Setting up for Development

CocoaPods is a collection of ruby gems. It is possible to clone them individually and set up a bundler environment for working in CocoaPods. However, for someone new to high-level library development in ruby this comes with a high learning curve.

<Working on CocoaPods

If you're not sure where your changes are going to be, you may way to look at the Core Components to get a sense of where the change will take place.

Once in the correct gem you should verify that all specs pass and all examples build. ( See rake -T for other per-gem based tasks. )

$ rake spec
$ rake examples:build

Create your patch, verify all specs still pass and examples still build, and create a pull request.

<Using latest pod command

If you would like to run latest pod command in terminal for you project.

You could run it with full path, i.e.

path/to/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/bin/pod install

For convenience you could add the next alias to you .zshrc or .bashrc or similar:

alias pod-dev='path/to/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/bin/pod'

Other advanced aliases:

If you want to autoload Pry and the Awesome Print gems set the COCOA_PODS_ENV environment variable to development. This can be done with an alias like:

alias pod-dev='COCOA_PODS_ENV=development path/to/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/bin/pod'