MISS CAMEROUN 2024: SOUTIEN ÉDUCATIF GRATUIT POUR LES VICTIMES DE VIOLENCE. Dans le cadre de mon engagement continu pour soutenir les victimes de violences à travers le projet "Voix pour la Justice : Programme de Prévention, Protection, Réhabilitation et Synergie des Efforts Contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre au Cameroun", j'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d’un programme de formation gratuite, rendu possible grâce au partenariat avec l'Université ICT. Ce programme propose des formations professionnelles en : 🎯 Secrétariat bureautique 🎯 Infographie 🎯 Intelligence artificielle La formation débutera le 19 septembre 2024 et vise à fournir aux participants des compétences précieuses pour reconstruire leur vie. Les personnes intéressées peuvent nous rejoindre en contactant la Fondation Nounji via sa page, ou les contacts présents sur le visuel. Ensemble, créons un avenir meilleur pour ceux qui sont touchés par la violence. ############## MISS CAMEROON 2024: FREE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT FOR VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE. As part of my ongoing commitment to supporting victims of violence through the project "Voices for Justice: Programme for Prevention, Protection, Rehabilitation, and Synergy of Efforts Against Gender-Based Violence in Cameroon," I am pleased to announce the launch of a free training programme, made possible through a partnership with ICT University. This programme offers professional training in: 🎯 Office Administration 🎯 Graphic Design 🎯 Artificial Intelligence The training will begin on 19th September 2024 and aims to equip participants with valuable skills to rebuild their lives. Interested individuals can join us by contacting the Nounji Foundation via its page or through the contacts listed on the visual. Together, let's create a better future for those affected by violence. #SoutienÉducatif #StopAuxViolences #MissCameroun2024 #FondationNounji #FormationGratuite #ReconstructionParLeSavoir
Post de Fondation Nounji care by Noura Njikam
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Présent ce jour à Kinshasa (RDC) à l'atelier de validation des documents suivants que nous avons eu l'honneur de participer à leur préparation en qualité d'expert : - L'avant projet de Loi portant principes fondamentaux de protection des personnes et groupes vulnérables en RDC en application de l'article 123 point 16 de la Constitution - Le projet de document de Politique nationale de protection sociale des groupes vulnérables en RDC - Le projet de document de Stratégie nationale de protection des groupes vulnérables en RDC.
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Did you know? Thousands of children in Congo are displaced from their homes due to conflict, facing unimaginable challenges every day. The current escalating conflict in Goma has forced at least 78,000 children and 14000 women to flee their homes in search of: 1. Safety 2. Security 3. Survival Their plight is urgent, and together, we can change this trajectory. What can we do to ensure these vulnerable children and women receive the support and protection they urgently need? Join us in raising awareness, advocating for their rights, and providing crucial support. Your action, no matter how small, can bring hope to those who need it most. Stand with vulnerable children and women in DRC Congo. #vulnerablechildreninDRC #standforsurvival #womeninDRC #zamborinc
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We are excited to be part of the new Gender-Based Violence (#GBV) Prevention Programme South Sudan (GBVPSS), working alongside the British Embassy Juba, selected South Sudanese Women-Led Organisations, and UNICEF South Sudan. Over the next few years, we'll be working with our partners to shift harmful social norms, strengthen Women-Led Organisations (#WLO), provide quality services for GBV survivors, and generate evidence on what works to prevent GBV in South Sudan. WhatWorks2PreventVAWG UNICEF #SDDirectGBV #EndViolence #SouthSudan
I'm delighted to have recently attended and contributed to the launch and inception workshop of the new #GBV Prevention Programme South Sudan (GBVPSS). The British Embassy Juba, selected South Sudanese Women-Led Organisations, UNICEF South Sudan and Social Development Direct all gathered together to chart our way forward with this ambitious programme which will run through until end of March 2029. Social Development Direct will serve as What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Learning Partnership Senior Technical Advisor Team to the GBVPSS. We'll be supporting partners with the generation, documentation and sharing of the GBV practice-based learning and evidence emerging from the programme. Collectively, as partners we aim to: - support communities in South Sudan to shift social norms that support GBV - provide GBV survivors with quality care and services - further strengthen the capacities of #WLO partners - learn about what works to prevent GBV in South Sudan We look forward to our journey ahead together and sharing relevant updates across our partner platforms. WhatWorks2PreventVAWG UNICEF Social Development Direct
