Tech NewsGadgets
Lifehacker Book Now Available for Pre-Order
Our blogging cohorts at Lifehacker are releasing a book! The book is appropriately titled: Lifehacker: 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day. If you enjoy reading Lifehacker this may be the perfect book for your collection. I’ll let Amazon explain it for those of you who are still reading this but have no clue what … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Non-Bluetooth, Bluetooth Style Headset Flashlight
The Over-Ear Book Light is simply that, an over the ear, Bluetooth-style headset that is just a flashlight. It is a little less discreet that most personal book flashlight, but it aims wherever you are looking. So, lets say you are trying to read Everybody Poops inconspicuously, but coincidentally your partner rips one and you … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Going Digital: Training Wheels for DigiCam Noobs
We show you so many digital cameras and camcorders here on the Giz, you must be getting bleary-eyed just trying to sort through all the choices. Coming to your aid is Going Digital, a book by technology columnist and radio host Alex Goldfayn that helps you noobs navigate through that thicket of info and specs, … Continued
io9Books & Comics
iLounge Releases The Free iPod Book 2.0
Yeah, you may think you are Mr. or Ms. iPod, but there still must be questions about that little white device that must boggle your mind. Enter The Free iPod Book 2.0, written and developed by the guys over at iLounge. This book is absolutely ridiculous. It is 194 pages of everything you could ever … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
We’ll sit on a good sofa over a great armchair any day, but we’d definitely make an exception for the Bibliochaise, literally an armchair library for those who like to be “immersed in deep reading”. It can shelve five linear meters worth of books, so the question is would you put the books you love … Continued
By Gizmodo.com -
io9Books & Comics
Backscratching: Glenn Reynolds’ An Army of Davids
Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds sent me a copy of his new book, An Army of Davids a couple weeks back. Glenn occasionally does guest reviews for us here at Gizmodo, so it’s the least we can do to get the word out about his book—it’s obvious he’s put a lot of research into it. I’m about … Continued
By Joel -
io9Books & Comics
Home-Made Book Scanner
Who needs a $35,000 book scanner when you can just make one of your own with mostly household items? Most of this project was constructed with the help of an eraser and Legos. It uses the eraser to act as a grip for the page turner and an upside-down Epson scanner that is hooked up … Continued
io9Books & Comics
ATIZ BookDrive Automatic Book Scanner
ATIZ has developed an automatic book scanner that is of a somewhat-reasonable size. There are a couple other automatic book scanners out there but they are huge machines according to Art Sarasin, president of ATIZ. This machine uses a page-turning mechanism. It connects via USB 2.0 and all you do is designate how many pages … Continued