Votre CV est la première impression que vous faites sur les employeurs potentiels, il est donc important de l’adapter à l’emploi et à l’industrie spécifiques pour lesquels vous postulez. Pour mettre en évidence vos compétences en approvisionnement, utilisez des mots-clés et des expressions qui correspondent à la description de poste et au cadre de compétences de l’organisation. Quantifier vos réalisations et vos résultats à l’aide de chiffres, de pourcentages ou de mesures. Présentez vos compétences et vos connaissances dans différents domaines de l’approvisionnement, tels que les études de marché, la gestion des catégories, l’évaluation des fournisseurs, la négociation, la rédaction de contrats et le suivi des performances. N’oubliez pas de mettre en évidence vos compétences générales et vos attributs personnels pertinents pour l’approvisionnement, tels que la communication, la collaboration, la résolution de problèmes, la pensée analytique et la conduite éthique. Lorsque vous formatez votre CV, utilisez une taille de police et un style faciles à lire. Évitez les fautes d’orthographe et de grammaire, utilisez une terminologie et des abréviations cohérentes et gardez votre CV concis et ciblé (idéalement pas plus de deux pages).
Below things can add up value to a procurement CV according to me: - Highlight the projects that you have worked on and what exactly was your contribution towards it which helped the company to identify cost saving opportunities. Try if you can summarize / quantify it in numbers where you achieved significant cost benefits. - Identify areas when you were a part which helped to identify risks in procurement & mitigation / streamlined supply chain to maintain continuity of goods. - How good you're at managing your stakeholders (procurement/SCM is all about game to tackle pressure situation) highlight areas which demonstrates this skills. - Mention the relevant courses/softwares which show your interest in the inclination towards it.
When I see a CV I look to see if there's progress, this progress can take many shapes and forms. It doesn't have to be procurement but the function is so wide-ranging many things can be connected into the field. Customer service, international travel, finance, event management and many more. It really is important to show on the CV that there's a growth and learning mentality there, just something that shows progression.
To showcase your procurement competencies in your resume and interviews, emphasize clear and concise examples of cost reductions or savings. In your resume, create a dedicated section highlighting specific instances where you significantly lowered costs, using metrics and percentages to quantify the savings. During interviews, use the STAR method to structure your responses, focusing on the Actions you took to achieve cost reductions and the Results you obtained. Demonstrating not only the financial impact but also how your efforts contributed to overall organizational success will effectively convey your procurement expertise.
There are many ways to showcase competencies,one of them being the resume: •Quantify Your Achievements: Don't just list responsibilities; quantify the impact you made. For example, instead of "Negotiated contracts," say "Negotiated a 15% price reduction on a key supplier contract, saving the company $X annually." •Highlight Relevant Skills: Tailor your resume to the specific job description. Use keywords that match the required skills, such as "supplier relationship management," "cost analysis," or "contract negotiation". •Showcase Projects: Mention projects where you demonstrated procurement expertise. Briefly explain the project, your role, and the positive outcome . These are further elaborated during interviews.
In addition to the above, It is important to include relevant work experience in your resume. This should include details about your previous procurement roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Describe the specific projects you have worked on, the budgets you have managed, the cost savings you have achieved, and any other significant contributions you have made in the field of procurement. This will help demonstrate your practical experience and expertise to potential employers.
Votre entretien est l’occasion de mettre en valeur votre personnalité et votre adéquation au poste et à l’organisation. Pour démontrer vos compétences en approvisionnement, vous devez bien vous préparer et mettre en pratique vos réponses aux questions courantes et axées sur les compétences. Faites des recherches sur l’organisation et le rôle avant l’entrevue. Cela comprend leur vision, leur mission, leurs valeurs, leurs objectifs, leurs défis et leurs attentes. De plus, identifiez les compétences clés en approvisionnement qu’ils recherchent et comment elles s’alignent sur vos propres forces et domaines d’amélioration. Lorsque vous répondez à des questions basées sur les compétences, utilisez la méthode STAR pour structurer vos réponses en décrivant une situation, une tâche, une action et un résultat. De plus, fournissez des exemples précis et pertinents tirés de votre curriculum vitae ou de votre portfolio qui démontrent vos compétences en approvisionnement. Montrez de l’enthousiasme pour le rôle et posez des questions perspicaces qui démontrent votre curiosité et votre motivation. Enfin, soyez confiant et professionnel dans votre apparence, votre comportement et votre communication. Habillez-vous convenablement pour l’industrie et la culture de l’organisation. Parlez clairement et de manière concise avec un langage positif. Remerciez votre intervieweur pour son temps et faites un suivi avec une note de remerciement.
