Lutte contre la traite des êtres humains

Lutte contre la traite des êtres humains

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Lutte contre la traite des êtres humains : le Conseil de l'Europe collabore avec les États parties à la Convention

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Le Conseil de l'Europe est activement engagé dans la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains. Le GRETA, le groupe d'experts indépendants qui surveille la mise en œuvre de la Convention sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains, a identifié les lacunes et les bonnes pratiques dans les réponses des États parties à la traite des êtres humains, et cherche à améliorer leurs cadres législatif, institutionnel et politique par des recommandations et un dialogue continu.

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  • ➡️ At its 35th meeting (29 November 2024), the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings elected the following eight members of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) for a term of office of four years, running from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028: 👉 Mr Thomas AHLSTRAND (Swedish) – second term of office 👉 Ms Lynn CHIRCOP FAURE (Maltese) – first term of office 👉 Ms Dorothea CZARNECKI (German) – first term of office 👉 Ms Ulrike HABERL-SCHWARZ (Austrian) – first term of office 👉 Mr David MANCINI (Italian) – second term of office 👉 Ms Conny RIJKEN (Dutch) – second term of office 👉  Mr Peter VAN HAUWERMEIREN (Belgian) – second term of office 👉 Mr Georgios VANIKIOTIS (Greek) – second term of office ➡️ The Committee adopted recommendations concerning  👉 Aruba, based on GRETA’s first/second round evaluation report, 👉 the Czech Republic and Türkiye, based on GRETA’s second round evaluation reports, 👉 and San Marino, based on GRETA’s third round evaluation report. ➡️ The Committee also considered the reports submitted by the governments of Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal and United Kingdom on measures taken to comply with the recommendation issued by the Committee concerning these countries. More information:

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  • The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) held its 52nd plenary meeting from 18 to 22 November 2024 in Strasbourg, France. ➡ GRETA adopted the final reports on Austria, Cyprus and Slovak Republic as part of the fourth evaluation round of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, and on Liechtenstein as part of the third evaluation round. These final reports will be sent to the authorities concerned and will subsequently be made public, together with eventual final comments received from the authorities. ➡ GRETA approved the draft third round report on Ukraine, and draft fourth round reports on Albania, Croatia and the Republic of Moldova. GRETA decided to transmit these draft reports to the national authorities concerned and to ask them to submit their comments within two months. The comments will be taken into account when GRETA draws up its final evaluation reports. GRETA draft reports remain confidential until their final adoption. More information:

  • To mark the 30th anniversary of its creation, the Committee against Modern Slavery (Comité Contre l'Esclavage Moderne, CCEM) organised a colloquium entitled “30 years of fighting to make the invisible visible" in Paris on 15 November 2024. ➡ "The statistics included in the country reports of the Council of Europe Group of Experts (GRETA) indicate that trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation has been on the rise and has emerged as the predominant form of exploitation in many countries. Combating this form of trafficking requires co-ordinated action between states, civil society, trade unions and the private sector," said Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. ➡ The Council of Europe has established comprehensive standards to help states combat human trafficking and its Committee of Ministers adopted, in September 2022, a recommendation specifically on trafficking for labour exploitation. More information :

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  • In its first report on Aruba published today, GRETA welcomes the steps taken to develop the legal and policy framework for combating trafficking in human beings, the setting up of co-ordinating structures and specialised entities, and the efforts made to raise public awareness. ➡ However, GRETA expresses concern about gaps in victim identification and urged the authorities to strengthen mechanisms for early victim detection and to ensure that, in practice, the identification of victims, upon which assistance measures depend, is not linked to the prospects of the investigation and prosecution. ➡ GRETA also urges the Aruban authorities to ensure that access to assistance for foreign victims is not conditional on their co-operation with law enforcement, and that adequate resources are put in place to enable all victims of trafficking to benefit from assistance and support. ➡ No compensation has been paid to victims of trafficking by perpetrators and there is no state compensation mechanism for victims of crime. Consequently, GRETA calls on the Aruban authorities to adopt legislative or other measures to facilitate and guarantee access to compensation for victims of trafficking. ➡ GRETA also asks the authorities to adopt a specific legal provision on the non-punishment of victims of human trafficking for their involvement in unlawful activities, to the extent that they were compelled to do so, and to develop relevant guidance for law enforcement officials and prosecutors. ➡ Moreover, GRETA calls on the authorities to ensure that a recovery and reflection period of at least 30 days, as provided for in Article 13 of the Convention, is specifically defined in law. 👉 More information:

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  • GRETA calls on San Marino to adopt a national action plan for combatting human trafficking The Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has urged the San Marino’s authorities to adopt a national action plan for combatting human trafficking, including measures in the areas of prevention, identification of victims, awareness raising and training of relevant professionals.   In its latest report published today, GRETA assesses developments since the publication of its second evaluation report on San Marino in 2019 as regards the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. ☑ No victims of human trafficking have been identified in the country. Nevertheless, GRETA notes that the strong demand for foreign labour creates trafficking risks for the purpose of labour exploitation, particularly in sectors such as domestic work, construction, tourism, and agriculture. ☑ There is no specific provision in Sammarinese law on the non-punishment of victims of trafficking for unlawful activities and for granting a recovery and reflection period to victims of trafficking. GRETA urges to adopt such provisions. ☑ GRETA is concerned that trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation may be underestimated, therefore a raise awareness operation should be implemented. The Labour Inspectorate should be in the position to detect possible victims of trafficking, and to co-operate with trade unions and the private sector in preventing and combating labour trafficking. ☑ Moreover, GRETA urges the authorities to develop a multi-disciplinary framework for the identification and referral to assistance of victims of trafficking, to provide indicators for the identification of victims, as well as guidance and training to all relevant professionals. ☑ While welcoming the agreements concluded with structures in Italy, GRETA considers that San Marino should take further steps to ensure that any presumed and identified victims of trafficking can receive adequate assistance and support. ☑ A child-specific identification mechanism based on multi-agency co-operation is required considering also the potential risks including recruitment and abuse through internet and via social networks. 👉 More information:

