The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Professional Training and Coaching

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 6,510 followers

About us

Vision: Sustained Excellence in the Engineering Profession Mission: To promote the advancement of engineering and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas. To provide a broad range of services to members, to assist them in developing their careers and to play their full role in contributing to society. To maintain a high standard of the profession, and to raise the standing and visibility of engineers. HKIE’s Social Media Policy: Comments with inappropriate contents including but not limited to obscene, provocative, violent and criminal, sexually explicit, suicidal and self-injury suggestive, defamatory, hate speech which directly attack against an individual or a specific group, promotion or self-promotion, spam, misinformation, or other objectionable contents will be removed.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
10,001+ employees
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Engineering, Professional development, Qualifying body, and Learnt society


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  • 🏆【The HKIE 50th Anniversary Legacy Award】 Now OPEN for nominations Amidst the array of engineering milestones, which stand out as the most impactful in advancing societal progress in Hong Kong and across the globe? Let’s honour 50+ years of engineering excellence by nominating outstanding projects, technologies, and initiatives that have shaped our infrastructure, innovation, and industry, leaving an indelible mark on our city! ✨ 🔗 Nomination Form & Details: 📅 Closing Date: 5pm (Hong Kong Time), 31 December 2024 Corporate Members, your nominations will make a difference! 🌟 Join us in celebrating the legacy of engineering brilliance together! (Enquiries: #HKIE #HKIE50 #Engineering #Legacy #Award

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  • 📢 EXTENSION OF DEADLINE CALL FOR PAPERS: The Tenth Theme Issue of HKIE Transactions Topic: "Transforming Buildings for Smart and Healthy Indoor Environments" Guest Editors: Ir Prof Horace MUI Kwok Wai Extended Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024 🌱 Dive into the realm of smart and healthy living! This theme issue focuses on the innovative approaches and technologies that foster building intelligence, comfort, and well-being. We welcome your original contributions, both theoretical and practical, on the integration of cutting-edge technologies and design strategies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: • Intelligent building automation systems • Sustainable design practices • Use of advanced sensor networks for real-time monitoring • Modeling occupant behavior for optimised performance, and more. • Assessing and managing indoor environmental quality • Exploring energy-efficient technologies • Designing human-centric building environments • Utilising data analytics for building performance optimisation • Applying smart materials and technologies in building systems • Sharing case studies and best practices Submissions should be unpublished and currently not under consideration by other journals. All papers will undergo a rigorous peer review that focuses on the quality of the work and its relevance to the theme. 🔍 For detailed scope and submission guidelines, please visit our website: #CallForPapers #SmartBuilding #SustainableDesign #HKIE #HKIETransactions

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  • #聯盟入隊攻略 🚀踏實 就係邁向工程師之路🔧】 Hi👋🏻!我係Eva,今日同大家分享我嘅故事✨! 我之所以會成為Engineer Scarlett,其實係受我爸爸影響👨🔧。記得細個有次去中環遮打花園玩,身為機電工程師嘅佢好自豪咁話嗰個噴水池係佢負責嘅💦,仲解釋咗好多噴水池點樣循環供水嘅原理,同埋計算用水力度嘅方法🔧。嗰陣我唔係好明,但慢慢已經對工程學科產生咗興趣😲。 後來為咗成為工程師,我對自己要求好高📈。即使大學時期去澳洲Exchange🌏,我每日都用12個鐘溫習、做功課📖,課餘時間仲會去圖書館預習📚。 講咗咁多係想同大家分享幾個學習小貼士: 保持好奇心🔍:工程學科有好多嘢學,保持好奇心,唔怕問問題,會幫你學得更快! 時間管理⏰:好好安排時間溫習,唔好臨急抱佛腳,考試先唔會咁大壓力。 分解目標🎯:將大目標分解成細目標,可以令你更容易保持動力。 希望大家都可以喺工程學科搵到自己嘅興趣,同我哋一樣,將來亦成為工程師💪🏻! ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴ 👉🏻 Like 同 Share 呢篇文章畀你嘅朋友,一齊學多啲啦!👩🏻🔧👨🏻🔧 ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴ #HKIE #N展聯盟 #EngineerAlliance #HKIEMatters #工程師成長 #學習心得 #GenZ

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  • 🌟【Exchanging Insights on Hong Kong’s Professional Services】 Professional services are integral to Hong Kong's economy. Spanning across accounting, audit, tax, advisory, legal, and engineering sectors, these expert services are essential for the city's competitiveness, regulatory compliance, business efficiency, and overall economic growth. Senior Vice President Ir Alice Chow recently engaged in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion hosted by ACCA ( ACCA Hong Kong ) with thought leaders from diverse professional sectors in Hong Kong, with each contributing essential expertise that shape city’s business environment. Ir Chow emphasised the importance of embracing sustainability and innovation for Hong Kong’s financial prowess. As our professional landscape evolves, sustainability extend beyond environmental stewardship to encompassing long-term viability and resilience. Meanwhile, innovation drives efficiency and adaptability in this dynamic arena. The enriching exchange shed light on the power of collaboration and forward-thinking in shaping a prosperous future for Hong Kong and its professional services sector.  #Sustainability #Innovation

