THE TALKING HEAD SERIES (PART 4) One of GIM Robotics’ long-term experts, Project Manager & Line Manager, M.Sc.(Tech.) Tommi Tikkanen tells a bit about our TARKKA product - a software which provides obstacle detection and tracking capabilities in harsh outdoor environments, 24/7. In unpredictable environments where heavy equipment and outdoor vehicles usually operate, staying focused all the time is a true challenge for human operators. Likewise, traditional obstacle detection systems for AGVs and AMRs are often built on 2D lidars and have well-known problems with limited range, slopes, snowfall, and tracking fast-moving vehicles. These limitations slow down the adaptation of automation for outdoor machinery and increase the risk of accidents. TARKKA is a perception software product designed to overcome these challenges. Our technology is built from the ground up with harsh outdoor conditions in mind. TARKKA provides obstacle detection, classification, and tracking for various industries such as intralogistics in industrial areas and container terminals, construction and mining, and railway traffic, just to name a few. If you are participating in LogiMAT Trade Show in Stuttgart, March 11-13, 2025, make sure to visit Navitec Systems' stand (8F16) and talk with our Sales Director Dr. Jussi Suomela and our Business Development Manager David Lopez Lopez.They will tell you more about how our TARKKA provides obstacle detection and tracking in harsh outdoor environments, 24/7. Read more: #GIMRobotics #TalkingHeadSeries #TARKKA #products #LogiMAT2025 #situationalawareness #robotics
About us
We make any mobile machine more intelligent - GIM Robotics' robust centimetre-level localisation and situational awareness software works in all weather conditions. GIM stands for Generic Intelligent Machines. Our competence covers e.g. sensor fusion, real time 3D localization and mapping, traversability analysis, computer vision systems and dynamic object tracking. GIM’s universal 3D mapping and localization solutions are not fixed to any particular environment or sensor technology and have been used for example in mining, construction, agriculture, forestry and marine applications. We maintain a set of tools that can be utilized to tailor customer specific needs. GIM provides a variety of robotic platforms for prototyping and proof-of-concept development. For example, our logistics platforms have been tested in retail stores and industrial logistics. Robots accelerate the research and development by enabling completely autonomous data gathering. Autonomous machine operation can be tested in GIM’s precision measured test area in Espoo. The company is based on decades of science. The four founders, including late Prof. Aarne Halme, were the key persons from the Automation Technology Laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology (nowadays Aalto) and had more than 100 years of combined experience on field and service robotics research including Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence in Generic Intelligent Machines in 2008-2013 together with IHA/TUT. GIM Robotics has been recruiting the best brains in the industry. We have a team of 40+ people with some of the top robotics experts from Finland and beyond.
- Sivusto
External link for GIM Robotics
- Toimiala
- Software Development
- Yrityksen koko
- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Espoo, Southern Finland
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 2014
- Erityisosaaminen
Turuntie 42
Espoo, Southern Finland 02600, FI
Työntekijät GIM Robotics
Seppo Heikkilä
Senior Robotics Engineer at GIM Ltd.
Henrik Dahl
Technology entrepreneur & business builder. Co-founder & Chair in Cadentia, Saxdor, etc.
