Asia Family Office Foundation

Asia Family Office Foundation

Non-profit Organizations

A unique family office foundation with Asia focus

About us

Welcome to the Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) ! We are a professional organization dedicated to supporting and empowering family offices in Hong Kong and across Asia. Our mission is to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, policy advocacy, talent development, and best practices among family offices, bankers, government officials, wealth managers, industry professionals, and other service providers.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


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    JCG Building, 16 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 九龙旺角旺角道16号日本信用大厦

    Kowloon, HK

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  • Hi all, Happy New Year! 🎊 🎊 Join US! Let's join the Asia Family Office Foundation Community! Registration of membership: If you have not become a member of the Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF), you should consider registering ASAP; as this membership status will grant you the priority to participate in the abovementioned and upcoming events (organized by AFOF) for free. 【Challenges and Opportunities of Family Office in 2025】 This is a popular event as one of the signature events during International Financial Week (IFF), there are limited seats (on site) available, so feel free to register as an AFOF member and the event at your earliest convenience! Be there or be square!! Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF)

  • 由國際產業領導精英聯盟(IBLA) 主辦,亞洲家族辦公室基金會(AFOF)協辦的「中國香港國際獎」頒獎典禮,早前於香港故宮文化博物館圓滿舉行。 該獎項旨在表彰卓越成就並推動產業發展,涵蓋不同領域產業,包括社會貢獻、促進經濟發展及各方面成就指標。今年主要頒發年度三大上市公司、最具影響力人物及最具影響力企業獎項。 是次頒獎典禮除聚集一帶一路及香港國際商界翹楚,更吸引超過 200位來自政商界人士及多家頂流企業主管,共同商討合作發展及企業品牌,拓展國際重要時刻。 活動另設家族辦公室論壇環節, 由亞洲家族辦公室基金會 Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) 聯席會長 黃敏碩 (Michael M.S. Wong) 主持, 以品牌及傳承影響力為主題, 及探討內地資本市場變革, 與國際資本互動情況。 AFOF 副會長 梁駿謙 (Jacky Leung, CFA, FRM, MBA (HKU)), 除為論壇嘉賓外, 也是活動組委會理事長, 並被委任為產業聯盟主席, 身兼多職積極策動是次盛事。 附上連結及相片分享: 歡迎加入成為 AFOF 正式會員! 會員登記連結: #AFOF #家族辦公室 #品牌 #傳承

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  • 財知大道 | 新城財經台訪問 (2025年01月17日) 亞洲家族辦公室基金會 (Asia Family Office Foundation) 聯席會長 黃敏碩 (Michael M.S. Wong),於農曆年前接受 新城財經台 【財知大道】邀請訪問,與節目主持分享送龍迎蛇投資部署, 由環球市場布局、行業、宏觀經濟、政局至融入不同另類資產配置, 本港上市融資和成立家族辦公室優勢和定位角色, 有興趣可登入連結收聽。 順祝各位蛇年如意吉祥, 財源滾滾! 足本內容重溫 下載聲音檔案收聽: 節目重溫連結: 歡迎加入成為 AFOF 正式會員! 會員登記連結: #財知大道 #新城財經台 #AFOF #蛇年投資 #家族辦公室 #資產部署 #財富增值

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  • 繼·族·財富 | 新城財經台訪問 (2025年01月19日) 亞洲家族辦公室基金會 (Asia Family Office Foundation) 副會長 顧向聖 (Peter Koo),很榮幸接受 香港恒生大學 及 新城電台 聯合製作節目 【繼·族·財富】邀請訪問,與節目主持 恒生大學協理(知識交流)副校長 梁偉強博士 (John Leung) ,分享個人成長背景,於會計及金融科技行業發展經歷,中港與歐美家族辦公室的定位,對家族憲法和成立信託配合需求, 及披露 AFOF 近期活動和未來動態,內容資料豐富,有興趣可收聽分享。 主持:梁偉強博士 恒生大學協理(知識交流)副校長 嘉賓:顧向聖 亞洲家族辦公室基金會(AFOF)副會長 節目重溫連結: 足本內容重溫 第1節: 第2節: 下載聲音檔案收聽: 第1節: 第2節: 歡迎加入成為 AFOF 正式會員! 會員登記連結: #新城財經台 #恒生大學 #繼族財富 #家族辦公室 #財富傳承 #家族憲法

