Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Model experiment description paper
16 May 2022
Model experiment description paper |  | 16 May 2022

Description of historical and future projection simulations by the global coupled E3SMv1.0 model as used in CMIP6

Xue Zheng, Qing Li, Tian Zhou, Qi Tang, Luke P. Van Roekel, Jean-Christophe Golaz, Hailong Wang, and Philip Cameron-Smith

Data sets

The E3SMv1.0 historical simulations E3SM project

The E3SMv1.0 SSP585 future simulations E3SM project

The E3SMv1.0 historical GHG-only simulations E3SM project

The E3SMv1.0 SSP585-GHG future simulations E3SM project

Model code and software

The E3SMv1.0 model code E3SM project

Executable research compendium (ERC)

The run scripts used in this study E3SM project

Short summary
We document the model experiments for the future climate projection by E3SMv1.0. At the highest future emission scenario, E3SMv1.0 projects a strong surface warming with rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land runoff. Specifically, we detect a significant polar amplification and accelerated warming linked to the unmasking of the aerosol effects. The impact of greenhouse gas forcing is examined in different climate components.