Mika Vainio
GIM Robotics▪️CMO▪️Doctor of Science(Tech.)▪️Fly fisherman
Tatu Lyytinen
Business Development Manager at GIM Robotics
LOGIMAT 2025 IS ALMOST UPON US LogiMAT-Messe (11-13.3.2025) sets new standards as the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. This is the leading international trade fair that provides a comprehensive market overview and competent knowledge-transfer. Intralogistics systems are growing together into new, smart systems. Supporting our friends from Navitec Systems, our partners in the logistics industry, our experienced team, Co-founder and Sales Director Dr. Jussi Suomela and Sales Manager M.Sc. David Lopez Lopez, will be present at Navitec Systems’ stand (Hall 8, Stand 8F16) and promote our shared solution, KAIKKI, for indoor/outdoor environments. It is based on the use of 3D LiDARs and provides reliable, robust and accurate GNSS-free feature-based localisation in all-weather conditions. That enables robust and reliable navigation and fleet management operations even on large-scale worksites as shown in the video. Make sure to visit the Stand 8F16 and have a chat with the boys. Or even better, contact them right now and agree on a meeting during the event. READ MORE HERE: #logimat2025 #intralogistics #KAIKKI #gimrobotics #navitecsystems #autonomous #gnssfree #situationalawareness #fleetmanagement #proven #together
THE TALKING HEAD SERIES (PART 3) One of GIM Robotics’ field-tested doctors, our Technical Product Manager, Dr. Juhana Ahtiainen explains what MITTA is and what does it do. Web-based interface tool MITTA supports manual and data-driven calibration with intuitive 3D data visualisation views that support the validation of the calibration parameters. MITTA eats 3D LIDAR(s), IMU, Radar, Odometry, and RTK-GNSS data and outputs extrinsic calibration parameters and temporal offsets. It saves time, guarantees data quality and provides optimized solutions. If you are participating in LogiMAT-Messe in Stuttgart, March 11-13, 2025, make sure to visit Navitec Systems' stand (8F16) and talk with our Sales Director Dr. Jussi Suomela and our Sales Manager David Lopez Lopez. They will tell you how MITTA combines the best of both worlds; web-based interface guarantees the easy usability, and the cloud server based back-end handles the needed heavy computation. Read more: #GIMRobotics #TalkingHeadSeries #MITTA #products #LogiMAT2025 #localisation #realtime #anywhere #anyweather #GNSSfree #logistics #MobileWorkMachines #FieldAndServiceRobotics #AGVs #AMRs
THE TALKING HEAD SERIES (PART 2) One of GIM Robotics’ co-founders, our young at heart Sales Director, Dr. Jussi Suomela, explains what KAIKKI is and what can it do. KAIKKI is a turnkey solution for intralogistics. Infrastructure-free and all-weather conditions solution for indoor and outdoor intralogistics use cases with our partner Navitec Systems. If you are participating in LogiMAT Trade Show in Stuttgart, March 11-13, 2025, make sure to visit Navitec Systems' stand (8F16) and talk with Jussi Suomela and our Sales Manager David Lopez Lopez. They will show you what KAIKKI can do. Read more: #GIMRobotics #TalkingHeadSeries #KAIKKI #products #LogiMAT2025 #localisation #realtime #anywhere #anyweather #GNSSfree #logistics #MobileWorkMachines #FieldAndServiceRobotics #AGVs #AMRs
FINNISH AI LANDSCAPE PUBLISHED GIM Robotics is proud to be featured as one of the selected AI enablers in the Finnish AI Landscape report, which AI Finland and Business Finland have compiled together! It highlights Finland’s leading AI companies, key players, and technological advancements. The report gives an overview on the AI landscape by showcasing 80 interesting AI startups, examples of pioneering companies in AI adoption and AI-focused service providers, among others. A big thank you to AI Finland and Business Finland for including us to this report. Read the full report here: #AI #ecosystem #study #AIlandscape #AIFinland #BusinessFinland #gimrobotics
THE TALKING HEAD SERIES (PART 1) Our talented CTO, Dr. José Luis Peralta, talks you through our flagship product, PAIKKA. PAIKKA is a real-time positioning software stack for mobile machines. It provides a robust 3D positioning solution for indoor and outdoor environments. PAIKKA fuses multiple sensor modalities to ensure pose estimate reliability in all situations. The accurate pose estimates enable the improvement of the safety, efficiency, and precision of the operations by increasing the level of autonomy. If you are participating in LogiMAT Trade Show in Stuttgart, March 11-13, 2025, make sure to visit Navitec Systems' stand (8F16) and talk with our Sales Director Dr. Jussi Suomela and our Sales Manager David Lopez Lopez. Read more: #GIMRobotics #TalkingHeadSeries #PAIKKA #products #localisation #realtime #anywhere #anyweather #GNSSfree #logistics #TrombiaFree #Avant #MobileWorkMachines #FieldAndServiceRobotics #AGVs #AMRs
