FRONTERRA a republié ceci
I finish a one month long mission in my beloved country #Peru 🇵🇪 ♥️ with Jose Carlos Nieto, President of Peru’s Natural Protected Agency #SERNANP Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado - Sernanp and Gobierno regional del Cusco Directors for Agriculture and Natural resources management #ArmandoYucra and #JoseMansilla, with whom we have a huge perspective for collaboration for nature conservation, restoration and impact investing for rural development. It is always very special to be in my homeland, Peru, and work hand in hand with rural communities, the national government, regional governments and local governments for impactful projects. FRONTERRA has 3 main hats: a) project developer; b) boutique investment banking in natural capital for communities and local governments; and c) incubator of new ideas for public-private partnerships to scale up action through action-oriented policy and investment. I thank the whole FRONTERRA team, our community partners and very specially our friends of Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado - Sernanp and Gobierno regional del Cusco for the amazing closing of an amazing visit to the historical capital of Peru, #CUSCO ♥️ A few pictures of the whole mission are attached. For our clients and investors, please visit! You won’t regret it! FRONTERRA Patricia Fernández-Dávila Messum Alejandra Manrique Milla #Flora Valeria Sofia Santamaria Samaniego Rai Fajardo Gamarra Lucio Villa Carlos Mogollón Paul Rene Pino Manrique #JuanCruz Daryl Ayala Saavedra Max De Rivieres Alexandre Perry #Benito #Dario