John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd. reposted this
【Explore Biodiversity with Swire🌱🌊】 Society is constantly evolving, making the protection of our natural environment more crucial than ever. Swire is dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of its businesses and supporting the next generation in conserving resources, as well as fostering a harmonious coexistence between nature and urban life. 🌊 Exploring Rural Ecology The Swire Coastal Outreach Hub (SCOH), developed by The Swire Institute of Marine Science (SWIMS) of the University of Hong Kong, and funded by 太古基金 Swire Trust, aims to enhance public awareness of marine ecosystems through on-site tours that provide a unique insight into coastal research. SCOH seeks to inspire greater interest in marine conservation and encourage further measures to protect our seas. 🌱 Connecting with Urban Nature At Taikoo Place, Taikoo Square and Taikoo Garden feature over 260 native and exotic plant species, creating a green sanctuary for Quarry Bay residents and office tenant communities. These developments encourage a connection with nature and highlights the importance of biodiversity. Rural ecology and urban nature are both vital to our communities and to future generations. Let’s all join hands to protect the nature. Swire Properties #Swire #SwireTHRIVE #SwireTrust #SwireProperties #SwireProps #biodiversity #communities