Additionally, you can ask English-speaking colleagues or staff members to fill out the questionnaire (feel free to forward the link to your colleagues). In this first pilot study, no patients should be included.
Please note that some pictograms might not clearly match a description at first glance, but the correct match might become apparent from context or later pictograms. Feel free to correct your previous answers accordingly, and don’t forget to confirm your replies in the end!
As a primary endpoint, we’ll assess the success rate, determining if this first iteration of pictograms conveys the symptoms adequately enough to be understood by experts and non-experts. As secondary endpoints, we’ll analyze effects of gender, nationality, and age. Depending on the results and your feedback, we might revise the chart at a later stage of the study, while the clinical applicability could be part of future studies. Don’t forget: this is meant to be a fast and easy first feasibility study. Therefore, our study was designed to not demand much of your time – just click the link and fill out the survey (and, if you want to, forward the link to a handful of colleagues, who themselves decide if they’re experts or non-experts of neuroophthalmology), and all further work will be done by Ali and Johannes.
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ali Melliti ( or Johannes Gerb (!
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