Rester Oy

Rester Oy

Textile Manufacturing

We want to solve the most critical problem faced by the textile industry today – waste utilisation.

About us

Rester is a Finnish recycling company with vast experience in industrial scale recycling solutions and closed-loop business models for textile waste streams. Find out more: Finland, like other countries, generates huge amounts of textile waste. An estimated amount of 350 million kg of used textiles are disposed, as waste annually in the Nordic region. Finland’s share of this is around 100 million kg, of which about 80% is incinerated at the end of it’s life-cycle. This amount includes textiles used by both consumers and businesses. An EU directive, to be transposed into Finnish law as the new 2025 Waste Act, will oblige municipalities to set up and organise the collection of domestic used textiles. This in order to boost the quality of secondary raw material and its uptake. The circular economy facility being built by Rester Oy in Paimio aims to ensure that businesses can dispose their end of life cycle textiles sustain-ably. The facility will focus on producing new raw material from used textiles with an annual capacity of 6,000 tonnes. Time-frame for the completion of this high-tech facility is Q1/2021. This is an significant project on European level thus enabling a completely new circular and sustainable economy service model for processing companies’ operating in the New Nordics

Textile Manufacturing
Yrityksen koko
11–50 työntekijää
Privately Held


Työntekijät Rester Oy


  • Tänään vietetään Valitse työtä Suomeen-päivää. Avainlippu on merkki suomalaisesta työstä ja me Resterillä olemme ylpeitä ajaessamme kotimaista kiertotaloutta eteenpäin yhdessä yhteistyökumppaneidemme kanssa. Tiesitkö, että siirtymä kiertotalouteen voisi tuoda Suomeen kymmeniä tuhansia uusia työpaikkoja? 💡 Lue lisää Resteristä verkkosivuiltamme: Haluamme myös samalla toivottaa 107-vuotiaalle Suomelle hyvää huomista syntymäpäivää ja kaikille hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! #rester #avainlippu #valitsetyötäsuomeen #kiertotalous #yhteistyö #tekstiilikierrätys

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Rester Oy, kuva

    3 889 seuraajaa

    #circularmonday : Let’s Close the Loop Together! All business depends on nature. Climate change and biodiversity loss are creating real risks for supply chains, raw materials, and production. The solution? A circular economy. Our customers are already leading the way by renting, laundering, and repairing workwear, hotel, and hospital textiles – businesses built on circular principles! But even the most durable textiles reach the end of their lifecycle. That’s where we step in, helping to recycle discarded textiles into new fibers for various industries. Some recycled fibers are returning as workwear fabrics through partners like Touchpoint Oy #ReTouch. Others make their way into fashion collections by Södra OnceMore®. By using recycled fibers, we reduce reliance on virgin materials and tackle environmental challenges head-on. Achieving a circular economy demands collaboration, innovative thinking, and aligned goals. We’re helping companies build networks and ecosystems for smarter textile circularity. The circular economy is the key to fighting climate change, preserving nature, and reducing waste. Together, we can create a resilient future. Helping the planet recover – Fiber by Fiber! Join us this Circular Monday and be part of the solution! #CircularMonday #CircularEconomy #SustainableBusiness #TextileRecycling #Touchpoint #ReTouch #Oncemore

  • We are thrilled to introduce our newest addition to our team! Say hello to our R&D Project Manager Sandra Wirtanen 👋  Let´s get to know her better with the familiar questions! What do you do at Rester? My priority is to develop the best products for our customers and partner’s needs. We get into the nerdy material and process details with the team to engineer the optimal fibers for the intended end use. I’m still new and have a lot to learn about pretty much everything, which makes every day at work interesting.   Why Rester?   Because Rester and fiber companies like Rester are the future! It’s great to work for a company that aligns with my values, and to be around people so passionate about making a positive change.   What does circular economy mean to you? To be smart and strategic with the limited resources we got. And generally, doing things mindfully and with the long-term impact in mind. Sustainable circularity should be the default.   How circularity shows in your daily life? Buying as little as possible, good quality, and used when possible. When it comes to my most worn garments like jeans, I think about repairability and end of life already when getting the item. A warm welcome, Sandra! We are happy to have you with us! 🙌 #rester #nicetomeetyou #team #circulareconomy #textilerecycling