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  • 【推動AI和生物科技融合發展 打造中國企業出海橋頭堡】 由中美大健康產䅁業投資併購聯盟, 與亞洲家族辦公室基金會 Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF)共同舉辦【推動AI和生物科技融合發展 打造中國企業出海橋頭堡】閉門論壇, 活動反應熱烈, 共邀請近50名嘉賓出席, 包括從事生物科技、大健康、醫療、生命科學、金融資本及家族辦公室管理等不同產業翹楚出席。 亞洲家族辦公室基金會(AFOF)副會長 梁駿謙 (Jacky Leung, CFA, FRM, MBA (HKU)) , 及霍英東集團董事會董事霍震宇, 為是次活動其中主禮嘉賓及致辭。另港交所及科學園亦有派代表及專家出席, 講解不同募資途徑資訊。 事實上該聯盟冀能通過匯聚傑出人才和領先企業, 關注技術最前沿發展, 推動研發成果商業化與產業化, 賦能生物科技行業進步, 為技術交流、知識共享和探索生科領域的商業機會。 中美大健康產業論壇在香港成功舉辦 中美生物科技投資並購高峰論壇會展舉行 為生物科技帶來新機遇 歡迎加入成為 AFOF 正式會員! 會員登記連結: Michael M.S. Wong #AFOF #AI #生物科技

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  • 50+ Speakers 100+ Exhibitors 7000+Attendees Please join the【Wiki Finance Expo HK 2025】at sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck on March 27th, 2025. Get Free Tickets here:: Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) is thrilled to be the supporting partner of the event this year and highly recommends that our members and professionals attend to witness the future! ✨Join us on March 27! WikiEXPO #WikiEXPO2024HongKong #BridgingTrustExploringBest #WikiEXPO2025 #WikiEXPO #AFOF

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  • 【AFOF x IFW】International Financial Week (IFW) Side Event : 【Challenges and Opportunities of Family Office in 2025】 On 13 January 2024 during the International Financial Week (IFW), coordinated by HKTDC 香港貿易發展局, the Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) hosted an insightful panel discussion at the PwC 羅兵咸永道 office. This event attracted nearly 100 attendees coming from single and multi-family offices, and practitioners in accounting, legal and compliance, trust service, asset management & wealth management. Thanks to Mr. Charles Ng from InvestHK 香港投資推廣署 for his opening speech, which explored what makes Hong Kong a prime location for family offices seeking growth opportunities and its unique advantages. Our vice president, Mr. Peter Koo hosted the panel discussion, and led distinguished speakers, including Ms. Joy Chen 陈楚凡, Mr. Cliff Ip, and Mr. Michael K. C. Kung, on the developments and trends shaping the family office landscape in 2025, and shared their real-life case studies and clear momentum. How to prepare for the rising and potential new taxes, and cybersecurity threats by increasing digital transformation, with many family offices underinvested in operational technology, are the main challenges of family offices this year. Embracing technology improves efficiency, reduces costs, aids in decision-making, and supports security, risk management, and investment operations. For the opportunity side, family governance and the constitution are becoming much more popular in succession planning and family business growth in APAC. We can catch up on the growth in APAC and the Middle East, leverage their unique opportunities, also adapt to geopolitical changes, and capitalize on the opportunities. like private credit, digital assets, art, gemstones, and green bonds, to explore the diversification in their portfolios. Let's join the AFOF Community! Registration of membership: Asian Financial Forum (AFF) Asia Family Office Foundation Asia Family Office Foundation CPA Australia Famille Trust Limited 家。承信託有限公司 #FamilyOffice #IFW #InternationalFinancialWeek #AFF2025

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  • AFOF x International Financial Week (IFW) Side Event : 【Challenges and Opportunities of Family Office in 2025】 The landscape for family offices in 2025 presents both challenges and opportunities - Challenges: Taxation and Political Uncertainty: Rising taxes and potential new taxes are significant concerns. Political changes and global unrest, such as Trump 2.0, regional warfare, and geopolitical conflicts, can also impact investment strategies. Cybersecurity Threats: With increasing digital transformation, cybersecurity remains a top concern. Many family offices have faced cyber-attacks, highlighting the need for robust security measures. Technological Investment: Many family offices are underinvested in operational technology, which is crucial for modern business operations. This can hinder efficiency and scalability. Opportunities: We will tell you more... AFOF will host a panel discussion: 【Challenges and Opportunities of Family Office in 2025】. This is one of the International Financial Week (IFW) side event activities. Date: 13 January 2025 (Monday) Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd 21/F, Edinburgh Tower, 15 Queen's Road, The Landmark, Central Duration: 2.5 hours (17:00 – 19:30) Organizer: Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) Supporting Organizations: CPA Australia Famille Trust Limited 家。承信託有限公司 Free Registration: Onsite and Zoom (Priority for AFF Delegates and AFOF members) Opening Speech: Mr. Charles Ng, Associate Director - General InvestHK 香港投資推廣署, HKSAR Host : Mr. Peter Koo, Vice President, Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) Panelists: Ms. Joy Chen, Partner, PwC Private Clients & Family Office Services: Tax & Business Advisory Services Mr. Cliff Ip, Partner, Wings Capital CPA Australia Divisional President 2024-Greater China Mr. Michael K. C. Kung, Managing Director, Famille Trust Limited 家。承信託有限公司 Please join us! International Financial Week (IFF) Event Calendar About International Financial Week (IFW) Let's join the AFOF Community! Registration of membership: #FamilyOffice #IFW #InternationalFinancialWeek #AFF

