Cygn a republié ceci
✨February 14th, 2005 ✨ Today, as every day for the past 3 months, I'm on my way to the office in downtown Beirut. The sky is blue, the sun's bright. Each morning, I look out over the sea before turning right towards my destination. Today is a special day: we're only 9 days away from the launch of Paris-Beirut direct flights by Star Airlines, the young airline that wants to compete with 2 major ones : Air France and MEA. At around 12 noon, we have a meeting with Beirut airport's maintenance staff to discuss the final details. BANG. Windows shatter, all the rooms are flooded with dust. A bomb has exploded. A few meters from here, and in my head too. What's going on? Nobody knows. We hurry outside to make sure everyone is safe. Fortunately, no one is hurt, but it's a miracle : we're located in a glassed-in office building... Sirens are now sounding in the distance, panic is broadcasting as we still don't know what's going on. The decision is made for everyone to go home. It's 2005, smartphones aren't here yet, no whatsapp, facetime or other instant messaging to communicate. A few hours later, the news broke. Prime Minister Hariri was killed, along with 22 other people, by over 1 tonne of explosives in the heart of downtown Beirut. Decision was taken to cancel flights launching. That day, my professional life took a completely different turn from the one I had planned when I graduated in 2004. For years, I had been asking myself a lot of questions: Why did I return to Lebanon to set up a company? How could I set out again on a professional path “like everyone else”? How do I find my way? How can I get out of this succession of events that I perceive as failures? ✨February 14, 2025 ✨ 20 years have passed. It's been a long, difficult and, sometimes, discouraging journey. You can't change your history, but maybe you can create a more creative professional future? 4 years ago, Cygn was born out of this journey. I set my sights on a more colorful future, offering my own kind of service based on what I do best: listening, reflecting and coming up with solutions. Today, I know that my experiences are the foundation of my business. All these adventures, twists and turns are learnings I offer my clients to support them in their #entrepreneurial adventures, their #management and, above all, their #success. On 14/02/2005, I thought all would be lost. Star Airlines' French head office had decided to cancel the February flight launch and postpone it to a later date. In the end, this time of uncertainty, crisis and anxiety lasted only 4 months. On June 23, 2005, the first Star Airlines aircraft landed in Beirut. If memories sometimes seem mixed, pictures don't lie. What will remain with me from all these events is the joy and pride of seeing the adventure begin. ✨✈️🌏 #businesscoaching #experience #flashback #cygn