FiMVO Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation julkaisi tämän uudelleen
Do you know how to use the functionality for LOCKING packs in the #EMVS? The functionality can provide added value and security in preventing medicines in quarantine or under investigation entering, or going back into, the supply chain. However, the functionality to mark a pack as LOCKED is not described as a legal requirement in the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161. The Nordic NMVOs has created a document that describes this functionality. Check it out. e-VIS Swedish Medicines Verification Organisation, Dansk Medicin Verifikation Organisation (DMVO), FiMVO Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation, ICEMVO - Lyfjaauðkenni ehf, Nomvec AS #FMD, #FightTheFakes, #EUvsFakeMedicines