Post de SPW Economie Emploi Recherche

🚀 Félicitations à IBA pour le lancement de la nouvelle génération de cyclotrons dans le cadre du 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗔𝗣𝗜𝗥 ! Une belle avancée technologique qui illustre le dynamisme et l’expertise de la Wallonie dans le domaine des technologies innovantes. Bravo aux équipes pour ce succès ! 👏 #Innovation #TechnologiesDePointe #ProjetTAPIR #Cyclotron #SPWEconomieEmploiRecherche Lionel Bonjean Luc VANDENDORPE Laurent Antoine Jean-François Heuse Catherine Stasser Pierre Isabelle Véronique Jeukens

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🚀 We are thrilled to announce the launch of the TAPIR project, funded by VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship and SPW Economie Emploi Recherche through the BELCOO funding scheme! IBA and The Binding Energy join their effort, with the ambition to minimize the nuclear waste and enhance radiation workers safety.   🎯 The TAPIR project’s goal is to develop a cutting-edge tool suite that automates and simplifies the assessment of radioisotope generation, activation levels, and ambient dose during and after the operation of particle accelerators. This initiative will contribute strengthening Belgium nuclear expertise, providing new tools and creating high skilled jobs.

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