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New Mobile Ads Showcase App puts the best of mobile ads in agencies’ hands

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 | 9:31 AM

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Smartphones and tablets can be great creative canvases for brand advertisers, and many agencies are helping brands go big on mobile. But it’s hard for agencies and advertisers to experience the full interactivity of mobile rich media -- mobile video and HTML5 ads --  through static images alone. Last night at our annual Creative Sandbox event in New York, we unveiled the new Mobile Ads Showcase App, which lets you experience mobile ads exactly as your users will.

The app lets you explore what best-in-class advertisers are doing with mobile rich media, and learn about all that’s possible with Google Mobile Ads. Additionally, agencies can use the app as their mobile portfolio by coding, testing and uploading their HTML5 ad examples to the MRAID-compliant “My Ads” screen. The app is now available for Android smartphones and tablets through the Google Play Store.

See the app in action and learn more about how it works on the Creative Sandbox site.

Posted by: Jessica Sapick, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads

Innovative Swipeable Gallery ad unit for tablet launches new destination for Finnair, with 5% of impressions leading to an interaction

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 | 7:00 AM

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How do you inspire excitement around an exotic travel destination that many people have never heard of? For Finnair, the answer came in the form of the new Swipeable Gallery ad for tablets. In a CPM campaign running across six European markets, nearly 5% of the impressions Finnair achieved led to an interaction. Of these interactions, 60% clicked to enter a competition and 12% clicked through to view fares on the site with the possibility to purchase.

The seeds for this success were sewn earlier this year Finnair when became the first airline to operate non-stop flights between Europe and Chongqing, China. While China’s importance among business and leisure travellers is rocketing, Finnair faced a challenge in stimulating tourism to the destination. Because travel to exotic places is an inherently sensory and immersive experience, the airline aimed to unleash the most stimulating and emotive advertising imaginable.

The goals? First, the campaign needed to be highly visual and interactive, leading people to learn as much as possible about the destination in a short space of time. Second, Finnair wanted to drive users to register for a competition (with the prize being a pair of round-trip tickets to Chongqing) and ultimately visit Finnair’s website to check the current fare offers with the opportunity to purchase tickets.

Finnair seized the Swipeable Gallery ad format as the ideal union of performance with branding. This format is part of Google’s Rich Media Designs for Mobile, a set of templates making it easy for display marketers to create rich media ads using existing assets and to implement them across platforms including mobile and tablet. In essence, the designs enable advertisers to create beautiful and highly interactive ads with no HTML5 expertise.

The Swipeable Gallery ad used by Finnair consists of links to make a booking or to enter the competition. But the main content of the ad is a range of compelling imagery from cityscapes to ancient sculptures to tantalising local food. The viewer can swipe horizontally to browse the gallery. Clicking on any image will expand it to full screen size, effectively allowing the viewer to dive into the irresistable sights of Chongqing.

Want to learn more about the tablet’s potential for driving awareness and sales? Read the full case study here.

Posted by: Matt Brocklehurst, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads

New Branded Video mobile ads bring Dishonored action video game to life and record a 13% click-through rate

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 | 7:00 AM

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An inspiring mobile ad campaign for the new video game Dishonored drove viewers to a four-minute trailer on, achieving an incredibly successful click-through rate of 13% over the 12 days that it ran. By incorporating the Dishonored promotional trailer into the new Branded Video format from Google’s Rich Media Designs for Mobile, the short clip created serious excitement around the game in a compelling new way.

Dishonored is a first-person neo-Victorian stealth action-adventure video game. Because it’s not part of an established franchise, its creators Bethesda Softworks needed to grab the attention of gamers and educate them very quickly about the unique gameplay of Dishonored. So when Bethesda gave its agency Target Media the task of raising awareness about the brand-new game, everyone was in agreement: Dishonored deserved advertising as visually remarkable and as captivating as the game itself.

The idea was to use the visually stunning announcement trailer to establish Dishonored in a front-of-mind position among the game’s tech savvy target market, building up awareness in the key demographic in the lead-up to the game’s launch. Target Media understood that the target audience of early adopters and committed gamers were likely to be heavy users of smartphones and tablets, so the Branded Video format for mobile was a perfect fit. Google’s Rich Media Designs for Mobile templates are designed to make it easy for advertisers to create ads using existing assets and then implement them across platforms including mobile and tablet. All Target Media had to do was use the Branded Video template to embed a short 20-second version of the game’s trailer on a backdrop comprising a key image from the game. By using just these two assets, the cost and turnaround time of the custom ad unit was kept to a minimum.

The clip plays with full in-line video and audio, meaning that the user can view it in place rather than being redirected outside of the ad to the native video player or their device. The aim was to get the maximum number of targeted views for the short trailer and also to drive users to click to Bethesda’s YouTube channel to watch the full four-minute version. The ad ran on the AdMob network, which provided the perfect platform to reach an audience of gamers when they were on their mobile devices. The timing of the AdMob campaign was coordinated with desktop efforts to complete a powerful multi-screen approach.

To learn more about the campaign’s success, see the full case study here.

Posted by: Matt Brocklehurst, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads

“Uncover Your World” with AdMob rich media and the Google Search app

Friday, August 26, 2011 | 11:00 AM

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Here on the Google mobile ads team, we’re big fans of pushing the limits of what’s possible with our products. So when we were thinking about the best way to promote the Google Search app on iPhone, we wanted to see what we could do with the latest in AdMob rich media.

The answer, it turned out, was a whole lot. We worked closely with our marketing team and its agency, Grow Interactive, to create “Uncover Your World,” an interactive mobile experience that takes full advantage of AdMob’s rich media capabilities.

