Contact us

Europe PMC regards user feedback and opinions as vital to the future development of the Europe PMC service. Please contact us with your queries or suggestions, using the details below.

Europe PMC helpdesk

For help in submitting manuscripts, grant reporting, or using any of the other Europe PMC Plus services, contact the Europe PMC helpdesk.

Phone   +44 (0) 1223 494118

Open 9:00 - 17:00 UK time.

Europe PMC feedback

Use the feedback link, also available at the bottom of every page, to send us your thoughts about the website.

Follow Europe PMC

Keep up to date with Europe PMC news. Visit the Europe PMC blog, the PMC Tech blog, or follow Europe PMC on twitter.

Europe PMC Developer Forum

Questions, issues, and requests regarding Europe PMC APIs can be posted to the Europe PMC Developer Forum.