To show potential employers that you will add value to the organization, focus on more than just technical experience. Talk about how important it is for Procurement to be involved with internal stakeholders early in the process to leverage knowledge and expertise to head off potential challenges early on. Also discuss how you work collaboratively with suppliers to develop and maintain relationships. Nobody wants the hard-nosed bully procurement officer or buyer anymore. How can you add to the team with your experience, knowledge, communication, cooperation, servant-leader mentality to help elevate the team, the organization, and the career field? You can. Show them.
Para ser el mejor en una entrevista en compras debes centrarte en los beneficios que aportas. El enfoque debe ser QUÉ consigues con tu trabajo (con datos de volúmenes o importes) y CÓMO lo haces. Ayuda mucho preparar ejemplos reales específicos que puedan ratificar lo que cuentas. También ser capaz de relacionar tu experiencia previa con el puesto de la oferta. Pensar qué tienen en común, y por qué encajas en esa posición.
It is crucial to pay attention to your non-verbal communication too during the interview. Non-verbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, can greatly impact the impression you make on the interviewer. Here are some ways to improve your non-verbal communication: Maintain good posture, Make eye contact, Smile and show positive expressions, Use appropriate hand gestures, Pay attention to your tone of voice By practicing and being mindful of your non-verbal communication, you can enhance your overall interview performance and effectively convey your suitability for the role and organization.
I've been on both sides of the fence with interviews and using real case examples where problems have been solved really hits the nail on the head. Recruiting organisations all have problems, they want to see how an individual has solved similar problems in the past - were they creative, carried out the solution under pressure, worked together to solve the problem in a team and so on. These questions need to be planned well advance by the recruiting company and the interviewee needs to practice their 'problem solving' areas over and over again so it flows well in the interview.
Having firm examples is a sure-fire way to impress in interviews of how you added value to the organisation. But these have to be specific with little flakiness associated to them, such as 'I streamlined the procurement processes' - what does this actually mean? This is where part of the SMART framework can be used, the more quantifiable they are the better. Anything can be quantified, just some areas are more difficult to quantify than others.
L’évaluation et l’amélioration continues de vos compétences en approvisionnement sont un excellent moyen de démontrer vos compétences. Vous devez être conscient de vos forces et de vos faiblesses, ainsi que rechercher des commentaires et des occasions d’apprentissage pour améliorer votre performance et votre potentiel. Pour effectuer une auto-évaluation de vos compétences en approvisionnement, commencez par utiliser un cadre ou un modèle pour déterminer les compétences et les connaissances clés requises pour votre rôle actuel ou souhaité. Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser le Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (Le) Norme mondiale pour l’approvisionnement et l’approvisionnement. Ensuite, évaluez-vous sur chaque compétence à l’aide d’une échelle ou de critères qui reflètent votre niveau de compétence ou de maîtrise. Ensuite, comparez votre auto-évaluation avec les commentaires ou les attentes des autres, tels que votre gestionnaire, vos pairs, vos clients ou vos fournisseurs. Identifiez les lacunes ou les divergences entre votre auto-évaluation et leurs commentaires, et analysez les raisons et les implications qui les sous-tendent. Enfin, élaborez un plan d’action pour combler les lacunes ou les domaines d’amélioration, fixez des objectifs SMART pour chaque compétence que vous souhaitez améliorer ou maintenir, identifiez les ressources dont vous avez besoin pour les atteindre, surveillez régulièrement vos progrès et célébrez vos réalisations.
Self awareness is the first point to success You have to know your strengths, your weaknesses and take the right actions to achieve your goals.
Conducting a self-assessment is crucial for identifying and highlighting core competencies in procurement. This involves recognizing skills such as strategic sourcing, supplier relationship management, and risk mitigation that set you apart in the field. Reflecting on instances where you sought additional training or education to stay updated on procurement methodologies showcases a commitment to continuous improvement. A robust self-assessment forms the foundation for effectively communicating your strengths in interviews and on your resume.
