Post de Jocelyne Gonthier

Voir le profil de Jocelyne Gonthier

Formatrice, coach et mentor en philanthropie (dons majeurs et planifiés)

Bien résumé.

Voir le profil de Kevin L. Brown

To get nonprofit funding, be fundable & findable. 💪🏽💛

19 laws about fundraising I’ve learned while: ✔️ Working with 230 clients in 50 countries ✔️ Writing 192,000 words about funding ✔️ Getting 21,611 LinkedIn comments ✔️ Reading 100+ social sector books ✔️ Failing often at our own nonprofit After all that, we can summarize the most important lessons on a single page. (These laws are actually the chapter subtitle drafts from my first book.) Download. Bookmark. Commit them to memory. Then repost ♻️ to help your network. What would you add to this list? #nonprofit #brand #fundraising 💪🏽💛 _________________________________________ Follow Kevin L. Brown to maximize your funding.

  • 19 laws of fundraising infographic — Kevin L. Brown
Catherine Patry, EMBA

Head of Global Marketing at GardaWorld, Podcaster (Les 4 à 4) and Speaker on humor in business

9 mois

Elsa Desjardins, MBA : j'ai pensé à toi!

Kevin L. Brown

To get nonprofit funding, be fundable & findable. 💪🏽💛

9 mois

Merci d'avoir reposté, Jocelyne Gonthier Heureux que celui-ci résonne! 👏🏽

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