Publicación de Limay Biosciences

Es inspirador ver cómo la innovación en diagnósticos moleculares sigue creciendo globalmente. El programa Hero Training de Draper University en San Francisco está nutriendo el talento que necesitamos para universalizar el acceso a la salud. Nuestra misión de hacer los diagnósticos moleculares accesibles para todos resuena perfectamente con las necesidades actuales del sector. ¡Éxitos en esta valiosa experiencia! 🧬🚀 ----- It's inspiring to see how innovation in molecular diagnostics continues to grow globally. The Hero Training program at Draper University in San Francisco is nurturing the talent we need to universalize access to healthcare. Our mission to make molecular diagnostics accessible to all resonates perfectly with the current needs of the industry. success in this valuable experience! 🧬🚀

Ver el perfil de Tobias Fliess, gráfico

Business Development Executive @Limay Biosciences | Strategic Growth & Global Expansion in Accessible Molecular Diagnostics

🌉 Thrilled to share that I’m spending the month of November in San Francisco as part of the Hero Training program at Draper University! Representing Limay Biosciences, I’m here to expand our mission of making molecular diagnostics accessible to everyone. The Hero Training program is an incredible opportunity to connect with global innovators and learn from some of the brightest minds in entrepreneurship and healthtech. If you’re in the Bay Area, let’s connect over coffee to chat about diagnostics, healthcare innovation, or startup life! ☕️

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