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Evropski socialni sklad +
Simplifying the ESF+
Better results, less administrative burden.
Social Innovation Match (SIM)
Find Europe's best social innovation projects and organisations!
The European Pillar of Social Rights
Making social rights a reality through ESF+ funding


FEAD helps to reduce food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness

The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) addresses the most severe forms of poverty in the EU through food aid, material support and vouchers.

EU solidarity at the heart of France’s fight against food insecurity

The 40th winter campaign of the Restos du Cœur highlights the critical role of EU funding in supporting food aid and tackling poverty across France and Europe.

Kaj je ESS+

What is esf+ collage
Evropski socialni sklad plus (ESS+) je glavni instrument Evropske unije za vlaganje v ljudi in podpiranje izvajanja evropskega stebra socialnih pravic. S proračunom v višini skoraj 142,7 milijarde evrov za obdobje 2021–2027 bo še naprej pomembno prispeval k politikam EU na področju zaposlovanja, socialnih zadev, izobraževanja ter znanj in spretnosti, vključno s strukturnimi reformami na teh področjih.