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  • Council of Europe experts urge Türkiye to step up the fight against human trafficking Experts from the Council of Europe have urged the Turkish authorities to take a number of important steps to better combat trafficking in human beings. The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) today published its latest report evaluating Türkiye’s implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. ➡ According to official data, 1,466 victims of trafficking were formally identified in Türkiye between 2019 and 2023, representing a significant increase on the previous four years. ➡ The main form of exploitation remained sexual exploitation (52%), followed by labour exploitation (30%), forced marriage (9%) and forced begging (6%). The primary countries of origin of trafficking victims were Syria, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, followed by Türkiye itself. The report highlights progress made by the Turkish authorities in a number of areas. ✔ These include setting up a national Co-ordination Board for Combating Human Trafficking and co-ordination commissions in all 81 provinces, as well as designating a National Rapporteur on human trafficking. ✔ Efforts have also been made to provide training to relevant professional groups and to raise public awareness of human trafficking. Moreover, material conditions have improved in the two specialised shelters for victims of trafficking. Nevertheless, GRETA highlights a number of pressing concerns that require immediate action. ✖ These include the need to adopt, without further delay, a national action plan against human trafficking, with clearly defined objectives, activities and stakeholders, as well as adequate budgetary resources. ✖ The Turkish authorities should also intensify efforts to prevent human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, strengthen the protection of children from trafficking and enhance the detection of trafficking through border control measures, in particular in the context of increased migration. ✖ Additionally, the report stresses the need for improved support and assistance to victims, including better access to compensation. GRETA also urges the Turkish authorities to improve the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases, and to adopt a specific legal provision allowing for the non-punishment of victims for crimes they were forced to commit. ✖ Furthermore, GRETA calls on the authorities to build strategic partnerships with NGOs and other relevant civil society actors, and to ensure that anti-trafficking NGOs have adequate access to funding. 👉 More information:

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  • The annual meeting of the Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs providing legal assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings (17-18 October 2024), which coincides with the European Anti-Trafficking Day, affirmed the commitment towards achieving justice for victims of trafficking. The network has over 100 members across the states Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. ➡ It serves as a platform for exchanging experiences and information on key aspects of legal assistance to victims of trafficking, including to claim compensation and access other rights.  📢 Mary Henderson, solicitor at the Immigrant Council of Ireland: “Our network is committed to sharing experiences of good practices and innovations in identifying victims as well as holding states to account when they fail to support victims of human trafficking.” ➡ Participants discussed developments in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights related to human trafficking. In its most recent judgment related to trafficking, in the case T.V. v. Spain, the Court reaffirmed and further developed the states' obligations to investigate serious allegations of human trafficking. 📢 Parosha Chandran, a barrister who represented the applicant: “This case was referred to me by a member of our network, underlining how crucial our co-operation is in advancing victims' rights. It also demonstrates what can happen when civil society organisations support vulnerable victims of trafficking in their legal proceedings.” 👉 More information:

  • War and mass displacement typically amplify the risks linked to human trafficking, and the war in Ukraine is no exception. As the war drags into its third year, these risks have not diminished but changed form. Children, particularly those displaced by Russia’s war of aggression, face an increased risk of human trafficking. 📢 In response to this alarming phenomenon, a report on “Understanding the risks of human trafficking, including for the purpose of sexual and labour exploitation of children of Ukraine” was produced by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe's Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine (CGU) in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. At the heart of the report is a message of co-operation and commitment: despite the many challenges posed by the ongoing war, protecting the children of Ukraine from human trafficking must remain a top priority. Therefore, this report: ✔ encourages governmental authorities, local and regional authorities, international organisations, and civil society organisations to work together to increase awareness of all relevant stakeholders of the risks of human trafficking to protect children of Ukraine, and ✔ stresses the importance of refining strategies, investing in multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration, strengthening law enforcement agencies, and enhancing cooperation with the private sector to effectively address new challenges. ✔ The report concludes that only through co-operation, innovation, and continuous vigilance, can the risks of trafficking be effectively mitigated, ensuring the protection and well-being of all children of Ukraine in Europe.

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  • Lutte contre la traite des êtres humains a republié ceci

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    Today is European Anti-Trafficking Day. The #CouncilOfEurope’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) provides international standards and recommendations to support states in fighting #HumanTrafficking. Read the statement by Council of Europe’s Secretary General Alain Berset ⤵️ #EndHumanTrafficking #StopExploitation #HumanRights

  • A delegation of the Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) carried out an evaluation visit to Denmark from 7 to 11 of October 2024, as part of the fourth evaluation round of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. ➡ This new evaluation round of monitoring the implementation of the Convention focuses on vulnerabilities to human trafficking and measures taken by States Parties to prevent them, detect and support vulnerable victims, and punish the offenders. An additional focus concerns the use of information and communication technology (ICT), which brings structural changes to the way offenders operate and exacerbates existing vulnerabilities. 📃 Following the visit, GRETA will prepare a draft report, which will be sent to the national authorities for comments. GRETA will subsequently adopt a final report which will be made public. 👉 More information ↩

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