Thinking On Paper Podcast & Book Club

Thinking On Paper Podcast & Book Club

Think tanks

Real Conversations About The Impact Of Emerging Technology On Business And Culture. (And A Damn Fine Book Club)

À propos

Real Conversations About The Impact Of Emerging Technologies On Business, Brands And Culture. Thinking on Paper is a podcast and book club that helps CEOs, founders, professionals and curious minds understand the Impact of emerging technology on business, culture and the human condition. Transform uncertainty into an advantage. Every week, futurists and writers Mark and Jeremy interview the builders and brands at the cutting edge of web3, A.I., blockchain, and quantum computing. Their mission? To help you understand the strategies, philosophies and technology re-shaping what it means to be human. As two writers trying to understand emerging technology via the written word. a book club where we could share ideas and improve our thinking together with the TOP community was always part of the plan.

Site web
Think tanks
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société indépendante
Fondée en
web3, futurism, blockchain, culture, emerging technology, artificial intelligence, metaverse, augmented reality, immersive experience, book club, book lovers, mental models, critical thinking, creativity et nexus thinking


Employés chez Thinking On Paper Podcast & Book Club


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