GoSmart GoBeyond MTRC 新洪水橋站簡介會. 多謝Walter水哥精彩演出!👏👏👏今年會動工. 感謝HKIE 大型基建工作小組的悉心安排, Civil Division全力支持🤝
The HKIE Civil Division was founded in 1979, four years after the HKIE’s establishment by ordinance. It was a time when the city’s development had accelerated with the influx of immigrants from China and the expansion of the manufacturing sector. With the dedicated hands of our Committee, the Civil Division has grown to become the largest division within HKIE, with a current membership of over 9000. We are proud to be Civil Engineers with the extraordinary achievement our industry has made as a whole. With the recent boost of upcoming infrastructure projects, our Civil Division will continue to uphold the integrity and status of Civil Engineers by developing and promoting our professional, technical and ethical standards locally and internationally. 香港工程師學會土木分部成立於1979年,即香港工程師學會依法設立四年後。 當年,來自中國移民湧入和製造業擴張,加速城市發展。全靠委員會悉心的指導下,土木分部已經發展成為香港工程師學會中最大分部,目前擁有超過9000名會員。 我們對成為土木工程師所取得的非凡成就感到自豪。 隨著即將到來的大型基礎建設工程項目,土木分部將繼續透過本地,內地及國際上推廣我們的專業、技術和道德標準,維護土木工程師的誠信及國際地位。
External link for HKIE Civil Division
No. 1 Great George Street
9/F Island Beverley
Causeway Bay Hong Kong, HK
《Hackathon育成計劃》EP3 : Hackathon夏令營 今集製作組再準備咗兩個分別考驗佢哋【體力】同【腦力】嘅訓練,當中甚至有人遠赴外國進行特訓 (笑) 當然佢哋最後都難逃強制性溫書嘅命運啦~ 但係!! 到特訓完之後,製作組居然傳來一個令所有人震驚嘅重大宣佈! 到底佢哋嘅努力會唔會白廢呢? #香港工程師學會 #HKIE #土木分部 #CivilDivision #工程師 #創科 #人工智能 #ai #實測 #engineering #Innovation #ChatGPT #Hackathon #SmartCity #JCI #Tecky https://lnkd.in/gav-48u9