This is great advice. Establishing a realistic SMART personal/professional development plan that aligns with both your own and your employer's goals is crucial for steady and consistent growth. Additionally, I recommend finding a good coach or mentor. If you're fortunate, your supervisor or a more senior colleague with the right attitude and commitment can assist in identifying suitable development activities (not only training) and ensuring disciplined plan execution.
self-awareness always requires benchmarking because you need to know not only if it is working or not but also what better methods are out there. Hence taking courses and keeping up to date is vital.
Your self-assessment tips should involve reflecting on skills and achievements, identifying areas for improvement, setting clear goals, seeking feedback, staying updated, tracking and improving your progress, emphasizing soft skills, and probably the most important but also the most demanding aspect is staying flexible to new opportunities and challenges.
Vous pouvez démontrer vos compétences en approvisionnement en établissant et en maintenant une forte présence en ligne qui met en valeur votre expertise et votre valeur. Pour ce faire, vous devez optimiser votre profil LinkedIn avec des mots-clés pertinents et des résumés qui mettent en évidence vos compétences en approvisionnement. De plus, créez un portfolio ou un site Web en ligne qui affiche vos projets et vos réalisations en matière d’approvisionnement, en utilisant des éléments visuels pour le rendre plus attrayant. Rejoindre et participer à des groupes, forums ou plateformes en ligne liés à l’approvisionnement est également bénéfique. De plus, suivre et apprendre des influenceurs en ligne, des experts ou des leaders d’opinion en matière d’approvisionnement peut fournir des informations précieuses. Tous ces conseils peuvent vous aider à faire progresser votre carrière et votre apprentissage en approvisionnement.
Putting yourself in recruiters shoes, who have to scan 100s if not 1000 applications daily helps us to understand them better. Short summary highlighting your achievements and diverse applications you used and what makes you stand out from other candidates would be helpful
Ter uma rede com boas conexões, que contribua com conteúdos técnicos da área é fundamental pra expandir nossos conhecimentos, que muitas vezes, se limita de acordo com o ambiente e profissionais que convivemos no trabalho! Com toda certeza, abre um leque de oportunidades de aprendizado e inspirações!
Optimizing your online presence, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, is a key element of showcasing procurement competencies. Ensure that your profile reflects specific details about your achievements, responsibilities, and any relevant articles or posts you've shared. Actively participating in professional groups and associations related to procurement enhances visibility and networking opportunities. Engage in discussions, share insights, and connect with professionals to strengthen your online presence within the procurement community.
In my experience, a strong online presence can enhance your interview: 1) Professional Profiles: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is updated with relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. 2) Industry Engagement: Participate in relevant online communities or forums, showcasing your knowledge and thought leadership. 3) Content Creation: Consider writing articles or blog posts on procurement topics, demonstrating your expertise. A polished online presence positions you as a knowledgeable and engaged professional in the procurement field.
As Director of Government Contracts at MHEC, I've observed the increasing importance of a strong online presence for procurement professionals. A colleague at a major university recently shared how their institution's procurement team leveraged LinkedIn to showcase their expertise and achievements. By optimizing their profiles with relevant keywords and engaging in industry discussions, they attracted top-tier suppliers and forged valuable connections. This trend underscores the necessity for procurement professionals to build a robust online presence. Creating an online portfolio, participating in forums, and following industry leaders are essential steps to stay competitive and informed in the evolving procurement landscape.
