Cloud Storage for Firebase
Function | Description |
function(app, ...) | |
getStorage(app, bucketUrl) | Gets a FirebaseStorage instance for the given Firebase app. |
function(storage, ...) | |
connectStorageEmulator(storage, host, port, options) | Modify this FirebaseStorage instance to communicate with the Cloud Storage emulator. |
ref(storage, url) | Returns a StorageReference for the given url. |
function(ref, ...) | |
deleteObject(ref) | Deletes the object at this location. |
getBlob(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes) | Downloads the data at the object's location. Returns an error if the object is not found.To use this functionality, you have to whitelist your app's origin in your Cloud Storage bucket. See also API is not available in Node. |
getBytes(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes) | Downloads the data at the object's location. Returns an error if the object is not found.To use this functionality, you have to whitelist your app's origin in your Cloud Storage bucket. See also |
getDownloadURL(ref) | Returns the download URL for the given StorageReference. |
getMetadata(ref) | A Promise that resolves with the metadata for this object. If this object doesn't exist or metadata cannot be retrieved, the promise is rejected. |
getStream(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes) | Downloads the data at the object's location. Raises an error event if the object is not found.This API is only available in Node. |
list(ref, options) | List items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.List API is only available for Firebase Rules Version 2.GCS is a key-blob store. Firebase Storage imposes the semantic of '/' delimited folder structure. Refer to GCS's List API if you want to learn more.To adhere to Firebase Rules's Semantics, Firebase Storage does not support objects whose paths end with "/" or contain two consecutive "/"s. Firebase Storage List API will filter these unsupported objects. list() may fail if there are too many unsupported objects in the bucket. |
listAll(ref) | List all items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.This is a helper method for calling list() repeatedly until there are no more results. The default pagination size is 1000.Note: The results may not be consistent if objects are changed while this operation is running.Warning: listAll may potentially consume too many resources if there are too many results. |
updateMetadata(ref, metadata) | Updates the metadata for this object. |
uploadBytes(ref, data, metadata) | Uploads data to this object's location. The upload is not resumable. |
uploadBytesResumable(ref, data, metadata) | Uploads data to this object's location. The upload can be paused and resumed, and exposes progress updates. |
uploadString(ref, value, format, metadata) | Uploads a string to this object's location. The upload is not resumable. |
function(storageOrRef, ...) | |
ref(storageOrRef, path) | Returns a StorageReference for the given path in the default bucket. |
Class | Description |
StorageError | An error returned by the Firebase Storage SDK. |
Enumeration | Description |
StorageErrorCode | Error codes that can be attached to StorageError objects. |
Interface | Description |
FirebaseStorage | A Firebase Storage instance. |
FullMetadata | The full set of object metadata, including read-only properties. |
ListOptions | The options list() accepts. |
ListResult | Result returned by list(). |
SettableMetadata | Object metadata that can be set at any time. |
StorageObserver | A stream observer for Firebase Storage. |
StorageReference | Represents a reference to a Google Cloud Storage object. Developers can upload, download, and delete objects, as well as get/set object metadata. |
UploadMetadata | Object metadata that can be set at upload. |
UploadResult | Result returned from a non-resumable upload. |
UploadTask | Represents the process of uploading an object. Allows you to monitor and manage the upload. |
UploadTaskSnapshot | Holds data about the current state of the upload task. |
Variable | Description |
StringFormat | An enumeration of the possible string formats for upload. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
StringFormat | An enumeration of the possible string formats for upload. |
TaskEvent | An event that is triggered on a task. |
TaskState | Represents the current state of a running upload. |
function(app, ...)
getStorage(app, bucketUrl)
Gets a FirebaseStorage instance for the given Firebase app.
export declare function getStorage(app?: FirebaseApp, bucketUrl?: string): FirebaseStorage;
Parameter | Type | Description |
app | FirebaseApp | Firebase app to get FirebaseStorage instance for. |
bucketUrl | string | The gs:// url to your Firebase Storage Bucket. If not passed, uses the app's default Storage Bucket. |
A FirebaseStorage instance.
