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ClevLine Mattress Machinery

ClevLine Mattress Machinery

Fabricación de maquinaria

Ontinyent, Valencia 279 seguidores

We are specialist in the development and manufacturing of machinery for the mattress sector

Sobre nosotros

En ClevLine hemos desarrollado nuestra propia línea automatizada de fabricación de paneles, que aporta una mejora en la gestión, control y eficiencia del proceso productivo, duplicando la producción mediante la reducción de los tiempos de fabricación. Nuestro desarrollo e integración de la industria 4.0 permite aumentar la flexibilidad y reducir el time-to-market. Trabajando bajo valores como tecnología integrada, autonomía operativa, fiabilidad contrastada e industria 4.0, ClevLine se compone de los siguientes módulos: CLEVONE La única acolchadora tapa-tapa vertical con 4 cabezales de costura, que con su movimiento independiente garantizan un marco continuo de calidad en todo el perímetro del panel, duplicando la producción de esta gama de dibujos. CLEVPANEL ClevPanel realiza dos procesos en uno: el corte y la costura del perímetro del panel simultáneamente, con lo cual se produce un importante ahorro de tiempo y de material, evitando dejar un margen para el remallado. CLEVSTACKER Máquina complementaria a la ClevPanel para un apilado de paneles automático y de alta capacidad, liberando al operario de trabajos repetitivos, permitiéndole realizar tareas de mayor valor añadido. También contamos con CLEVDYNAMICS, un software desarrollado y diseñado específicamente para controlar la producción de la industria del sector del colchón: Mejore el control y la gestión de la producción mediante nuestro software ClevDynamics, que posibilitará la automatización y conexión de todas las líneas de producción de paneles acolchados, proporcionando eficiencia, flexibilidad e información a tiempo real sobre datos de producción.

Sitio web
Fabricación de maquinaria
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Ontinyent, Valencia
Textil, Colchones, Paneles acolchados, Colchonería, Línea automática fabricación paneles acolchados, mattress machinery, mattress industry, acolchadora, remalladora, apilador, stacker, quilting machine, cutting and sewing machine, hemming machine, quilted panels , clevpanel , clevone, clevstacker, Machine Design, Industrial Automation System y High-Tech Machinery y R&D


  • Once again, our technical team is fully immersed in an exciting new challenge: adapting our technology to a customer's specific materials and designs. It's a process that combines expertise, innovation and attention to detail. From detailed testing to millimetric adjustments , every step is designed to ensure that the final solution is as unique as your needs. We pride ourselves on working hand-in-hand with our customers, turning ideas into tangible results. These images capture the dedication and effort of a team committed to exceeding expectations. Because behind every machine there are people working with passion to make our customers' projects a reality. What technical challenges do you value most in your production? #Mattress #MattressMachinery #MattressManufacturing #AutomaticLine

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  • ClevLine Mattress Machinery ha compartido esto

    Desde IMASD, queremos expresar nuestra profunda solidaridad y apoyo a todas las personas y empresas afectadas por la reciente DANA, tanto en la Comunidad Valenciana como en otras zonas de España. Somos conscientes de los desafíos y el dolor que este fenómeno ha ocasionado en numerosos hogares, negocios y en el entorno en general. Nos unimos en este difícil momento y confiamos en que, con la colaboración y el esfuerzo de todos, consigamos la recuperación de las zonas afectadas. También nos gustaría extender nuestro mas sincero agradecimiento a los equipos de emergencia y voluntarios que están trabajando incansablemente para asistir a los afectados. IMASD reitera su compromiso con la comunidad y continuará apoyando los esfuerzos de reconstrucción en todo lo posible. ÀNIM POBLE VALENCIÀ!

