Tech News
How to Make Sure Your Net Neutrality Comment Matters
If you’re in favor of a neutral internet—one that’s doled out equally to everyone, not preferentially to whomever pays the toll—you’ve got a few more hours to do something about it. At least, to do something about it the official way, by submitting a comment to the FCC urging the agency not to overturn net … Continued
By Meg Neal -
Tech News
The Maker of Vuse E-Cigs Is Lobbying to Ban Vaping (Updated)
The biggest of the big tobacco companies, RJ Reynolds, which also owns the fast-growing e-cig brand Vuse, is trying real hard to convince lawmakers to ban vaping. That might sound ass-backwards, but it isn’t. The firm is almost certainly hoping to stymie the competition by making sure its disposable “cigalikes” pass regulations but the refillable … Continued
By Meg Neal -
Tech NewsGoogle
If Anyone Can Get Delivery Drones Legalized, It’s Google
The commercial drone industry has a new best friend, and that friend is powerful and loaded. It’s Google, which recently unveiled to The Atlantic its secret drone delivery program, Project Wing, meaning another tech titan now has skin in the commercial UAV game. One that might just have enough clout to make delivery drones happen. … Continued
By Meg Neal