We need to do an OTA procedure from an image with JP 5.1.3 to a JP 5.1.3 with different layout. Basically we need to change the current layout.
There is an issue regarding the required amount of free space for the Minimal set of images (MSI), and accordingly with the scripts from ota tools it’s 230MB for Jetson NX Xavier.
Unfortunately after flashing using the JP 5.1.3 the device has only around 200MB.
We would like to know if you can help us in this OTA procedure to change the layout while keeping the same Jetpack version.
hello flavio.ipiranga,
do you have physical access to the target? it is a must to have layout change through OTA?
please refer to developer guide, Updating with Partition Layout Changes as see-also.
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for you answer.
Answering your questions:
do you have physical access to the target?
Unfortunately physical access it’s not possible
it is a must to have layout change through OTA?
Yes, mostly because we don’t have the physical access to reflash the device.
Regarding the link that you shared, we were already thinking about going into this line of development. The main idea would be to use the layout change between 32.x to 35.x L4T as the start point and then customize it to have the same behavior while doing OTA layout change from 35.5 to 35.5.
Do you think is it possible to achieve this kind of customization? Also this layout change requires to reduce the size of RFS.
hello flavio.ipiranga,
unfortunately, upgrading from release 32.x to release 35.x is not supported.
it’s mentioned by developer guide, Updating from the NVIDIA APT Server.
my bad,
you may using Image-based OTA to updates between versions with different partition layouts,
it’s possible to updates from version 32.7.x to version 35.6.0.
Hi Jerry,
Yeah, we are using the image based approach.
My main concern is it about reducing the RFS size considering this post: How to modify the partition layout with OTA in JetPack5 - #11 by KevinFFF
Looks like it’s not possible. Would like to know if there is another way or some change that make this possible.
hello flavio.ipiranga,
may I know what’s the storage you’re using?
please see-also OTA Upgrades on an External Device.
please try running with -S
options for setting rootfs size to generate an OTA payload package for external storage devices.
Hi Jerry,
may I know what’s the storage you’re using?
We’re using eMMC.
Thanks for the info about external device, but unfortunately is not possible for the current devices already deployed.
BTW, may I know what’s your current partition layout, note, it’s UDA partition reserved by NV for OTA process.