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  • In the competitive world of mattress manufacturing, speed is crucial, but maintaining quality is what really makes the difference.  Framed and centered designs, synonymous of quality and excellence, require not only precision, but a finish that meets the highest market standards. Imagine reducing production times without compromising results. Sounds like the best of both worlds, doesn’t it? That is exactly what ClevLine offers you: The flexibility to adapt to the demands of a demanding market, while maintaining full control over the quality of each mattress at unprecedented speeds. 🚀 Achieve the next level in your quilting department and step into a wold of endless possibilities! #Mattress #MattressMachinery #MattressManufacturing #AutomaticLine #QuiltingLine #Quality #Speed #Flexibility #Autonomy #Efficiency

  • Looking to work with any combination of materials and thicknesses in your mattresses, without worrying about compromising quality?    At ClevLine, we develop and manufacture our own sewing heads with a clear vision: provide our customers solutions specifically designed for the mattress industry challenges. Each sewing head has been carefully created to work with a wide variety of material and thickness combinations (up to 8cm), ensuring a flawless finish every time, regardless of the design complexity or product requirements.   What makes our heads unique is not only their adaptability, but the control and precision they provide, allowing each stitch to be consistent and of high quality. We are committed to continuous innovation to ensure that our customers can create without limits, confident that their machinery is equipped to meet the most demanding requirements of the market.    When we talk about ClevLine, we are not just talking about technology, we are talking about a machine that understands your needs and raises the quality of your products. #Mattress #MattressMachinery #MattressManufacturing #AutomaticLine #QuiltingLine #Flexibility #Versatility #Autonomy #Efficiency

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  • With ClevLine, you will not only increase the speed and efficiency of your production, but you will also triple your work capacity without sacrificing quality.    See how our patented QMS system and four independent sewing heads work simultaneously, adapting to keep production running smoothly. The result? Multiple advantages: 🏭Reduces floor space by up to 35% compared to conventional single/double-needle machines, increasing your production per m2. 🚀Multiplies up to 3 times the production of centered and framed designs. 🔄Combine single/double-needle and multi-needle machines functionality in one machine, working with continuous, tack&jump, centred and frame designs. 🎯Greater precision in each of the motifs of your designs. 💡Eliminates traditional clamp systems for holding and tensioning materials. Can you imagine how much more you could achieve?

  • Offering variety and customization is key. Market demands change quickly, and your customers are constantly looking for innovation and quality.   So, what do we have for you?   👉 Something more than just a production tool. A revolution in the quilting industry.    With ClevLine, you will be able to work with a wide range of designs: from elegant and traditional frames to modern and detailed center designs, as well as dynamic tack & jump and continuous patterns.   In addition, ClevLine allows for quick and precise adjustments thanks to its advanced integrated softwares, enabling you to create unique designs and customized production schedules to keep your production line always moving forward.   🚀 Because when you have the right tool, the possibilities are endless! #Mattress #MattressMachinery #MattressManufacturing #AutomaticLine #QuiltingLine #Flexibility #Versatility #Autonomy #Efficiency

  • We are committed to the success of our #customers, and part of that commitment is reflected in providing comprehensive #training, enabling our customers to operate effectively, taking full advantage of the unique capabilities of our quilting line. Making sure the machine runs smoothly is essential for any operation. Thanks to the #commitment and experience of our technical team, we provide detailed guidance on each and every aspect related to the machine and its software, allowing them to operate with a high degree of #autonomy and #efficiency on their production lines from day one. 🚀 Our customers' success is our success!

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  • Nowadays, we can boast of having the most versatile and innovative quilting line on the market. Yes, you will not see anything like it. Here's why: Back in the day, many of our current customers asked us, "Let's see, what does your machine do that the others do not?" To which we always answer: "It is not about what it does or does not do, it is about what it offers you."   Our CLEVLINE quilting line offers unparalleled freedom in mattress manufacturing. With the ability to work with quilted panels and covers, as well as a wide range of designs, we redefine the way mattresses are made.    From classic and elegant designs to modern and bold patterns, our line works with a wide range of designs, materials and thicknesses to suit all tastes and styles, allowing you to unleash your creativity, so you can create custom products that stand out on the market. #Mattress #MattressMachinery #MattressManufacturing #AutomaticLine #QuiltingLine #Flexibility #Versatility #Autonomy #Efficiency

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