function(storage, ...)
connectStorageEmulator(storage, host, port, options)
Modify this FirebaseStorage instance to communicate with the Cloud Storage emulator.
export declare function connectStorageEmulator(storage: FirebaseStorage, host: string, port: number, options?: {
mockUserToken?: EmulatorMockTokenOptions | string;
}): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
storage | FirebaseStorage | The FirebaseStorage instance |
host | string | The emulator host (ex: localhost) |
port | number | The emulator port (ex: 5001) |
options | { mockUserToken?: EmulatorMockTokenOptions | string; } | Emulator options. options.mockUserToken is the mock auth token to use for unit testing Security Rules. |
ref(storage, url)
Returns a StorageReference for the given url.
export declare function ref(storage: FirebaseStorage, url?: string): StorageReference;
Parameter | Type | Description |
storage | FirebaseStorage | FirebaseStorage instance. |
url | string | URL. If empty, returns root reference. |
function(ref, ...)
Deletes the object at this location.
export declare function deleteObject(ref: StorageReference): Promise<void>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference for object to delete. |
A Promise
that resolves if the deletion succeeds.
getBlob(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes)
Downloads the data at the object's location. Returns an error if the object is not found.
To use this functionality, you have to whitelist your app's origin in your Cloud Storage bucket. See also
This API is not available in Node.
export declare function getBlob(ref: StorageReference, maxDownloadSizeBytes?: number): Promise<Blob>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where data should be downloaded. |
maxDownloadSizeBytes | number | If set, the maximum allowed size in bytes to retrieve. |
A Promise that resolves with a Blob containing the object's bytes
getBytes(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes)
Downloads the data at the object's location. Returns an error if the object is not found.
To use this functionality, you have to whitelist your app's origin in your Cloud Storage bucket. See also
export declare function getBytes(ref: StorageReference, maxDownloadSizeBytes?: number): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where data should be downloaded. |
maxDownloadSizeBytes | number | If set, the maximum allowed size in bytes to retrieve. |
A Promise containing the object's bytes
Returns the download URL for the given StorageReference.
export declare function getDownloadURL(ref: StorageReference): Promise<string>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference to get the download URL for. |
A Promise
that resolves with the download URL for this object.
A Promise
that resolves with the metadata for this object. If this object doesn't exist or metadata cannot be retrieved, the promise is rejected.
export declare function getMetadata(ref: StorageReference): Promise<FullMetadata>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference to get metadata from. |
getStream(ref, maxDownloadSizeBytes)
Downloads the data at the object's location. Raises an error event if the object is not found.
This API is only available in Node.
export declare function getStream(ref: StorageReference, maxDownloadSizeBytes?: number): ReadableStream;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where data should be downloaded. |
maxDownloadSizeBytes | number | If set, the maximum allowed size in bytes to retrieve. |
A stream with the object's data as bytes
list(ref, options)
List items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.
List API is only available for Firebase Rules Version 2.
GCS is a key-blob store. Firebase Storage imposes the semantic of '/' delimited folder structure. Refer to GCS's List API if you want to learn more.
To adhere to Firebase Rules's Semantics, Firebase Storage does not support objects whose paths end with "/" or contain two consecutive "/"s. Firebase Storage List API will filter these unsupported objects. list() may fail if there are too many unsupported objects in the bucket.
export declare function list(ref: StorageReference, options?: ListOptions): Promise<ListResult>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference to get list from. |
options | ListOptions | See ListOptions for details. |
A Promise
that resolves with the items and prefixes. prefixes
contains references to sub-folders and items
contains references to objects in this folder. nextPageToken
can be used to get the rest of the results.
List all items (files) and prefixes (folders) under this storage reference.
