Tech NewsGadgets
This Page-Turning Kindle Contraption Is Straight Out of Rick and Morty
Not since Rick and Morty’s butter-passing robot has there been a more hyper-specific, purpose-built device than perhaps Alex Mikes’ automatic Kindle page turner. Instead of having to raise his arm to tap the edge of the screen while reading in bed, a simple click of a wireless remote makes the attached contraption do all of … Continued
Tech NewsBest of the Week
AC Lung, Space Stairs, 3D Guns and the Quietest Place on Earth: Best Gizmodo Stories of the Week
August 2018 rolled in with a bang, literally, as explosions rocked Caracas, Venezuela on Saturday during a speech by President Nicolas Maduro—and government officials later said bomb-carrying drones were to blame. If the accounts of an attempted assassination using unmanned aerial vehicles is confirmed, the New York Times wrote, it would be the “first such … Continued
By Tom McKay -
Tech News
The Battle Over 3D-Printed Guns Is Getting Serious
Five years ago, a lot of people thought Cody Wilson was a wild-eyed fanatic. The New Yorker described his rhetoric about making blueprints for 3D-printed guns available to anyone on the internet as “divorced” “from any practical reality.” Yet here we are in 2018, and Wilson’s company, Defense Distributed, is still in the news being branded … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
An Aspiring Rocketeer Built This 3D-Printed, Underwater Jetpack
Taking to the skies with a rocket strapped to your back is still a dangerous idea, despite how Hollywood typically portrays the stunt. So a product design student in the UK created a safer way to fly—under water—with a jetpack that can propel a swimmer at speeds of up to eight miles per hour. Archie … Continued
Tech News
I’m in Awe of This Four-Foot Nerf Bazooka That Fires Pool Noodle Rockets
In recent years, Nerf has added some gigantic blasters to its lineup, at times necessitating the need for a shoulder strap. But they still can’t compare to one of YouTube’s Ryan & David’s recent creations: a four-foot long custom-built bazooka that fires oversized darts made from pool noodles. It’s reminiscent of Mark Rober’s world’s biggest Nerf … Continued
Tech News
Genius Photography Hacker Makes Adapter to Attach Giant Zoom Lenses to the Game Boy Camera
When it was released 20 years ago, it didn’t matter that the Game Boy Camera took terrible, low-res, black and white images. It was a digital camera kids could buy for just $50, and the fun factor far outweighed the device’s technical limitations. Even today there’s still a rabid fanbase for it, including designer Bastiaan … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
I Want to Super-Size Every Classic Lego Set I’ve Ever Owned
Matt Denton has been putting his 3D printer to good use again, possibly the only good use for those plastic-extruding machines. He’s super-sized all the pieces in Lego’s 1979 Technic Bulldozer set, which required over 600 hours of printing to recreate all 372 parts. Re-assembling all of those pieces into a five-foot long Lego Technic … Continued
Tech News
This Real-Life, Coin-Shooting Mario Block Is My New Retirement Plan
Stressed about job security? Worried about making ends meet? Super Mario might be a plumber, but do you ever see him fixing pipes? No, and why would he when his world is filled with random blocks that spew gold coins? Apparently hoping for an early retirement, hacker Jonathan Whalen attempted to build a real-life version … Continued
Tech News
A Breakthrough in 3D Printing Liquids Could Lead to Squishy, Flexible Gadgets
The most common types of 3D printing involve either extruding melted plastic or using a laser to solidify tiny particles, layer by layer, to slowly build up a solid object. But researchers at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have found a way to radically change that process by 3D printing liquids inside … Continued
Tech News
The World’s Most Impractical Chess Set Can Fit Inside Your Wallet
If your wallet serves as more of a toolbox than a place to stash a few bucks, alongside a flat-pack knife and credit card-sized multi-tools, you can also slip in this super tiny, 3D-printed chess set. Compared to playing rock-paper-scissors, it’s a far more civilized way to make important decisions. Designed by Kiriakos Christodoulou—aka Innovo—the … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
