ELM Magazine  Kannen kuva
ELM Magazine

ELM Magazine

Online Audio and Video Media

ELM Magazine is a free online media on lifelong learning and adult education in Europe and beyond.

About us

ELM Magazine is a free online magazine on lifelong learning and adult education. We are the only journalistic medium of adult education with a European scope and with a continent-wide correspondent network. ELM Magazine keeps its reader up-to-date on the trends and phenomena of the field of adult learning. The magazine spreads good practices and knowledge about the benefits of lifelong learning and of current research. It adds depth and context into important trends. ELM discusses learning in a broad sense, seeing it as a lifelong process comprising of formal, informal and non-formal learning, both vocational and liberal adult education. ELM Magazine is published by the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation KVS, and its editorial office is located in Helsinki, Finland.

Online Audio and Video Media
Yrityksen koko
2-10 employees
Voittoa tavoittelematon


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