Axions—a popular dark matter candidate—may be floating around dense stellar remnants in a haze, and even be detectable to some telescopes.
A nearby star system, teetering on the edge of a spectacular explosion, promises a rare cosmic show that’ll be visible to the naked eye.
Despite its shimmering appearance of purple light in the night sky, STEVE is actually quite a complicated guy.
A recent solar storm triggered auroras around the world, but as millions watched this celestial display, its effects were also seen at the bottom of the ocean.
“We have a very rare event on our hands," according to space weather forecasters.
This historically large sunspot, now 15 times wider than Earth, rivals the one linked to the colossal solar storm of 1859.
Europe’s Solar Orbiter has captured surreal video of the Sun’s atmosphere, revealing a slew of fascinating—and jaw dropping—stellar features.
The brightest gamma-ray burst of all time came from a supernova but mysteriously didn't show signs of heavy elements.
The dazzling red features, witnessed by millions during totality, were anticipated as a result of the Sun nearing its solar maximum phase.
The Parker Solar Probe flew through a coronal mass ejection in 2021, finding clues that are helping to unravel the mystery of space weather.
The upcoming eclipse, occurring during the solar maximum when the Sun regularly expels material into space, could offer a unique viewing experience.
Things are heating up on the Sun, with two solar flares exploding almost at the exact same time on opposite ends of the star.
In a rare cosmic event, an asteroid will eclipse Betelgeuse on December 11, causing a brief but significant disappearance of this bright, red star.
The long-duration radio emissions were seen over a large sunspot on our star’s surface, revealing a previously unknown stellar phenomenon.
The planet’s atmosphere is mixing with particles, producing a newly discovered infrared aurora.
Cats, bats, wombats, and polar bears are among the latest mammals to reveal an ability to fluoresce.
The quest to “kiss the Sun” has led to unprecedented distance and speed records, as Parker continues its historic exploration of our host star.
The intrepid little spacecraft flew through a coronal mass ejection, helping scientists understand space weather.
Researchers utilized a camera hack on the Solar Orbiter to reveal a part of the Sun's atmosphere that was previously impossible to see.
Both solar flares were X-class events, the most intense and energetic storms the Sun can emit.
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