This is a helper method for calling list() repeatedly until there are no more results. The default pagination size is 1000.
export declare function listAll(ref: StorageReference): Promise<ListResult>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference to get list from. |
A Promise
that resolves with all the items and prefixes under the current storage reference. prefixes
contains references to sub-directories and items
contains references to objects in this folder. nextPageToken
is never returned.
updateMetadata(ref, metadata)
Updates the metadata for this object.
export declare function updateMetadata(ref: StorageReference, metadata: SettableMetadata): Promise<FullMetadata>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference to update metadata for. |
metadata | SettableMetadata | The new metadata for the object. Only values that have been explicitly set will be changed. Explicitly setting a value to null will remove the metadata. |
A Promise
that resolves with the new metadata for this object.
uploadBytes(ref, data, metadata)
Uploads data to this object's location. The upload is not resumable.
export declare function uploadBytes(ref: StorageReference, data: Blob | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, metadata?: UploadMetadata): Promise<UploadResult>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where data should be uploaded. |
data | Blob | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | The data to upload. |
metadata | UploadMetadata | Metadata for the data to upload. |
A Promise containing an UploadResult
uploadBytesResumable(ref, data, metadata)
Uploads data to this object's location. The upload can be paused and resumed, and exposes progress updates.
export declare function uploadBytesResumable(ref: StorageReference, data: Blob | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, metadata?: UploadMetadata): UploadTask;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where data should be uploaded. |
data | Blob | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | The data to upload. |
metadata | UploadMetadata | Metadata for the data to upload. |
An UploadTask
uploadString(ref, value, format, metadata)
Uploads a string to this object's location. The upload is not resumable.
export declare function uploadString(ref: StorageReference, value: string, format?: StringFormat, metadata?: UploadMetadata): Promise<UploadResult>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
ref | StorageReference | StorageReference where string should be uploaded. |
value | string | The string to upload. |
format | StringFormat | The format of the string to upload. |
metadata | UploadMetadata | Metadata for the string to upload. |
A Promise containing an UploadResult
function(storageOrRef, ...)
ref(storageOrRef, path)
Returns a StorageReference for the given path in the default bucket.
export declare function ref(storageOrRef: FirebaseStorage | StorageReference, path?: string): StorageReference;
Parameter | Type | Description |
storageOrRef | FirebaseStorage | StorageReference | FirebaseStorage or StorageReference. |
path | string |
An enumeration of the possible string formats for upload.
StringFormat: {
readonly RAW: "raw";
readonly BASE64: "base64";
readonly BASE64URL: "base64url";
readonly DATA_URL: "data_url";
An enumeration of the possible string formats for upload.
export type StringFormat = (typeof StringFormat)[keyof typeof StringFormat];
An event that is triggered on a task.
export type TaskEvent = 'state_changed';
Represents the current state of a running upload.
export type TaskState = 'running' | 'paused' | 'success' | 'canceled' | 'error';
Error codes that can be attached to StorageError
export declare enum StorageErrorCode
Enumeration Members
Member | Value | Description |
APP_DELETED | "app-deleted" |
BUCKET_NOT_FOUND | "bucket-not-found" |
CANCELED | "canceled" |
CANNOT_SLICE_BLOB | "cannot-slice-blob" |
INTERNAL_ERROR | "internal-error" |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | "invalid-argument" |
INVALID_ARGUMENT_COUNT | "invalid-argument-count" |
INVALID_CHECKSUM | "invalid-checksum" |
INVALID_DEFAULT_BUCKET | "invalid-default-bucket" |
INVALID_EVENT_NAME | "invalid-event-name" |
INVALID_FORMAT | "invalid-format" |
INVALID_ROOT_OPERATION | "invalid-root-operation" |
INVALID_URL | "invalid-url" |
NO_DEFAULT_BUCKET | "no-default-bucket" |
NO_DOWNLOAD_URL | "no-download-url" |
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | "object-not-found" |
PROJECT_NOT_FOUND | "project-not-found" |
QUOTA_EXCEEDED | "quota-exceeded" |
RETRY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | "retry-limit-exceeded" |
SERVER_FILE_WRONG_SIZE | "server-file-wrong-size" |
UNAUTHENTICATED | "unauthenticated" |
UNAUTHORIZED | "unauthorized" |
UNAUTHORIZED_APP | "unauthorized-app" |
UNKNOWN | "unknown" |
UNSUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENT | "unsupported-environment" |