Finale of her travel in Japan、日本の旅の終わり
3rd of December in Kobe、12月3日神戸にて
Isabella visited her acquaintance in Osaka which was a vivid big city with 600,000 people.
The theater in Doton-bori in the Meiji
She mentioned women’s status was not low. According to her, the wives of poor families were happier than the ones of rich families. They worked hard but they were co-workers of their husbands. Husbands were not boss. Single women were not discriminated. Boys and girls were brought up equally with love. They were educated in the same way.
The status of Japanese women might have been relatively high among the world.
「---日本の妻は金持ち階層より貧しい階層の方が幸せだというのが私が受けた印象である。よく働くけれども、夫にこき使われるのもというよりむしろ夫の協働者なのである。また、同じ階層の中でなら、結婚していなくても世間から隔離されていないし、一定の範囲内では完全な自由を有している。--- 男女の別なく慈しみを持って育てられるし、女の子も男の子と同じように身分相応の教育をきちんと受ける。」とあり、イザベラから見ても女性の地位が高かったことが分かる。
H.B.M.’s LEGATION, YEDO, December18
She enjoyed final days in Japan.” I have
spent the last ten days here, in settled fine weather, ---.” She visited tourist
spots near Tokyo and wrote “---, and to Enoshima and Kamakura, “vulgar”
resorts which nothing can vulgarise so long as Fujisan towers above them.” 12月18日東京の英国公使館にて
Her sketch of the village in Toukaidou
Highway and Mt.Fuji
Finally, she left Japan. She wrote, “The
snowy dome of Fujisan reddening in the sunrise rose above the violet woodlands
of Mississippi Bay (Tokyo Bay) as we steamed out of Yokohama Harbour on the 19th,
and three days later I saw the last of Japan – a rugged coast, lashed by a
wintry sea.”
Yokohama in 1865、「増補開国御開港横浜の全図」(1865)
五雲亭貞秀@横浜駅地下通路 |
The fun of Japanese founded by Isabella L. Bird in 1878
Fun of the pastimes with
It would be a common sense that spending a time
with children is fun, I think. However, she mentioned that Japanese loved children too much. She wrote “child-worship being more common in Japan”
(Part7). Playing the game with children, watching children who were playing the
game, going to festivals and buying various toys, and lifting them. It is
really fun and affordable. She wrote Ainus loved children more than Japanese.
There was less entertainment back then. It was a key driver to cherish children
probably.Reference: Kanaya family in Nikko (part3)、Festival in Tsuchizaki (part6)、Letter written in Ikarigaseki (part7)、Runners of rickshaws and festival in Otsu (part11)、Aino family(part9)
Nagareyama city museum、流山市博物館 |
She complained a lot about Japanese noisy parties. But I know it is fun to drink until late at night while playing music. It was not just drinking, it was a party with performances by people.
On the other hand, she mentioned that Chinese drank quietly and gently. She praised it. Recently, Chinese parties were very noisy, so it changed.
Reference: Inn in Kasukabe(part2)、Nikko Yumoto onsen resort and Kanaya house (part3)、Sanaburi party in Aizu (part4)、Kaminoyama onsen resort (part5)、Oodate (part6)、Mori in Hokkaidou (part9)
Fun of the festivals、祭の楽しみ
It is no doubt that festivals are fun. Isabella
pointed out dressed-up people went to the festival happily, bought something from the stands, and they showed their valuables at the time of festival
(Otsu). At the end of her travel, she wrote that Japanese didn’t believe in any deities. Going to shrines and temples were just a picnic, moreover religious festivals were just a En-nich carnival (Part10). Anyway, visiting shrines and temples has been fun for Japanese.
Reference: Festival in Tsuchizaki (Part6)、Kite fighting (Part7)、Festival in Kuroishi (Part8)、Festival of Ainus (Part9)、Festival in Otsu(Part11)
Neputa festival in Asakusa、浅草祭での弘前ねぷた |
Fun of the onsen hot
She wrote the people who enjoyed onsen in some
places. Soaking in the bath tub and relaxing, then playing Japanese guitars and singing. Those
are really fun. Japan is in a volcanic region, so there are a lot of onsen
resorts.Reference: Nikko Yumoto onsen (part3)、Akayu and Kaminoyama onsen (part5)、Nakano onsen (part8)
Brochure of Asama onsen tourist association
Fun of city life、都市・繁華街の楽しみ
Fun in Asakusa (Part2) and Kyoto (Part11) were
described. Big cities were kinds of amusement parks.Reference: 江戸生活事典Life in Edo, old Tokyo (published in 1959)
Douton-bori in present in Osaka、大阪・道頓堀 |
6. Fun of intelligence、知的楽しみ
A gentleman enjoyed reading in deep mountains which was 15km away from Nikko Highway. She wrote, “a decent-looking middle-aged man lying on his chest in the verandah, raised on his elbows, and intently reading a book, ---" (Part4). Expanding our knowledge is excellent enjoyment.
She brought medicine such as painkillers, and cured
Japanese. She also had sweets to present. I can say she knew how to fraternize
with local people. Therefore, she found a lot of habit of Japanese people including
enjoyment. I respect her courage for traveling, her curiosity and her effort to
write this book.
イザベラは鎮痛剤などの薬剤を持っていて、日本人を治療した。お菓子ももっていたし、現地人に入り込むすべを知っていた。だから多くの日本人の楽しみを見つけられたと思う。こんな旅ができるなんて、彼女の旅する勇気と好奇心、そして旅行記を残したことを尊敬する。Reference: Isabella L. Bird, Manga version in Japanese (マンガ版)
Previous post (Go to Ise Shrine by
of Isabella L. Bird in 1878, part 11 イザベラバードが見た明治初期の日本(11) Next post (Museum in my city、我が町の博物館):
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