Hycamite has chosen Caverion as its maintenance partner for the plant. https://lnkd.in/ey_zPw8M
Non-profit Organization Management
We are the hydrogen bay of the north - Wind power and competence help build the Baltic Sea hydrogen economy
About us
We are the hydrogen bay of the north - Wind power and competence help build the Baltic Sea hydrogen economy The BotH2nia network aims to build a robust hydrogen industry around the Gulf of Bothnia and combine our resources to pursue this common goal. Here in the Nordics, we are better known for action than words, which means our greener future is already well underway. Our network unites dozens of organisations in Finland and Sweden, and new members are always welcome. If you want to be a part of the solution, join us - together, we will make a historical shift towards a smarter utilisation of natural resources.
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- Non-profit Organization Management
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- 1 employee
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- Raahe
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- Voittoa tavoittelematon
- Perustettu
- 2021
- Erityisosaaminen
Raahe, FI
Työntekijät BotH2nia
Business Finland has provided investment grant of EUR 60 million to P2X Solutions Oy renewable hydrogen and synthetic methanol production plant in Joensuu. The grant is an important step towards the final investment decision of the Joensuu plant, which is scheduled to be made in 2025. https://lnkd.in/e5FhaCaF
Finland, Sweden, and Norway face similar challenges regarding land use conflicts and the social acceptability of large-scale hydrogen projects, as well as the new energy production and electricity distribution needs associated with them. We can learn from each other. Excellent article from Dr. Minna Näsman #northernpower #hydrogen https://lnkd.in/e5GaqtAi
French company Verso Energy plans to produce H2 and jet fuel in Tornio - it has made a site reservation for the production of hydrogen and synthetic jet fuel at the Arctio North industrial site in Tornio, northern Finland. https://lnkd.in/edVMN5fp
Today is a big day - the first green hydrogen plant has started commercial operation in Finland. Congratulations, P2X Solutions Oy and Herkko Plit for the launch of the new H2 electrolyzer plant in Harjavalta.
VIHREÄN VEDYN KAUPALLINEN TOIMINTA ON KÄYNNISTYNYT SUOMESSA. Tänään on todella suuri päivä, sillä voimme ilmoittaa, että vihreän vedyn tuotanto Harjavallassa on käynnistynyt! 💥🎉💯💪 Mutta tästä jännitys vasta alkaa! Suomen vetytalouden kehitys kiihtyy. Suomesta voi tulla puhtaan vedyn ja jatkojalosteiden suurvalta, joka luo kasvua ja hyvinvointia sekä mahdollistaa merkittävät päästövähennykset teollisuudessa ja liikenteessä. Äärimmäisen suuri kiitos kaikille, jotka olivat mukana matkassamme rakentamassa ja suunnittelemassa laitosta. 💚🌱 ➡️ Yritykset: Vihreän vedyn ja sähköpolttoaineiden käyttöönotto kannattaa aloittaa ennen kuin niihin pakottava lainsäädäntö astuu voimaan. Hanki itsellesi kilpailuetua ja varmista päästötön energiansaantisi 2030-luvulle jo tänään!
€51.4 million EU support for hydrogen transport infrastructure projects in the Baltic Sea area: All three hydrogen transport projects promoted by Gasgrid together with its international partners have been awarded support from the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). https://lnkd.in/e2vjKdEC
BotH2nia julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Nyt olisi tarjolla huippupaikka meidän #greenteam'ssä. Jos vauhti ja vaaralliset tilanteet eivät pelota ja uskot, että pystyt luomaan uuden markkinan uusilla asiakkailla päästöttömille polttoaineille, niin kannattaa vilkaista ilmoitus tarkemmin.
BotH2nia julkaisi tämän uudelleen
The two-day Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs conference in Luleå put "a few" facts about hydrogen development on the table. Below is my interpretation of some of them. 🗺️ According to a mapping exercise carried out by the programme, there were 167 hydrogen valleys or hotspots in the Nordic countries in 2024, with a massive capacity potential of 270 TWh. However, only 0.2% of this capacity is in use. 1% is under construction. What is holding back development? Brynhildur Davidsdottir of the H2AMN project listed the barriers to the development of the hydrogen economy. We lack ⚡ electricity to make hydrogen ⚡ demand for hydrogen ⚡ carrying capacity of the grid ⚡ the infrastructure in general It is also difficult to secure funding and the cost of new technology is high. Even scaled-up new technologies are immature and have to compete with mature technologies and cheap fossil fuels. Also the public opinion is partly turning against the construction of new power plants. In these circumstances, one cannot speak of a first mover competitive advantage but rather a disadvantage, both on the development and deployment side. The competitive advantage lies with second movers, who avoid the greatest risks. The main problem, according to several conference speakers, is the cheap price of fossil fuels, which is based on the fact that they are not taxed but rather supported. The business risk that is holding back investment is therefore the price of clean hydrogen that is not competitive in the short term. For example, the price of e-methanol is now three times higher than fossil methanol. In the longer term, as carbon prices are expected to rise and hydrogen technologies become cheaper, the researchers expect the situation to improve. We are talking about the period 2032-2033. The researchers say that the current market situation will not lead to the desired new situation without government support for infrastructure. This means that the sooner and stronger the governance raises the price of carbon, the more it will reduce its own business risk/taxpayer exposure. Here are three more highlights as notes to myself for discussion with #JustH2Transit project researchers and colleagues at Akordi: 💡Joakim Lundgren, H2AMN: Although there is a huge potential for clean hydrogen production in northern Sweden, even releasing this potential will not be enough if all the planned projects come to fruition. So maybe we should not expect a huge export of green molecules from northern Sweden. 📈 Johannes Giehl and Frederik Fristed, Nord_H2ub: see below a modelling picture of where hydrogen might eventually go in the European pipeline network. It may well be that only Denmark is the only Nordic exporter of hydrogen to Europe. Finland, among others, may be on the import side. 🤝 "Change happens at the speed of trust" - Michael Ross, Yukon University Strateginen tutkimus | Strategic Research BotH2nia Cecilia Wallmark Kirsikka Kiviranta Janne Hietaniemi
Yli 2
BotH2nia julkaisi tämän uudelleen
☀️ EU allocates €45 million to Nordion Energi’s hydrogen projects - This is very good news for both Sweden and Swedish industry. The co-financing is an important part of developing an efficient hydrogen infrastructure that contributes to the industry’s transition, says Björn Santana Arvidsson, deputy managing director Nordion Energi H2. Our hydrogen projects that we develop together with our partners, Nordic Hydrogen Route (NHR) and Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC), have been granted co-financing from the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Energy). These projects aim to establish a hydrogen market that enhances security and boosts competitiveness for Swedish industry. The funding will help move the projects into next phase. For NHR, the goal is to have the first sections operational by 2030. Read more in our press release: https://lnkd.in/dQg6EBpV