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Belle opportunité de consultation
🪧 Appel à candidature ChildFund recherche un expert en rapport qualitatif, expérimenté en protection - questions liées aux enfants et à la violence basée sur le genre (VBG), à l'éducation et aux moyens de subsistance pour aider notre organisation à réaliser une évaluation rapide dans la région du Sahel (Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger). En savoir plus : https://cutt.ly/qeJtNuUU / https://cutt.ly/SeJymItB Deadline : 25 novembre 2024 Allassane Drabo Henri-Noel Tatangang Mamadou Mbaye Seynabou Diagne Adiouma Barry D. Mamadou SOW ChildFund International - Africa #emploi #Recrutement #ChildFund #Consultant #Protection #Sahel #Opportunité #Communautés #Enfants
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🚨 Understanding and Preventing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Djibouti: An Ecological Approach 🚨 In Djibouti, 93% of women and girls have undergone FGM, and 42% have experienced physical or sexual violence. To effectively address these issues, we need to look at the big picture-understanding how individual, relational, community, and societal factors contribute to violence. Here’s a breakdown of the Ecological Model and how it applies to Djibouti: 1. Individual Level: - Survivors of childhood trauma, like FGM, are more likely to face violence later in life. - Economic dependency and low education levels increase vulnerability to GBV. 2. Relational Level: - Power imbalances within families and early marriages put women at greater risk. - Only 25% of women report GBV due to fear of retaliation and social pressures. 3. Community Level: - In rural areas, social norms support FGM, despite laws banning the practice. - Limited access to healthcare and weak institutional support make it hard for survivors to get help. 4. Societal Level: - Cultural norms around gender roles and weak law enforcement allow GBV and FGM to persist. - Laws exist, but enforcement is challenging, especially in rural areas. 🛠 What can be done? - Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Collaborating with businesses, government, and NGOs can fund awareness campaigns, build shelters, and offer vocational training to empower survivors. - Technology Solutions: Developing apps for reporting violence and offering telemedicine for remote communities can increase access to essential services. - Strong Legal Enforcement: Ensuring that anti-FGM and GBV laws are effectively enforced, particularly in rural regions, will create safer environments for women and girls. Let’s work together to create a safer, more equitable future for women in Djibouti! ✊ #EndGBV #StopFGM #GenderEquality #Djibouti #PublicPrivatePartnerships #Empowerment #Sustainability
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L'UNICEF lance un avis d'appel à manifestation d'intérêt pour la Réalisation d’une Etude Participative sur l’Impact des Activités de Réintégration Socio-économique pour les Enfants Sortis des Forces et groupes armés et les Enfants à Risque de Recrutements, Mali https://lnkd.in/enx7ubFg #hiring #journalism #law #recruitment #emploi #job #india #formation #energy #recrutement #economy #sales #finance #startup #market #jobs #jobsearch #recruiting #careers #career #economics #jobinterviews #entrepreneurship #africa #energy #creativity #digitalmarketing #money #innovation #business #socialmedia #leadership #management #smallbusiness #futurism #motivation #business #agriculture #emplois #recrute #finances #offre #avis #postulez #bourse #offre
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When children are having children, we cannot look away. Despite a global decline in teenage pregnancies, South Africa has witnessed an alarming rise, with reported cases rising from 90,000 in 2021/2022 to 150,000 in 2022/2023 among girls aged 10 to 19. In Malawi, nearly 29% of girls aged 15-19 are pregnant—almost 1 out of 3 girls. This is alarming. For many, these pregnancies result from statutory rape, highlighting the critical need for protection and education. To address this, the Embassy of France has supported the training of 428 social workers in South Africa and Malawi. Through partnerships with Valued Citizens Initiative and the Association of Social Workers in Malawi - ASWiM, these professionals are now equipped to deliver comprehensive sexuality education and empower young people on their journey. 🎥 Watch our new video series to see how social workers are making a difference, empowering young people, and helping create safer futures. Cecelia Kok Martin Deramond
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🚨 Découvrez la note de présentation du Crisis Analysis Team - DRC (CAT-DRC) 🚨 Chers abonnés, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à consulter la note de présentation de notre département Crisis Analysis Team - DRC (CAT-DRC). Cette note décrit notre mission, présente nos différents rapports et notre expertise dans la compréhension et l'analyse des crises en République Démocratique du Congo. 📌 Consultez-la dès maintenant et n’hésitez pas à partager vos retours ! #CrisisAnalysis #HumanitarianResponse #Congo #CATDRC