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  • 【SNIPF Visit to the HKIE】 On 7 November 2024, our Vice President, Ir Rupert LEUNG; Associate Director - Professional Standards & Services, Mr Wilbur PANG; and Senior Executive Manager – Learned Society, Ms Fonny LAM, welcomed Mr Gérard AUDOLY, President of the National Society of Professional Engineers of France (SNIPF), to our Headquarters. This visit by SNIPF marks a significant step towards establishing potential collaboration with engineering institutions in France, further strengthening our global connection. During the visit, Mr AUDOLY provided an overview of SNIPF’s history, noting that its certification was first accredited by the French Accreditation Committee in 1997. Since then, SNIPF has issued the internationally recognised Certificate of Competence of Professional Engineer (CDCIP), which is acknowledged in 196 affiliate countries. We also had the opportunity to share with Mr AUDOLY details about the HKIE’s structure, membership categories, and an overview of its Divisions and Disciplines. We look forward to exploring opportunities for collaboration with the SNIPF in the future, to the mutual benefit of both institutions. #HKIE #SNIPF #visit

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  • [🌟 Reminder: Young Engineer of the Year Award 2025 - Call for Nominations 🌟] Attention all HKIE members!                                                                                                            The nomination deadline for the Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA) 2025 is coming up soon—2 December 2024 (5:00 pm Hong Kong Time). If you are a Corporate Member of the HKIE and aged 35 or below, seize this opportunity to showcase your outstanding achievements and contributions to the engineering profession. For more details on eligibility and the nomination procedures, please visit Discover more about the YEYA 2024 awardee: Feature story in Hong Kong Engineer: Interview: #HKIE #HKIEAward #YoungEngineeroftheYearAward #YEYA2025 #HongKongEngineer 

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  • 【可持續發展】聯合國訂立可持續發展目標,旨在為未來建設更可持續、更美好的社會,與工程師以專業知識建設社會的理念不謀而合。香港工程師學會電機分部在可持續發展中扮演着重要的角色,憑藉專業技術例如物聯網的發展等,推動經濟適用的清潔能源,實現可持續的城市發展,並支持各行各業邁向可持續發展。 工程師不同專業均對可持續發展目標作出貢獻,想知道更多,可以觀看以下短片,了解工程師的工作。 #HKIE #香港工程師學會 #Engineering #SDGs #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #HKIEElectricalDivision #GrowtheNexusLinktheLinks

  • 【攜手合作】港鐵 (MTR Corporation Limited 香港鐵路有限公司) 通車45周年,多年來為市民提供快捷、方便和可靠的鐵路服務,亦為工程業界持續地培育優秀人才。香港工程師學會祝賀港鐵踏入45周年之喜,並祝願港鐵在未來的鐵路發展中繼續大展拳腳,為市民構建更全面的鐵路網絡,促進本地經濟及社會發展,繼續為培育本地工程人才出一分力。 #HKIE #香港工程師學會 #Engineering #MTR45 #MTR45Years #45YearsofTogetherness #GrowtheNexusLinktheLinks

    As we commemorate our 45th anniversary, we celebrate the collective efforts of our stakeholders who have been pivotal in our remarkable journey. Their unwavering support and collaborative spirit have shaped our success. Our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more years of innovation, safety, and service excellence! | #PaulChan | #LamSaiHung | #AndrewLeung | ben chan | Gary Zhang | #FredLam | Michael E. Moriarty | Ir Alice Chow | #StewartLeung | #AgnesChan | Bernard Charnwut Chan | #KimWingMok | Siu man Hsu | #MTR45 #MTR45Years #45YearsofTogetherness

  • [Public Lecture on The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2024] Join us for an insightful evening as the first authors of the awarded papers of The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2024 will share their research accomplishments at the Public Lecture ✨ 📣 Topics You Should Not Miss: 👉 Application of ‘Single Site, Multiple Use’ in sewerage project – a breakthrough trial in Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station Ir MUI Chi Kin, Drainage Services Department 👉 Machine learning model for dissolved gas analysis: methodological review with a case in Hong Kong Mr CHAN Tsz Ho, MTR Corporation Limited 👉 Environmental awareness in machines: a case study of automated debris removal using generative artificial intelligence and vision language models Miss CHAN Pui Ching Jolly, Drainage Services Department 📅 Event Details: Date: 11 December 2024 (Wednesday) Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (Registration starts at 6:15pm) Format: Hybrid (HKIE Headquarters / Zoom) Venue: HKIE Headquarters, 9/F, Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Language: English Free admission. Limited seats available on a first-come, first-served basis. 📝Register now by 4 December 2024 (Wednesday): Enquiry: #HKI #HKIETransactionsPublicLecture #TheHKIEOutstandingPaperAwardforYoungEngineersResearchers #EngineeringAward #MemberUnity

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  • #N展聯盟機密檔案 🌬️風力發電 真正風馳電「製」🔧】   你知道風力發電好環保🌱,但你知唔知點解風力發電機(簡稱風機)嘅葉片一般係三片,唔係兩片或者四片呢🤔?   首先,我哋要了解風力發電嘅基本原理🔋: 1️⃣ 當風吹過葉片,會形成壓力差,令葉片旋轉; 2️⃣ 葉片轉動會帶動轉軸,通過齒輪箱提高轉速; 3️⃣ 最終帶動發電機發電⚡。   講返風機設計,研究顯示三片葉片嘅風機係擁有最高CP值嘅設計💡! ❌ 兩片葉片雖然轉速較高,但係會產生較大噪音🔊; ❌ 四片葉片雖然可以減少噪音,但就會增加成本💸,並且對發電效率提升有限; ✅ 因此,三片葉片成為Best Choice👍。   了解風力發電背後嘅工程技術,我哋一齊為環境出一分力🌱!   ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴ 👉🏻 Like 同 Share 風力發電知識畀你嘅朋友,一齊學多啲啦!👩🏻🔧👨🏻🔧 ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴   #HKIE #N展聯盟 #EngineerAlliance #HKIEMatters #風力發電 #清潔能源 #環保 #可再生能源

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