Here’s a preview:

(l-r): User clicks on an in-app animated HTML5 banner; They watch an in-line intro video; While exploring the ad, users can unlock secret games
And here’s a video where you can see how the ad actually works:

“Uncover Your World” invites you to explore a virtual cityscape and learn via a self-paced storyline how the Google Search app can “uncover” facts about the world around you with features like search with your voice and search with your phone’s camera. We highlighted this functionality by combining many of AdMob’s custom rich media features, including:
  • Animated HTML5 banners
  • Interactive HTML5 interstitials and expandables
  • Extensive video content
  • In-line video and audio, so the users stay within the ad while experiencing sight, sound and motion instead of being directed to the phone’s media player (e.g., Quicktime for iPhone)
  • Unlockable games where users tap, touch, and tilt to play

The preliminary results of the campaign have been impressive. On average, users spend over a minute and a half interacting with the ad, and of those, 50% go on directly from the ad to download the app.

As excited as we are about these results, we’re even more excited to see how “the pros” – our advertisers and their creative agencies – make use of the technologies behind the “Uncover Your World” campaign. As the campaign showed, the tools are all now there to build really innovative new mobile experiences that make use of the touchscreen, location, audio, video, interactivity, and more.

Designers... start your engines!

Posted by Clay Bavor, Product Management Director, Mobile Ads

You can also view the ad experience directly at on your iPhone browser.

AdMob campaign drives unprecedented user engagement for Unilever

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 | 10:07 AM

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When Unilever launched it’s new Lynx Excite product, they commissioned simple but powerful advertising creative. The video ads promoted a fragrance so irresistible it causes angels to fall from the sky. Unilever knew from the start that they wanted the film to work across a variety of formats, reaching not just TV viewers but also cinema visitors and mobile users.
For the mobile component of the Lynx Excite campaign, they were immediately drawn to the AdMob platform. AdMob enables advertisers to engage with mobile users across mobile platforms to maximize reach with their target audience.

In order to provide the most engaging experience possible for mobile users, Unilever built a robust HTML5 mobile landing page for the campaign. Mobile banner ads led users to an extended advertising experience, where a rotating halo enabled navigation through the microsite. A visitor could view the television ad, see exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and enjoy interactive features including tips, tricks and tools.

Through AdMob, the ads achieved results that far surpassed expectations. In all, 149 million impressions were served and 690,000 unique visitors accessed the content. On all devices, users spent approximately two minutes actively engaging with the Lynx brand storytelling. In terms of this phenomenal reach and high levels of engagement, the mobile advertising achieved unprecedented results for Unilever. 
Posted by Vicky Homan, Google Mobile Ads Marketing Team

Advertisers driving engagement on tablets with AdMob’s new rich media templates

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 | 10:37 AM

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In late May, AdMob commemorated its one-year anniversary at Google by launching new rich media ad templates for tablets. These templates take advantage of tablets’ larger screen sizes, high-res graphics, touch screens and multimedia capabilities to drive deep engagement with mobile audiences.

  • Branded Video:  Branded Video allows advertisers to showcase both video and full-screen creatives simultaneously to users. The unit features inline video and audio, meaning that the video plays within the ad unit, instead of being displaced to the tablet’s native video player (e.g., QuickTime for iPad).
  • Image Gallery: The Image Gallery allows advertisers to showcase multiple products to users in an interactive manner. Users can swipe across different product images and can zoom in to any product image full-screen by a simple tap or pinch-out gesture.
  • 360-Degree Image: The 360-Degree Image format engages users by allowing them to rotate and visualize a product as if it were held in their hands.
Currently, these templates can be shown within AdMob’s Interstitial ad units, which are displayed within the network’s top iPad apps. Check out the video below which illustrates the Interstitial ad in action along with the rich media templates used by our launch advertisers -- Sephora, Reebok, Gilt Groupe and Coldwell Banker.

Our launch partners have been excited with the initial results from the beta, reporting impressive interaction rates, which indicate when a user has taken further action within the ad whether it be visiting the advertiser’s website for more info or downloading the advertiser’s app. Coldwell Banker and Reebok reported interaction rates of 7% and 6% respectively. Gilt which is still running its campaign is seeing 15% interaction rates.

While AdMob advertisers continue to produce successful rich media campaigns with custom creatives, these templates provide a compelling alternative for brands looking to get their rich media campaigns up and running quickly.

Posted by Ben Chung, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile Ads

Delivering Mobile Branding at Scale with DoubleClick Rich Media

Monday, May 23, 2011 | 7:50 AM

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AdMob is excited to announce that rich media ads can now be served from DoubleClick into the AdMob network. This feature is currently in beta and will also enable advertisers to create and measure rich media ads from DoubleClick Rich Media. 

To date, AdMob advertisers have relied on AdMob systems to serve their mobile rich media ads. Today, the beta will pave the way for advertisers in mobile to build, serve, manage and report on rich media ad units using the DoubleClick tools that they, and their agencies, are already familiar with. Creative agencies will be able to use DoubleClick Studio, a creative platform for producing rich media ads, to output rich, HTML5 mobile creatives for placement on AdMob apps. Media agencies will be able to use DoubleClick’s ad server, DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA), to serve and report on rich media ads in mobile.  

To date, advertisers on DoubleClick have enjoyed the ability to build an ad once and run it anywhere with online display and rich media ads. AdMob’s beta with DoubleClick gets us one step closer to making this possible for mobile display advertising too. 

Posted by Ben Chung, Product Marketing Manager