Pour démontrer vos compétences en approvisionnement, vous devez investir dans votre développement personnel et votre croissance en tant que professionnel de l’approvisionnement. Vous devez rester à jour avec l’évolution des demandes et des attentes, ainsi que d’explorer de nouvelles opportunités pour élargir vos compétences. Pour poursuivre votre développement personnel en approvisionnement, identifier vos aspirations et objectifs de carrière, demander des commentaires et de l’encadrement à votre gestionnaire ou mentor, vous inscrire à des cours ou programmes de formation et assister à des événements ou à des conférences liés à l’approvisionnement ou à votre industrie. Rédigez votre plan de carrière et révisez-le régulièrement. Demandez des critiques constructives, des éloges ou des suggestions sur la façon dont vous pouvez améliorer ou exceller dans vos compétences. Écoutez leurs commentaires et suivez les résultats de toutes les modifications que vous apportez. Suivez un cours de qualification CIPS ou un cours en ligne sur un sujet spécifique qui vous intéresse. Assistez à la conférence annuelle du CÉPI, à l’événement Procurement & Supply Chain Live ou au Congrès mondial des achats pour en apprendre davantage sur les dernières tendances, innovations et meilleures pratiques en matière d’approvisionnement. Réseautez avec d’autres personnes qui peuvent vous offrir des idées, des opportunités ou des connexions en matière d’approvisionnement.
In addition, developing soft skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, and leadership is an important way to progress your procurement career. There are loads of resources online that can help with this. Learning about your wider business, through collaboration, co-location or secondment is a great way to develop a broader business understanding. Stay up to date with changes in the marketplace and with technology. Gather market intelligence related to your suppliers, competitors, and industry. Look at pricing trends, supply chain disruptions, and emerging risks that could impact procurement decisions. Most important is understanding how technology and automation could help you to become more effective.
Be prepared to share your failures too, as these are valuable lessons when it comes to personal development. It’s easy to answer when someone asks you to name your strengths, but I often struggle to get the same quality of answer around weaknesses. So stand out, be very aware of yours, and what you are doing about them.
Developing a personal development plan is essential for showcasing a commitment to continuous improvement. This plan may include ongoing training, certifications, and attendance at industry conferences. It demonstrates a proactive approach to staying current in the field and adapting to evolving industry trends. Networking within the procurement community through industry events, webinars, and connections with professionals further reinforces your dedication to personal and professional growth.
What generally stands out these days is the Strategic Sourcing competency and being able to work around key spend areas where quality, cost and supply chain experiences are enhanced with improved risk management through the power of supply network. Individuals as champions around this drive a lot of value for entities and are seen as Game changers.
In my experience, the network effect is not limited to online platforms! I really enjoy "official" procurement conferences but also small events. You always get a fresh perspective, and meet someone new which can lead to further collaboration and knowledge exchange
as someone with two decades of procurement, I hired people in my team based on both soft skills and technical skills. Hard skills, procurement experience is critical but not always, for example there are niche areas of procurement that requires a more open minded approach. And then, hiring someone with Category Knowledge is even more important than hiring procurement specialists. Procurement policies and ways of working can be learned. Depending on the strategic area of procurement: spend+strategic importance + impact you need to keep your recruitment requirements very diverse. I encourage my clients/mentees to write down in the CV a selection of key project, their wins.
To showcase procurement competencies in your resume and interviews, highlight relevant experience, quantify achievements, mention relevant skills, and highlight software proficiency. Prepare examples of successful procurement projects, demonstrate problem-solving skills, demonstrate negotiation skills, and emphasize relationship-building. Show adaptability to changing market conditions and industry trends. Tailor your resume and interview responses to the specific requirements and responsibilities of the procurement role you are applying for.
Para demostrar lo que sabes en una entrevista de trabajo debes presentar datos y casos concretos. Comentar ejemplos. Si lo haces contando una historia mucho mejor. Te recordarán con facilidad. Explica los beneficios que consigues con tu trabajo. No hables de ti sino de lo que puedes aportar. Usa tu creatividad. Y no te olvides de transmitir toda tu pasión y ganas 🙌🏻
Based on you answer. You know nothing about business, let alone procurement. You do not know whether you need a procurement professional or an IT professional. Please, sit down, take a course, learn something and then you maybe suitable to hire a professional.
In addition to the specific tips for resume building, interviews, self-assessment, and online presence, consider broader aspects. Highlighting cultural fit by emphasizing your ability to work effectively within teams is crucial. Results-oriented language, showcasing the impact of your procurement initiatives, is key in both written documents and interviews. If relevant, emphasizing a global perspective in procurement, such as experience with international suppliers or global supply chains, adds a valuable dimension to your profile. Balancing technical skills with interpersonal qualities and effectively communicating this balance across various platforms completes a holistic strategy for demonstrating procurement competencies.
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