Présidente de WEEEMET - Ingénieure minéralurgiste et hydrometallurgiste en Recyclage et Valorisation
Last week was such a rewarding time at the International Congress European Metals for energy and digital transitions hosted by LabEx RESSOURCES21. I was excited to present the first results of WEEEMET along with the #copper issue and the challenges of #WEEEs #recycling ♻ It was an honor to give a talk in front of so many reputed scientists and experts of the metals industry and I had very valuable discussions and meetings 🤝 👏 A big thanks to the organisers of this congress Olga Chernoburova and Alexandre Chagnes who worked hard to offer us a valuable and enjoyable moment of ideas and project sharing. I am also really gratful to WEEEMET's co-funders, Alexandre and Eric Louvert who are supporting me all through this adventure. We have still so much to do to successfully carry out the energy and digital transitions with a sustainable and low impact European metals supply and I can't wait to see the positive impact of WEEEMET on these challenges !