Merci à Ecotone et à l'ensemble des mécènes du Fonds pour l'Arbre, de mobiliser sur le terrain, à travers la France un large public de citoyens en vue de faire connaitre le rôle écologique clé de l'arbre champêtre et de la haie comme ressources d'intérêt général. Fondation Yves Rocher — Maisons du Monde Foundation— Fondation Ecotone— Fondation Nature et Découvertes — La Boulangère Bio — Olga — GROUPE M6— Caudalie — Beauvallet LJC — SOVEN ENGIE Solutions France — Fonds de dotation familial Peugeot - Avril (cosmétique bio) - La Fondation Concrete - 1% for the Planet France - MAIF - Le Poids du Vivant TRUFFAUT
Feel the Power of Trees and Hedges! 🌲💚 Every year, Ecotone celebrates Biodiversity Day, a special occasion dedicated to reconnecting with nature and enhancing biodiversity. This year, our theme highlights the incredible power of trees and hedges, a perfect reminder of their vital role in supporting biodiversity. In France, we gathered on November 28 in the beautiful countryside near Lyon to plant trees and hedges in collaboration with the Fonds pour l'Arbre : 🌱 270 employees involved 🌱 1.4km of hedges planted on 2 organic farms 🌱 In 3 hours of activity, we did what farmers would have done in 2 months! Many thanks to Fonds pour l'Arbre, Mission Haies Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Lycée agricole de Cibeins and GAEC XL 🙏 Stay tuned! We’ll be sharing photos and videos of activities held by our subsidiaries across Europe. 🤫 Now… Do you feel the power of trees and hedges? 🎥 Alexandre Bagdassarian #BiodiversityDay #LeadersForBiodiversity