The First 3D-Printed Steel Bridge Looks Like It Broke Off an Alien Mothership
The plan to 3D-print a bridge in mid-air was always bonkers. How could a technology best known for creating flimsy prototypes and personalized action figures be used for permanent construction projects? Well, the team at MX3D in Amsterdam just answered all of the hard questions and revealed it: the world’s first 3D-printed bridge. It’s made … Continued
io9Toys & Collectibles
Showering Under a Water-Spewing Dragon Head Fulfills More Fantasies Than I Can Count
When affordable 3D printers first hit the market, many predicted the machines—inspired by Star Trek’s replicators—would change the world as we know it. Many years later, the world doesn’t feel all that different, but now that I can shower under a water-spewing decapitated dragon, I’m declaring 3D printers humanity’s greatest innovation. Back in 2014, we … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
It Took Almost 10 Days to 3D-Print This Giant Millennium Falcon Model
3D printers haven’t quite ushered in a new industrial revolution, but every day it seems there’s another irrational reason why you might consider buying one. As this soothing timelapse reveals, if you’ve got the patience to wait almost ten days, you could 3D print yourself an impressive replica of the Millennium Falcon in a single … Continued
Rick and Morty Shorts And 3D Printing Make For A Heavily Intoxicated Good Time
The 3D Print Guy has a brilliant YouTube gimmick: he 3D prints plastic figures, and then he animates them. This time, he sculpts and animates the sneakiest, most mischievous Rick of all: Tiny Rick. Tiny Rick, a diminuitive younger clone of Rick and Morty’s eponymous, drunken scientist, gets a more self-consciously cartoony treatment in 3D … Continued
By Julie Muncy -
Tech NewsSploid
Finally, a Use For Candy Corn: Blasting It Out of a 3D-Printed Wrist Cannon
Do you lean more towards the “trick” side of trick-or-treating? Do you, like 98 percent of the world, wonder who actually eats candy corn? If you answered “yes” to both, then head over to DragonflyFabrication’s Thingiverse page where you can download the plans for this double-barreled, wrist-mounted candy corn blaster. In addition to a hatred … Continued
Tech News
Clever 3D-Printed Widget Turns a Balloon Into a Flower Vase
How often do you actually get flowers and need a vase to put them in? On your birthday, maybe? When a family member passes? So why bother storing a rarely-used fancy vase when this clever 3D-printable plastic widget turns a party balloon into a decent place to keep a few flowers alive? Designed by Evan … Continued
The Future of Pharmaceuticals is Custom-Printing Drugs
Imagine that every time you needed a prescription, you wandered on over to the pharmacy and a pharmacist printed you up your drugs on the spot. On-demand micro manufacturing would allow pharmacists to customize for dosage, for your own personal biology, or even to combine many pills into one dose. It’s a vision for the … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
Super-Sizing Lego Sets Is the Only Reason You Need a 3D Printer
They’ve been used by large companies for rapidly creating prototypes for at least a few decades, but finding a reason to put a 3D printer in every home hasn’t been as successful. Making accessories for your vacuum? Boring. Building pop bottle bridges? Meh. Super-sizing Lego? Hello holy grail of 3D printing. Matt Denton used a … Continued
Tech News
This Printer Doodles Stick Figure Robots to Explore Areas We Can’t
Building a robot that can replicate everything a human can do is both impossibly complicated and expensive. So, researchers at the IT University of Copenhagen are taking the exact opposite approach: building incredibly simple robots, on-demand, that only do what humans can’t. In a paper recently published to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters journal, … Continued
Tech News
This Squishy Artificial Heart is Amazing
Researchers in Europe have created a soft artificial heart that mimics the real thing. It’s still not ready for prime time, but the approach, in which the developers used silicone and 3D-printing, could revolutionize the way patients with heart disease are treated. Patients with severe cardiovascular problems are typically hooked up to blood pumps while they … Continued