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  • A huge congratulations to “Kiertotaloustiili”, the winner of this year’s Sustainability Action Award, and to our partner Touchpoint Oy for an achievement in reaching the finals with ReTouch workwear! Transitioning to a circular economy requires strong partnerships and commitments throughout the value chain, and we are incredibly proud to collaborate with Touchpoint, who is committed to creating workwear made with recycled fibers, and our fantastic customers who recycle their end-of-life textiles into new fibers. In between, we need reliable partners for the production of yarn and fabric Klopman International. Bravo, Touchpoint, for all your efforts in advancing the circular textiles in Nordics! Keskuskauppakamari (Finland Chamber of Commerce) Suuri Yritysvastuupäivä - Great Corporate Responsibility Day was truly inspiring! We heard practical examples of how companies can embrace the circular economy, reduce consumption of natural resources, and cut emissions - and still make profitable business. However, research presented at the event shows that Finland still has work to do to become a true circular economy leader. We at Rester are doing our part to accelerate this shift. Together, we can create a more sustainable future. Helping the planet recover – Fiber by Fiber. 🌎 #circulareconomy #closingtheloop #textilerecycling #ReTouch #touchpointworkwear #rester

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  • Rester Oy julkaisi tämän uudelleen

    Äänestä suosikkiasi Vuoden vastuullisuusteoksi nyt! Touchpoint: ReTouch työvaatekangas Kestävien työvaateratkaisujen edelläkävijä Touchpoint Oy on tuonut markkinoille uuden työvaatemateriaalin, jonka valmistuksessa on käytetty kotimaisen poistotekstiilien jalostuslaitos Rester Oy:n kierrätyskuitua. Kierrätyskuitu on prosessoitu elinkaarensa lopussa olevista työvaatteista ja lakanoista. Tämä on merkittävä askel kohti tekstiilien suljettua kiertoa ja kestävämpiä toimintamalleja. Erityisen innovatiivisen ReTouch kankaasta tekee se, että kierrätettyä materiaalia sisältäviä kankaita on ollut jo kauan, mutta koskaan ennen työvaatemateriaalin kuidun alkuperä ei ole ollut Suomi/Finland. Tutustu finalisteihin ja anna äänesi: Kilpailun järjestää Keskuskauppakamari yhteistyökumppaneinaan UN Global Compact Network Finland ja JCI Helsinki - Helsingin Nuorkauppakamari. #vuodenvastuullisuusteko #yritysvastuu

    Vuoden vastuullisuusteko - Keskuskauppakamari

    Vuoden vastuullisuusteko - Keskuskauppakamari

  • Secure your spot to TexScale webinar on November 20th (in Swedish)! ♻️ Check out the agenda from below. 👉 #Sustainability #Textilerecycling #Circulareconomy #TexScale #Collaboration #Rester #TheLoopFactory

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: The Loop Factory, kuva

    3 293 seuraajaa

    Are you ready for the Waste Framework Directive on January 1st, 2025? 🌱 Sign up for the free lunch webinar for the latest updates and more! With the new directive coming into force, all EU member states will soon be required to collect textiles separately. But what does this mean for your business? How will it impact your operations, and how can you prepare?   ⌚ On November 20th, from 12:05 to 12:55pm, our project TexScale is hosting a lunch webinar (in Swedish) with Ulrika Simonsson from TEKO, who will walk us through: - The latest updates on the separate collection of textiles - Insights on the Ecodesign and Green Claims directives - What SMEs in Sweden need to know to prepare for these new regulations - Practical tips for staying ahead of the game and turning challenges into opportunities Secure your spot 👉   TexScale is funded through the innovation program RE:Source-SIP by the Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova, and Formas, a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development. Partners in the project—Artex the factory, Taiga AB, Sysav, Rester Oy, Tekologistik, TEKO, Sveriges Textil- och Modeföretag, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Sveriges Tvätteriförbund. 🖤 #Sustainability #Textiles #GreenClaims #Webinar #CircularEconomy #TextileInnovation #Collaboration #TexScale #TextileRevolution #TheLoopFactory #PrototypeLab #MaterialScience #WeCreateAndInfluenceSystemicChangeForAHealthyPlanet

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  • Now you have a change to listen how did the collaboration between Rester and OnceMore® started and about the growing importance of textile sourcing ahead of the EU recycling mandate in 2025. ♻️ Spokespersons are Anna-Kaisa Huttunen from Rester and Åsa Alvhage from OnceMore®. Listen from here: #rester #oncemore #collaboration #textilerecycling #circulareconomy

