Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin

Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin


A Refreshing Urban Resort in Hong Kong

About us

Located adjacent to the University MTR Station in Sha Tin, our hotel offers a convenient getaway with lush greenery located steps from busy urban areas. Whether guests are exploring the natural side of Hong Kong, or staying in town for business, they are sure to find a welcoming guestrooms with full range of facilities.

Company size
201-500 employees
Sha Tin District
Privately Held


Employees at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin


  • 我們很榮幸宣布香港沙田凱悅酒店獲全球領先從事科學基準評測、認證及諮詢服務的綜合性機構EarthCheck頒發銀徽認證。此榮譽表揚酒店對可持續發展方面的貢獻。我們將持續改進並實現營運中的最佳實踐,與各位攜手邁向可持續發展的未來💚!   We are pleased to share that Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin has achieved EarthCheck Silver certification! EarthCheck is the world’s leading scientific benchmarking certification and advisory group for sustainable travel and tourism. This recognition reflects our steadfast dedication to sustainability. We will continue to enhance our operations and adopt best practices. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a more sustainable future💚!   #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #Sustainability

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  • We are delighted to announce that Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin has received a CrescentRating of 3 for Muslim-friendly accommodation🎉 from CrescentRating, the world’s leading authority on Muslim travel. We have thoughtfully tailored our room facilities and dining options to enhance the experience for Muslim travellers, including providing prayer essentials and a Muslim-friendly in-room dining menu in guestrooms, alcohol-free beverages in the minibar, as well as information on Muslim travel in Hong Kong. We are pleased to take another step forward in our journey towards becoming a more inclusive hotel✨. 香港沙田凱悅酒店榮獲國際知名的穆斯林旅遊指標「新月評等」認證為3級穆斯林友善住宿殊榮🎉。酒店提供專為穆斯林旅客而置的客房配套及餐飲服務,包括在房間內提供祈禱必需品和穆斯林友善的客房送餐服務菜單、迷你酒吧內供應無酒精飲品,以及穆斯林遊港資訊。我們將致力打造更和諧共融的空間,為各位帶來舒適無憂的住宿體驗✨。 #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #CrescentRating #HalalTrip #MuslimTravel

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  • 作為本地慈善機構香港乳癌基金會的粉紅絲帶夥伴,我們很高興在10月20日參加基金會的年度籌款活動「乳健同行 2024」,穿上粉紅裝束支持及推廣乳房健康的重要性。 與我們一起支持十月國際乳癌關注月,戴粉紅衣飾傳播愛心💕。 As the Pink Ribbon Partner of the local charity Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF), we were grateful to dress pink and join their annual signature charity walk, “Pink Walk 2024” on 20 October to raise public awareness about breast cancer and promote the importance of breast health. We invite everyone to join this movement during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Slip into something #PINK and let our outfit do the talking💕. #Hyatt #HyattRegency #WorldOfCare #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #HongKongBreastCancerFoundation #HKBCF #PinkMonth #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #WorkAtHyatt #PinkRevolution #PinkWalk #TogetherWeCan

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  • Recently, we had the pleasure of visiting a local farm supported by the nonprofit organization Zero Foodprint Asia (ZFPA), which aids farmers in switching to regenerative agricultural methods, enhancing both soil health and crop quality. At Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin, we extend our commitment to caring for the planet. One of the ways is our participation in ZFPA’s 1% Pledge programme, by donating an extra 1% of the customer's bill at all of our dining outlets and bar to fund food-related climate solutions. Thank you all for supporting our mission towards a more sustainable future. 最近,我們有幸到訪受非牟利組織零碳足食(亞洲)支援的本地農場,深入了解他們透過可持續的農耕方法提升土壤健康和農作物質量的過程及努力。 在香港沙田凱悅酒店,我們秉持關愛地球的承諾,包括參與零碳足食(亞洲)的「1%的承諾」計劃,酒店所有餐廳和酒吧均從客人帳單中捐出1%,資助組織對圍繞農業氣候的解決方案。感謝各位支持我們邁向更永續的未來。 #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #Sustainability #ZeroFoodprintAsia

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  • 在10月16日,香港沙田凱悅酒店很榮幸獲邀出席由海洋公園「逆瀕行動」舉辦的「食本地鮮」啟動禮暨業界交流會。行政總廚張康民師傅更參與專題討論,分享餐飲業和漁農業之間跨界合作及把本地食材融入酒店餐廳菜單的心得。 再次恭喜沙田18及餅店加入「食本地鮮」計劃🎉!讓我們一同支持本地食材,逐步養成低碳健康飲食習慣,邁向可持續發展的未來💚! On 16 October, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin was honoured to attend the "Eat Local" Kick-off Ceremony & Business Forum hosted by Ocean Park Corporation’s “Mission R”. Our Executive Chef Cheung Hong Man has taken part in the panel discussion, sharing his insights on collaboration between the catering industry and agriculture and fisheries, as well as the integration of local ingredients into our hotel restaurants’ menus. Congratulations again to Sha Tin 18 and Patisserie for joining the “Eat Local” campaign🎉! Let us support locally-grown produce, gradually develop low-carbon and healthy eating habits, and work towards a sustainable future💚! Photo Credit: Ocean Park Hong Kong #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyHongKongShaTin #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #Sustainability #EatLocal #食本地鮮