SIX MOBILE WORK MACHINES AND FIMA - FORUM FOR INTELLIGENT MACHINES RESULT SEMINAR (04.02.2025, Tampere) SIX Sustainable Industry X and FIMA – Forum for Intelligent Machines Ry have invited mobile machine industry players and research institutes to participate in their joint results seminar. If you are interested in mobile work machines and field and service robotics, this is one of the best events for you in Finland. A full day packed with presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. The main theme of Results Seminar 2025 is the industry-research collaboration. Our CTO Dr José Luis Peralta is presenting our views how companies can use the results obtained from common activities with the universities. The title of his presentation is "The Utilization of Academic Results in a Commercial Setting: The GIM Robotics Example". Jose is also part of the following panel discussion. Based on our long academic background, we have excellent relationships with the leading universities in this domain – in Finland and beyond. We have conducted several joint Master Thesis works with selected universities during the last five years and we have been encouraging some of our motivated workers to start their doctoral studies with our closest university friends in Finland. Additionally, we have had multiple joint activities with universities mainly through various Business Finland and European Union funded projects. All our living co-founders can be found at the event. So, if you want to talk about possible future joint activities with our CEO, Dr. Jari Saarinen, our abovementioned CTO Jose and our Sales Director Dr. Jussi Suomela, this event is the right place to do that. You can meet all three for the price of one, so to speak. Hoping to see you there. MORE INFORMATION:
GIM Robotics’ seniors Jussi Suomela and Mika Vainio are spreading the joy of mobile robotics at SecD-Day exhibition in Helsinki (Messukeskus) on Wed and Thu 29.-30.1.2025. Boys are telling more about our AI-driven solutions used for obtaining GNSS-free localisation and real-time situational awareness capabilities, both needed for autonomous and semi-autonomous operations in mobile robots and future mobile work machines. GIM Robotics’ stand is at the shared Digital Defence Ecosystem's booth (4f11). You can find us easily. We are under the largest airship you can imagine to fit inside a Messukeskus hall - you just can’t miss that one. Get your ticket now. Looking forward seeing you all there. #SecDDay #DDE #helsinki #dualuse #gimrobotics #locationawareness #GNSSdeniedpositioning #adverseweather #mobilerobots #mobileworkmachines #licensableproducts #consultation #together
FIMA 16th Research Seminar If you are a FIMA – Forum for Intelligent Machines Ry member and happen to be in Tampere tomorrow, January 28th, make sure to participate in the FIMA’s 16th Research Seminar. In addition to the great program, you will have a chance to meet two GIM Robotics’ CEOs at the same time - two for the price of one as they say. Our new CEO Jari Saarinen is there with our previous CEO Pertti Lukkari. Pertti is now the valued advisor to our Board. Have a chat with them both. You might be convinced that they might be brothers from different mothers as you can see from the photo. Our cradle at Helsinki University of Technology (from 2010 onwards Aalto University) was one of the founders of the FIMA, and our laboratory was involved with it since day one. Long-term Secretary General Antti Sirén has done a great job at the helm of FIMA. Thank you Antti for your services so far. #fima #seminar #tampere #CEOs #gimrobotics #anttisirenfanclub #together
JOIN US IN BERLIN Book the plane tickets to Berlin to listen what our CTO Dr. José Luis Peralta has to say about "Reliable Real-Time Localization for GNSS-Challenged and All-Weather Mobile Work Machines" in his presentation. More info to follow. Stay tuned. #AOMT25 #gimrobotics #proven #handson #lessonslearned #mobilemachines #offhighway #autonomous #gnsschallenged #allweather #innovatrix #event #summit
📢 José Luis Peralta, CTO at GIM Robotics, will be joining us as an expert speaker for the 4th Autonomous Off-Highway Machinery Technology Summit 📅 May 21-22, 2025 📍 Berlin, Germany 🗨️ Reliable Real-Time Localization for GNSS-Challenged and All-Weather Mobile Work Machines 🔹 Accelerating autonomous development with modular solutions for faster time-to-market 🔹 PAIKKA: Robust 3D positioning software stack for GNSS-limited and harsh environments 🔹 Real-world use cases: Enhancing safety, efficiency, and precision in mobile machinery with easy integration 🔹 Lessons learned: Overcoming localization challenges in forests, construction sites, and underground mines 🔹 Future outlook: Shaping the next wave of autonomy with scalable, ready-made components Jose is a seasoned robotics expert with a lifelong passion for the field of Robotics and Automation. Prior to founding GIM Robotics in 2014 alongside his colleagues, Jose had the privilege of serving as a research visitor at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Since its founding, Jose has held the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at GIM Robotics, driving the company's technological advancements and shaping its strategic direction. Leveraging his expertise, GIM Robotics has collaborated with numerous Fortune 500 companies, providing invaluable support for over 65 companies with nearly 100 projects related to the development and commercialization of new features or full autonomous solutions for mobile machines in off-road applications. To join us in Berlin for the chance to attend presentations from industry experts and network with peers and solution providers, click or contact for a full agenda of the event. #GIMRobotics #Innovatrix #AOMT25 #Berlin #3DPositioning #AllWeatherMachinery #AOMT #ADAS #Connectivity #GNSS #Navigation #IOT #AutonomousVehicles