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Scandinavian MIND, kuva

    7 065 seuraajaa

    New podcast episode out now: The growing business of sourcing textile waste. ⁠ This is the fourth episode in our conversation series, which we publish throughout 2024 in collaboration with textile innovations company OnceMore. ⁠ We are speaking with: Anna-Kaisa Huttunen, Director of Partnerships, Rester Oy, and Åsa Alvhage, Sourcing Manager, OnceMore®.⁠ In this episode, we talk about: The growing importance of textile sourcing ahead of the EU recycling mandate in 2025, how the business of textile sourcing works, how the collaboration between Rester and Oncemore started, and tips for other industry players who want to get in on the action. Listen here:

  • We asked and Rester team members answered 😊 Meet our CEO Joachim Colliander 👋   What do you do at Rester? As CEO, I primarily make sure all functions in the organization are aligned and working on the right priorities at the right time. I also ensure the team has the tools and resources they need. In short, I strive to help our dedicated team succeed. Right now, we are engaged in Rester´s second funding round which temporarily consumes most of my time. Within this context, the past few months have provided a great opportunity to update and clarify our strategy including the company´s short- and long-term business plan. In the coming years, we'll focus on accelerating sales, expanding our international customer base, and launching new sustainable solutions with key customers and partners. Why Rester? For years, I have seen great potential in textile recycling, with upcoming strong regulations driving a growing market for recycled textiles to replace virgin raw materials. I was impressed by the solid operational platform Rester has built in a short time: a “fully invested” modern factory in Finland, scalable B2B raw material supply, and a skilled team specializing in "hard to recycle" textile materials. With this we have a strong foundation and supporting external drivers to build on when scaling the business.    Hence, getting the chance to lead a company so focused on shaping the future of textile recycling was an opportunity I did not want to pass on, even if it meant jumping into a completely new industry and setting.        What does circular economy mean to you? As a concept, the circular economy is familiar to me for a long time already, mainly due to my past eight years working in the forest industry. Promoting sustainability in production and consumption, emphasizing the need to minimize waste, maximizing resource efficiency and closing the loop by recycling materials, are things we focused heavily on with my previous employer. During this time, I also led an industrial start-up to market offering a renewable and recyclable cellulose-based alternative to expanded polystyrene and polyethylene based packaging materials (Styrofoam). How does circularity show in your daily life? Promoting circularity has been close to my heart for years. I focus on investing in quality garments and shoes that can be repaired and used for at least five years, preferably longer. I also take care of household items, machines, and tools to extend their lifespan, while buying used or borrowing equipment when practical. Recycling household waste is a strong family commitment as well. Professionally, I chose to dedicate my time to advancing the circular economy through ventures and solutions that align with this vision. This is also a key reason why I joined Rester in the first place, and I truly see a bright future for all innovative and forward-looking businesses engaged in this industry. #rester #nicetomeetyou #team #circulareconomy #textilerecycling

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  • We asked and Rester team members answered 😊       Meet our Production and Logistics Jani Tolvanen👋 What do you do in Rester?    I started at Rester in 2020 as a warehouse worker, receiving the first shipments of discarded textiles. Since then, my role has evolved, and I am now responsible for the logistics of the production facility, including the coordination and tendering of transportation as well as internal logistics. I also develop cost-effective solutions for various maintenance and troubleshooting issues in production and manage small equipment purchases. I work closely with the production manager on production development, equipment adjustments, and maintenance. Why Rester?  In a startup like Rester, you have the opportunity to express your opinions relatively freely and influence the direction of process development. It is very motivating to be able to impact the development of a new industry at such an early stage in my career, and the diverse tasks provide valuable work experience. I believe that Rester is aiming to reduce emissions in exactly the right area. The circular economy of textiles needs to be developed in order to achieve more sustainable solutions. What does circular economy mean to you?  For me, the circular economy means sustainable solutions. In my daily life, I maintain and repair broken items, which prevents me from constantly having to buy new replacements. What is great about circular economy mindset is that it aims to design products to be repairable right from the drawing board. With a little maintenance, products can have a longer lifespan. How circularity shows in your daily life?  I invest in timeless products, and when I buy, I only purchase high-quality items. For this reason, I avoid fast fashion. While at Rester, I have also started using a lot more second-hand, when I have realized how much good quality is wasted. I also pay more attention to the responsible manufacturing of the products. #rester #nicetomeetyou #team #circulareconomy #textilerecycling 

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