Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
Model description paper
04 May 2015
Model description paper |  | 04 May 2015

A generic approach to explicit simulation of uncertainty in the NEMO ocean model

J.-M. Brankart, G. Candille, F. Garnier, C. Calone, A. Melet, P.-A. Bouttier, P. Brasseur, and J. Verron

Abstract. In this paper, a generic implementation approach is presented, with the aim of transforming a deterministic ocean model (like NEMO) into a probabilistic model. With this approach, several kinds of stochastic parameterizations are implemented to simulate the non-deterministic effect of unresolved processes, unresolved scales and unresolved diversity. The method is illustrated with three applications, showing that uncertainties can produce a major effect in the circulation model, in the ecosystem model, and in the sea ice model. These examples show that uncertainties can produce an important effect in the simulations, strongly modifying the dynamical behaviour of these three components of ocean systems.

Short summary
In this paper, a simple and generic implementation approach is presented, with the aim of transforming a deterministic ocean model (like NEMO) into a probabilistic model. With this approach, several kinds of stochastic parameterizations are implemented to simulate the non-deterministic effect of unresolved processes, unresolved scales, and unresolved diversity. The method is illustrated with three applications, showing that uncertainties can produce a major effect in the model simulations.