #founders. ✍🏼 "Your Guide to Starting a Women's Health Company From Someone Who Has Done It (Twice)", broken down into 3 key takeaways: 🔵 Women's health sector is ripe for innovation and crucial for global health equity, but it is historically underfunded and under-researched. 🔵 #Gender, rather than biological #sex, plays a significant role in health disparities, highlighting social justice issues. 🔵 Halley highlights a list of investors who have made *at least 5* investments in women’s health - Amboy Street Ventures, SteelSky Ventures, Supernode Ventures, Serena Ventures, Portfolia, RH Capital, The Helm, Avestria Ventures, Coyote Ventures, Able Partners, Springbank, Muse Capital, Seven Seven Six 7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣, Female Founders Fund, FemHealth Ventures, Lux Capital, Astia, Goddess Gaia Ventures, Overwater Ventures ... Written by an investor with firsthand experience founding successful women's health companies, Natalist and Cofertility. Thanks for sharing, Halley! https://lnkd.in/ecgM4xTA
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9 mesesPierre N Rolin