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La participation citoyenne et l'engagement communautaire en particulier des jeunes et des femmes, sont des gages pour une meilleure atteinte des objectifs de développement au niveau local, surtout pour ce qui est des questions liées au climat et à la protection de l'environnement. La Gouvernance verte en est donc une boussole. Pour en apprendre plus, prenez part à ce 6e module de formation sur la gouvernance verte. #UniGoVe #UniGoVe2024 European Union alda* - European Association for Local Democracy elbarlament European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) People in Need Herve Donatien MAKEBEL PAGLAGA Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Expert en finance climatique / Chef du département Climat, Energie et RRC aux Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement du Cameroun / Spécialiste du Mécanisme de Recours Indépendant du FVC / PhD. Candidate
Aujourd'hui 23 juillet 2024, nous poursuivons notre formation sur la #Gouvernance #Verte avec le module 6 qui sera animé par Stéphanie NJIOMO de la Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung au Cameroun. Pour rappel, l'Université de la Gouvernance Verte (UniGoVe) est un projet de Young Volunteers for Environment Cameroon mis en œuvre avec ses partenaires Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung et #Commune de #Yaoundé 1er, dans le cadre du programme #Wyde Civic Engagement financé par l'European Union et coordonné par alda* - European Association for Local Democracy. Ce Module 6 intitulé "Participation Citoyenne et Engagement Communautaire", aura lieu ce Mardi 23 juillet 2024, 16h-18h heure du Cameroun (15h-17h GMT). Vous pouvez vous aussi participer via le lien Zoom : https://lnkd.in/euHUXKsR Nº du webinaire : 848 7600 9001 Code secret: 189690 Pour plus d'information et la participation, nous contacter : herve.makebel@jvecameroun.org / info@jvecameroun.org #UnGoVe #UniGoVe2024 #youthparticipation #youthengagement #youthindemocracy #greengovernance #governance elbarlament European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) People in Need European Endowment for Democracy (EED) European Youth Parliament (EYP)
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Adapting Capacity Building Approaches to Local Realities Child Frontiers’ Principal Consultant, Raffaella Boschetti has recently completed an intensive assessment of the capacities of UNICEF Mali’s implementing partners to prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). The review included 93 partners based in Bamako, Gao, Toumbouctou, Sikasso, Mopti, and Kayes. This assessment gives UNICEF and its partners a baseline for tracking progress of the organisation's PSEA capacity. An extensive capacity building followed the assessment phase, and we provided technical, individually tailored support to 54 implementing partners. The anticipated onsite training facilitation shifted fully online given tightened entry restrictions to Mali. Guiding six 3-hour virtual sessions required our team to foster trust, encourage transparent and open dialogue, and focus on local challenges and opportunities. By listening closely to real-life examples and co-creating tailored recommendations, strong connections grew quickly. Flexibility and relationship-building were key and continually adapting the course to include case stories that resonated with participants ensured the information was not too theoretical. Our team tried to find the balance between the ‘ideal’ standards (United Nations Protocol On Allegations Of Sexual Exploitation And Abuse Involving Implementing Partners) while also setting achievable individual organizational action plans tailored to partners' context and capacities. Results have been impressive so far, with some now fully meeting expected PSEA requirements to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse. Raffaella reflected ‘We knew the training sessions had to be really meaningful to partners. We ensured each training session was tailored to those attending, and that UNICEF Mali’s implementing partners could ask any question they wanted, and see their practical concerns addressed. So, it was interactive and really specific to each organisation’s reality and challenges.’ As part of the study, the Child Frontiers team also carried out a major qualitative research, involving more than 250 girls, boys, women, men, and key stakeholders in four regions of Mali. The research explored people’s understanding of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, as well as what participants believed to be their causes, consequences and potential solutions. The study was led by Ben C. and the results are currently being finalised and shared with UNICEF. Our thanks to the UNICEF Mali country team for their support throughout the process and to all the partner organisations and individuals who worked with us on this important project. #PSEA #onlinetraining #capacitybuilding
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