Tech NewsGadgets
Giant Atari Joystick is Just Enough Kill
Sometimes the only way to make something old new again is to increase its proportions to a gigantic scale. The mantra has worked for the fast food, automobile and twine industries for some time. So its introduction into the vintage console modding market was inevitable. Take this gigantic, functional Atari Joystick. In video, this oversized … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Nintendo DS Sets New Record, Wins All of World’s Gold
This just in: Nintendo is making boatloads of cash. Despite pumping out 1.8 million Wiis a month, they can’t keep the unit on shelves—and this is one year since the system’s launch. But the story this week is about their portable system, the Nintendo DS. It’s just set a game console sales record for Thanksgiving … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Verizon Responds to 30 Rock Nut Shot
Anyone who watched last week’s episode of 30 Rock had to have noticed when, after characters on the show praised Verizon Wireless service, Tina Fey turned abruptly to the camera and asked, “Can we have our money now?” It was…harsh to say the least…but just harsh enough to make the 30 Rock watchers at home … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech News
Sony Using CMOS Camera For Cars, CMOS!
We’re gonna go a little ubergeek on you for a moment and celebrate that Sony is using CMOS video cameras for Nissan’s upcoming “around view monitor,” a camera system giving you an overhead view of your car for parking and moments when you just want to look like OJ on the highway. These cameras grab … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
10 Cyber Monday Deals Worth Checking Out
You didn’t want to stand out in the cold for your deals on electronics, risking death by trample to save a few bucks? We can’t blame you. So here are 10 great deals you can get from the comfort of your own home during the internet’s version of Black Friday, Cyber Monday. Hit the jump … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Rube Goldberg Builders Needed for TV Show “Super Rubes”
Super Rubes is an upcoming one-hour TV show for The Discovery Channel that will pit a super team of Rube Golderberg creators against impossible challenges. The show is currently casting artists, scientists, engineers, architects and designers—or anyone with mad Rube Goldberg cred or enthusiasm. You need to be between 25-39 years old, and if you’re … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech News
Koenigsegg CCXR Biofuel Car Breaks 1000HP
When most of us think biofuel, we think imperfect solution granolamunchingmobiles. But the Koenigsegg CCXR supercar just changed our minds. Featuring a lightweight, cast-aluminium V8 engine, this bad boy of biofuel can go 0-100kph in 2.9 seconds, cranking out 1018 HP at 7200 rpm and 780 lb/ft of torque at 6100 rpm. These drool-worthy specs … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Soyabella, Auto Soymilk Maker
We prefer drinking from cow whenever possible, but the Soyabella soymilk maker, an auto soy grinder and roaster that makes soymilk with the touch of the button, interests us nonetheless. Just add water and soybeans and you’ll have fresh “milk” in 15 minutes. But to ensure that it doesn’t collect dust after your two-week soy … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Canadians Finally Get TiVo
Every once in a while we read a mundane press release—in this case, announcing that Canada gets TiVo—and just start laughing. Poor Canada is finally getting TiVo service, “just in time for the holiday season.” But that’s not the funniest part. The only hardware available will be the TiVo Series2, standard def, last gen DVR … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Home Trebuchet Kit, a Few Feet Short of Perfection
When we first spotted this Stirling Warwolf Trebuchet kit, we thought our dreams had come true. At last we could defeat our neighbors, if not in a landscaping-off, at least in an old fashioned, purely American arms race. But then we saw the all-too-reasonable price of $189. And we knew this trebuchet was only moderately … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Sony Ships 1 Millionth New PSP
Sony’s updated PSP Slim (PSP-2000) may not have been an upgrade anywhere near the metamorphosis from Nintendo’s DS to DS Lite, but it’s reinvigorated the Japanese consumer nonetheless. Sony has officially broken the 1 million barrier in these new units shipped to retailers, and has accomplished the feat in just about 2 months of time. … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
LCDetar Rocks Geek Style With Onboard Laptop
The LCDetar may be the ultimate laptop mod. By sticking an aging laptop into a guitar, a pretty standard music visualization display transcends to rock god status. Now if we could only fit a laptop into our Rock Band controller…and if our Rock Band controller could only produce music without the game… [techeblog]
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
“Hot Tub” Nuclear Reactor Could Power Cities
About the size of a hot tub, this portable nuclear reactor in development by Hyperion Power Generation could be buried in a small cement casing within the ground and provide maintenance-free power to 25,000 homes for 5-years. An internal chemical reaction produced 27 megawatts of thermal energy powering an external steam turbine to produce electricity. … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
$10 Off $30+ Video Games at Best Buy
Here’s a quick reminder for those who may have overlooked this deal. Best Buy has a printable online coupon that offers you $10 off games that are $30 and up until Nov 28th. There are no other restrictions to the offer, so whatever system you have, this coupon will play nice with it. [coupon via … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
How Gizmodo Celebrates Thanksgiving (With a Lightsaber)
Disclaimer: This commercial may be super old or something, but we’re accustomed to ripping our juicy entertainment free from the stinky shell of advertising, to consume with our bare hands, the pulp and syrups flowing down our arms. And besides, any commercial that uses a lightsaber to carve a turkey is pretty much a must … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsApple
Bank Robbers Are Wearing iPods Now?
Australian police stopped a robbery in Sydney, arresting three men. The funny part? We think one of them may have been wearing an iPod, given that trademark white earbud cord sticking out of his pocket (hit jump for mega version). It’s possible that, having cold feet at the last second, this scared masked man cranked … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
A Plush Webcam is Not a Tush Webcam
Here’s a cute 1.3MP webcam that will only run you $16.99. We just don’t recommend it for the purpose we both know you are already planning: “Oohh, you’re so sweet. This little chipmunk thing is the cutest!” “Sure, happy one month anniversary.” “I can’t wait to snuggle with him at night.” “Oh, about that. Just … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
Make a Metal Detector For Like 5 Bucks and 2 Minutes
Click to view We’ll admit it: we’ll lack the ambition to perform most of the hacks you read about on Giz. But taping a calculator to an AM radio to make a metal detector? That’s right up our alley. And by “right up our alley” we mean probably still too much effort…but not by much.
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsApple
Concept iMac Commercial is Old Navy Meets Apple
This concept iMac holiday commercial was made by Ragus Media’s Mark Richardson. While this may appear to be the product of a lot of patience and a very long power strip, Richardson informs us that each of the shots is actually a still rendered in Maya, taking about 8 hours a pop. Then light effects … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsGadgets
IBM Files Patent for DVD Commercials
Filing way back in February of 2006, IBM sought to patent a model for a dynamically updated, commercial-laden DVD. Essentially, the DVD would be coded to stick commercials in at certain points on the disc, which, depending upon one’s reading of the documents, would probably not be skippable. (The commercial content itself could either be … Continued
By Mark Wilson