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  • 粉紅十月限定💗天天吧特飲 凱悅一直以來秉承核心理念 – 以「關愛」為經營品牌。十月為國際乳癌關注月,香港沙田凱悅酒店作為香港乳癌基金會的粉紅絲帶夥伴,推出兩款主題特飲,以喚醒大眾對乳癌的關注,並藉此支持香港乳癌基金會幫助乳癌患者踏上復康之路。 💖Pink Star雞尾酒 – 以毡酒、蛋白及士多啤梨蓉調配而成,香甜清新 💖Pink Punch無酒精特飲 – 用上鐵觀音、蜜桃、石榴糖漿做成沙冰,入口冰涼,茶香果香並重 兩款主題飲品將於整個十月在天天吧供應,部分收益將捐贈給香港乳癌基金會。 𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏💗𝑻𝒊𝒏 𝑻𝒊𝒏 𝑩𝒂𝒓 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔 Care has been at the heart of everything that we do at Hyatt. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as the Pink Ribbon Partner of the local charity Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin has curated two special drinks for raising public awareness of breast cancer and supporting the HKBCF in its mission to give hope to breast cancer patients on their road to recovery and advocate better cancer care in Hong Kong. 💖Pink Star – a refreshing cocktail crafted with gin, egg white, and strawberry puree 💖Pink Punch – a smoothie brimming with fruit and tea flavours, combining Tie Guan Yin, peach puree and Grenadine The two exclusive beverages are available at Tin Tin Bar throughout October. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation. #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #HongKongBreastCancerFoundation #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober

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  • 我們很高興地宣布咖啡廳成為香港首間餐廳獲得The PLEDGE on Food Waste的金級認證🎉,表揚員工在採購、儲存、準備和服務過程中減少食物浪費。另外,我們與LightBlue合作安裝廚餘監察系統,追蹤和比較廚餘量。我們亦有定期檢視和改善流程及政策,確保賓客了解酒店有關的措施並鼓勵他們負責任消費。過剩食物還會被捐贈至本地非謀利團體,而廚餘則被轉廢為能。衷心感謝我們的餐飲團隊和賓客為減少食物浪費和支持本地生態系統所作出的貢獻! We are excited to announce that Cafe is the first restaurant in Hong Kong to attain the Gold level of The PLEDGE™ on Food Waste 🎉. This achievement highlights our colleagues' commitment to reduce food waste in purchasing, storage, preparation, and service. We have also partnered with LightBlue to implement a food waste monitoring system that tracks and compares waste. We regularly review and enhance our processes and policies, ensuring customers are informed and encouraged to eat more responsibly. Besides, excess food is donated to local NGOs, while leftovers are converted into energy. A huge shout out to our Food and Beverage team and our customers for their contributions to reducing food waste and supporting local ecosystems! #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #WorldOfCare #Sustainability

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  • 沙田18及餅店現已正式加入由海洋公園「逆瀕行動」推出的「食本地鮮」計劃。兩間餐廳致力採用本地食材炮製美味菜式及美點,包括以本地養殖龍躉入饌的野山椒酸辣豆角箘蒸龍躉斑球和以沙田永和蜂蜜場出產的天然蜂蜜製成的沙田蜂蜜蛋糕及沙田蘋果批等。誠意邀請您與我們一起支持本地漁農業,為減低碳排放、改善環境出一分力! Sha Tin 18 and Patisserie have joined the “Eat Local” campaign organized by Ocean Park Corporation’s “Mission R”. Both restaurants are dedicated to using local ingredients to create delicious dishes and desserts, such as Steamed garoupa, preserved green beans, wild chilli made with locally-farmed garoupa , and the Sha Tin Honey Cake and the Sha Tin Apple Pie made with pure honey from Wing Wo Bee Farm in Sha Tin. Let’s support local agriculture and fisheries together to help reduce carbon emissions and enhance the environment! #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin #EatLocal #食本地鮮

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  • 心繫社區是凱悅集團的使命之一。由即日起至10月31日,餅店推出紅桑子玫瑰荔枝乳酪慕絲蛋糕,內含紅桑子玫瑰乳酪慕絲及紅桑子荔枝果凍,酸甜交雜,回味無窮。 售賣蛋糕的收益在扣除成本後將捐贈給「香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫」,以資助本地經濟困難的高危家庭進行基因測試、輔導及其他醫護服務,為遺傳性乳癌、卵巢癌和前列腺癌患者及其家人帶來甜蜜希望。 Caring for our communities is core to Hyatt's purpose. From now till 31 October, Patisserie is offering the Raspberry Rose and Lychee Yoghurt Mousse Cake. This cake features layers of raspberry rose yogurt mousse and raspberry lychee jelly, creating a delightful blend of sweet and tangy tastes. Proceeds from the cake sale, after deducting the costs, will be donated to Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry , in support of underserved high-risk families by providing genetic testing, counseling, and other clinical services, and bring sweet hope to patients with hereditary breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, and their families. #AsiaBreastRegistry #香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 #PinkDesserts2024 #Donation #CharitySale #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin #HyattShaTin

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  • 我們很高興地宣佈 #沙田18 被永續餐廳協會評為達到Food Made Good三星標準,以表揚餐廳在採購、社會和環境三方面作出良好的影響,包括採用本地小型農場出產的食材醬料,以及與零碳足食(亞洲)合作,協助農民推動再生農業。我們也致力採購可持續海鮮,為您送上健康又美味的菜式。我們將繼續推行不同可持續發展的措拖,為保護環境和社區作出更多貢獻。 We're thrilled to share that #ShaTin18 has earned three stars in the Food Made Good Standard by The Sustainable Restaurant Association for our positive impact on sourcing, society and the environment. This achievement showcases our dedication to using locally-sourced ingredients from small-scale farms and our partnership with Zero Foodprint Asia, helping regional farmers improve their environmental practices. We're also committed to sustainable seafood sourcing, bringing you delicious and healthy dishes. As we look forward to 2024 and beyond, we're excited to continue making a positive difference in Hong Kong’s hospitality scene for our planet and its people. #Hyatt #HyattRegency #HyattRegencyShaTin

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