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  • 百年基業之穩定 | 家族傳承的智慧 唐佳語 家族傳承助理研究員 在傳統觀念中,家族傳承往往聚焦於物質財富的分配。然而,真正的傳承遠不止於此。一個家族的基業之所以能夠長盛不衰,往往是因為它擁有獨特的家族文化、價值觀和經營理念。這些無形的資產,才是家族企業得以永續經營的基石。 百年老店李錦記、洛克斐勒基金會、李嘉誠家族……這些熟悉的名字,無不是家族企業的典範。他們之所以能將家族企業傳承數代,並不斷壯大,正是因為他們不僅傳承了財富,更傳承了一代又一代的企業家精神。 【家族基金會:回饋社會實現慈善事業】 洛克斐勒家族透過建立洛克斐勒基金會,將家族財富用於教育、醫療、科 學等領域,實現慈善事業。同時,家族成員積極參與企業經營,將家族企業多 角化發展,降低了單一產業的風險。他們的成功在於將家族財富與社會責任結 合,並建立了完善的家族治理結構,確保家族事業的長期發展。 ·永續發展: 將財富用於公益事業,不僅能幫助他人,也能促進社會的發展, 進而為家族創造更長遠的發展機會。 ·分散風險: 透過將家族企業多元化發展,洛克斐勒家族有效地分散了經營風 險,降低了對單一產業的依賴。 【家族委員會:家族成員共同參與討論與決策的平台】 李錦記第三代傳承人透過設立家族委員會,將家族治理制度化,從策略高 度規劃家族發展,而不只關注企業的經營現狀。委員會的工作不僅只關注企業 的經營現狀,還包括了對家族憲法、家族價值觀、傳承和後代培養,目的在為 家族的長期繁榮奠定堅實基礎,避免家族內部的紛爭。 ·專業化管理: 家族委員會的設立,標誌著家族治理從傳統的個人決策轉變為 現代化的製度化管理。 ·統一價值觀: 透過家族委員會,家族成員能夠共同探討、確立並傳承家族的 核心價值觀,增強家族成員之間的凝聚力,為家族的長期發展提供思想上的統 一。 【制定遺囑及繼承計畫:明確財產分配,避免家族爭議】 香港首富,全球華人商界領袖李嘉誠曾公開說。 「用分家來傳承,而不是 在自己過世後,下一代用訴訟來分家」。 李嘉誠將家族的主要資產分配給長子李澤鉅,讓他接管家族企業,而給予次子李澤楷充足的資金,讓他獨立發展。這種分配方式既保證了家族企業的穩定發展,也為每個子嗣提供了充分的發展空間。 ·事先規劃: 李嘉誠很早就開始著手家族傳承的規劃,並與子女充分溝通,避 免了突如其來的變故導致家族內部的紛爭。 ·以身作則: 過程中展現出了高風亮節,為其他家族樹立了榜樣。 Asia Family Office Foundation #家族傳承 #李錦記 #家族基金會 #永續發展 #家族委員會

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  • 【Philanthropy and ESG Forum: Driving Impact in a Changing World】 Asia Family Office Foundation (AFOF) is dedicated to advancing Philanthropy, ESG, and Impact Investment. We co-hosted a seminar with Ernst & Young (EY) 安永 and Orbis Hong Kong, providing insights on how family offices can engage in philanthropy while addressing ESG challenges and opportunities, thus fostering a sustainable and impactful future. Dr. Annelotte Walsh presented on private social investment, social enterprises, and impact investing alongside distinguished experts Ms Karina Wong, Ms. Karen Ho, Mr. Peter Koo (Vice President@AFOF), Mr. Li Fan, and Dr. Tabitha Hui in a panel discussion titled "The Evolving Role of Family Offices in Philanthropy and ESG," focusing on how family offices adapt their strategies to incorporate ESG principles. Also many thanks to Ms Sandra So, for sharing about Integrating Philanthropy in Eye Health and Driving Sustainable Impact. We express our gratitude to the organizing committee led by our vice president Mr. Jacky Leung, CFA, FRM, MBA (HKU), keynote speaker, and moderator for inspiring nearly 100 attendees. Let's join the AFOF Community! Registration of membership: Annabelle Ho Hugo Ngaw 柯曉宇 Emil Chan Michael M.S. Wong #FamilyOffice #Philanthropy #ESG #ImpactInvestment #Sustainability

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